Chapter 6

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You and Jungkook met Mr. Park, who claimed he'd seen someone that looked a bit too familiar to the picture Jungkook had sent. What you heard shook you to certain levels. You saw Lia.

You saw her in the recorded footage where she was having the time of her life after making your life a living hell!

"But she jumped th-" You were cut off by Mr. Park, "That was her, she jumped but was wearing a parachute, which she was seen wearing in this footage from the bike nearby." He started as your jaw dropped.

"We still need some solid proof, so it might take time. I suggest you keep pretending you don't know anything okay? Act clueless." He instructed as you and Jungkook nodded.

He got up as you both got up and bid your goodbyes and Jungkook drove you home. "Y/n please take care hmm? I love you." He smiled and stood out of the house holding your hands.

"Yes I will and you do too, eat well for me okay? And I love you too." You smiled as you let go of his hands and hugged him tightly before making your way in the house.

Jungkook drove off feeling relieved. You were very tired from today, and the lack of sleep wasn't making it any better. You were drinking water when a phone buzzed making you flinch.

You looked at where the sound was coming from. You were greeted with a very tired Taehyung who had swollen, bloodshot eyes indicating he cried. You were about to go to prepare him a bath.

A little earlier…
Taehyung  was waiting for Y/n when the phone buzzed in his hand, as he looked at the screen and saw the time, it was '12:00 am'..Just then, his eyes fell on his lock screen wallpaper. A picture of him and Lia where they both were looking and laughing at each other.

"Happy old days...Just to be ruined by that bitch!" He thought as he heard the door open, which meant you were home. Suddenly, he became angry and looked at your tired figure, wandering here and there in the house and drinking water.

You stopped moving when he looked up at you. You gulped at his dangerous gaze that was sparing daggers at your soul. "What did I do now?" You thought as you gulped hard after seeing a furious Taehyung making his way towards you.

The closer he came, the further you walked away. This continued until your back hit the wall and you looked down, feeling scared to look into his eyes.

"You...Because of you she left me. God, why did I even meet you?! You knew I loved her! Why?! You literally slept with like millions of boys so why did you-"

"Shut the fuck up Kim Taehyung! Know your limits!" You yelled, cutting him off. Well, Taehyung grew angrier as he grabbed your arm harshly, making you wince in pain. He forcefully dragged you upstairs, not caring if your legs hit the stairs as he pulled you aggressively.

The constant sound of your cries and pleads didn't get to him as he pushed you inside an empty room. "No matter how much you beg or shout or bang against the door, I ain't giving you any food or water! You dare to shout back at me huh?!" He growled at you and slammed the door shut as you looked down at your legs, which were now marked with new bruises and were burning bright red.

Your wrists had bruises, probably due to his harsh grip on your arms. You brought your knees up to your chest and hugged them, crying silently as your low sniffles and sobs echoed across the empty room. "I didn't do it on my own will!" You hiccupped as your cries got louder and louder, irritating a sleeping Taehyung in the next room.

"Ugh shut it already!" He yelled and you quickly covered your mouth with your hands, not wanting to bring more trouble to yourself.

Next Morning
The next morning was nothing but chaotic. "Y/N!! GET ME SOME ASPIRINS QUICKLY!" Taehyung yelled at you from the other room, as he clutched his head due to the terrible headache.

You flinched as you heard his loud voice echoing through the house. You quickly got up and hissed because of the bruises and cuts on your legs, you barely had energy to walk but as you did not want to bring yourself more trouble, you limped your way to his room.

"You need to have breakfast before taking the medicines, I will prepare it and come back." You said as you hurriedly went to the kitchen, still limping a bit. You returned with a tray full of English toast, pancakes and a bowl of fruits freshly cut and garnished with cream.

You knew his favorite breakfast because he always used to make you prepare this breakfast whenever he used to stay over. You smiled remembering the golden times, but quickly stopped yourself from smiling to not get in trouble.

He was always extremely picky about food. Taking a look at the tray full of his favorite delicacies, he groaned. "Again the same breakfast. You can't even cook anything special. Always the same terrible food. Do you even realize how useless you are?" He shouted, making you flinch.

His words stung your heart. You quietly swallowed the insults he hurled at you and calmly tried reasoning with him saying, "But isn't i-it your favorite food Taehy-" "OH JUST SHUT UP! Just shut up, you fucking idiot. You can't even do one thing properly. Look, the toast is burnt. You can't even prepare a toast properly and these pancakes? How much sugar have you added to it? Honestly, you're so worthless and incapable of doing anything. Lia was way better than you." He yelled.

"Alright then, make yourself some food and eat by yourself for all I care. I am doing what a "wife" should do but here you are, whining about food like a brat, what are you? A five year old?" You spat, oh boy he pushed your last buttons today.

"The worthless person here is you who doesn't even deserve humanity but here we are. You are the one who is incapable of doing anything because you couldn't hold onto your lover who was cheating on you and whoring around, spreading her legs for other men and here you compare me to her?! How DARE YOU?! I am Y/N AND SHE IS LIA AND SOMEONE WHO I WOULD NEVER WANT TO BE! Got it, Mr. Taehyung?! You are the one who is useless, not me. So if you have any other words to say please say them right now, I don't have time for your bullshits." You yelled back, breathing heavily out of anger.

He compared you to someone, who was his ex and he knew you hated being compared, yet he did it. And you couldn't take it anymore and lashed out on him.

"Y-You don't mean all of t-this, you're ly-" "Oh yes I mean it, more than anything that means so much to me in this entire world," You cut him off as you walked closer to him, "You ruined my fucking life, you made my parents go against me, hurt me, abused me, tormented me and mentally abused me! WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT TO DO HUH?! AT LEAST TREAT ME LIKE YOUR WIFE WHEN YOU FORCEFULLY MADE ME MARRY YOU!?" You yelled, making him gulp. He had never seen you this angry.

"You killed her." He stated in his defense.

"What proof do you have?" You replied coldly.

"I saw you kill her!" Taehyung yelled as you snickered. "Only if you came a little earlier, that slut wouldn't have to 'kill' herself to escape the fucking guilt-" You were cut off with him slapping you hard. "Dare say one more word and I will kill you with my own hands." He stated.

"You can't do that, you're a coward." You replied back in a soft voice, mocking and taunting him. What he hated was that it was true. He was a coward. Seeing him go silent you scoffed and limped your way out of the room.

This hurt his ego.

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