Chapter 7

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! Trigger Warning ! The following scene contains forced intercourse and words like r*pe ! If any of these trigger you, I suggest you do not proceed to read the next lines !

He pulled you back and threw you on the bed and hovered over you making you freeze. "W-what are you d-doing?" You stuttered in fear. "You're my wife right? Let me treat you like one then," He smirked as he grinded himself onto you, making you moan in disgust.

"Taehyung s-" Your words were cut off by him capturing your lips into a hungry and rough kiss. You did not kiss him back and tried pushing him away. Letting tears out, you tried resisting.

He pulled away and kept grinding himself onto you and that's when you took your chance and kicked him where the sun doesn't shine, making him fall on the other side of the bed, howling in pain. You were shivering and crying.

You were now scared of him, he was almost about to rape you. Whereas Taehyung was ashamed of himself, although he hated you for killing his girlfriend, he never knew he'd go this far.

Taehyung got up and left the house as you kept crying and shaking.

! End of Trigger Warning !

Taehyung drove off to the bar and drowned himself in drinks and cried, mourning for Lia and missing her, whereas you cried yourself to sleep.

"Taehyung, stop drinking! Your wife and best friend are waiting for you at home!" His friend yelled at him, making him chuckle in response.

"Why would she wait for a low person like me?" He giggled as he chugged down the drink like water. His friend sighed as he helped Taehyung get up and get in the car. He was mumbling small nothings and laughing at himself. Anyone who saw him at that time, would conclude he's crazy.

After arriving at the house, his friend rang the bell and you opened the door, as you fake smiled, "I knew he was drinking again, must be so stressed!" You smiled as his friend smiled back and handed Taehyung over to you. "Y/n-ah...iS tHiS Y/n? I aM ShOo sOrRy~" He giggled as he hiccupped.

"You're drunk." You boringly stated, as you glared at him. His friend sighed and turned to look at you who stared at Taehyung blankly.

He knew Taehyung must've done something to have him get that look from you. "I don't know what happened but talk it out okay Y/n-ah? You're a great wife!" He sighed smiling and took his leave.

Taehyung was now knocked out on the couch whereas you stared at him with disgust, and hatred in your eyes.

Never in your entire years of friendship did you think he'd stoop so freaking low. You were about to pick him up when his shirt moved a bit, showing his chest, which was decorated with fresh hickeys.

Your eyes watered as you pushed him away, but he pulled you with him, making you land on him. You tried pushing him away and getting up but his grip was stronger, so you ended up giving up.

"L-Lia, fuck just like t-that..." He moaned out, making your eyes go wide. You looked down to see him grinding himself against you...You slapped him. You slapped him really hard, so hard it must have probably left a bruise and pushed him away from you as you cried silently.

You just left him there in the living room and went to your room and slammed the door shut making Taehyung flinch in his place. You cried at your fate.

You got harassed by your own best friend and husband two times, and he probably slept with someone at the club. Now just the thought of him being near you disgusted you and scared you.

You made your way to the bathroom and aggressively started washing your body, leaving scratch marks as you cried. You hated him now, and he knew that.

~Next Morning~
The sun's light shone on her face as she scrunched her nose at the feeling of the warm beams hitting her face, making her slowly wake up. Whereas, Taehyung groaned as he woke up, he looked around and frowned. What was he doing in the living room, on the couch?

He hissed, holding his cheek which had a bruise on it. He tried getting up from the floor but his whole body hurt, making him groan the nth time.

Doing whatever he could, he helped himself up and laid on the couch, sighing. He was waiting for her to come down and take care of him. Looks like he forgot what deeds he committed last night...Y/n on the other hand, was scared to face him after whatever happened last night.

She was afraid of what he could do if she couldn't fight him. Yet she decided to be strong, for herself this time. She washed up, wore clothes that covered her body properly, tied her hair tidily and made her way downstairs only to be greeted by a groaning Taehyung.

She was about to walk up to him and help him, but she held herself back, she decided to listen to her brain and ignore what her heart told her to do.

Though it was very hard for her to see him in pain, even after all the hell he put her through. She looked at him and rolled her eyes, making her way to the stove and started making breakfast for herself. Back to Taehyung, he was touching his cheek and hissing whenever his fingers touched the bruise.

"What happened last night? Did I get into a fight at the club??" He thought to himself, trying his best to remember the cause of the bruise. He was brought back to reality by the sound of the stove being turned on, with her rambling some utensils.

He kept looking at her, as his lips curved into a smile unconsciously. He started admiring the sight in front of him when suddenly he remembered how Lia used to wear the same kind of outfits, how she used to tie her hair, which made him think she was trying to replace her. And that of course made him mad.

He wasn't in the condition to yell at her, nor did he have energy to scold and be-little her. So he decided to do that later, when he eats some of the delicious food she cooks. But oh boy, he did not see it coming.

She finished cooking herself breakfast, as she looked at Taehyung, instantly looking away, avoiding eye-contact with him, which made him frown.

She never used to avoid him, no matter whatever happened. "Was she finally giving up?" He thought as he waited for her to serve him something to eat. But he kept waiting...and waiting...and waiting...and got nothing.

He got impatient and finally opened his mouth to speak. "Where's mine?" He asked, looking at her, who was peacefully eating her food. She kept looking at her plate playing with the cherry tomatoes placed on it.

"I don't know." She replied as she sighed. "What do you mean you don't know? I am your husband, you're supposed to make food for me." He spat as he held his head that was spinning due to the drinks he had last night. "Oh I see, still, make it yourself." She replied, still not looking at him.

"No, you will make it for me." He scraped, making her sigh in annoyance. "I think you should learn manners, don't you know it's bad to interrupt someone when they are eating? Tch." She replied, as she started eating again, making him whine.

He knew she was stubborn, so he tried getting up, but he couldn't so he gave up. She finished her food and washed the dishes and went back to her room.

He somehow made his way to the dining table, and saw the food she made for him. He smiled, knowing she still cares.

The breakfast had toast with avocados mashed and spread on the bread evenly with fresh hot boiled eggs cut in two halves and placed on top of it, sprinkled with salt and pepper, just the right amount, not too much, not too less.

The bowl placed beside the toast contained a soup which contained an Ox bone, chunks of beef, tripe, cabbage leaves, turnip tops, bean sprouts and green onions and was piping hot, indicating she made it right before she left for her room. (lol not me craving for it :'))

Just a bit away from the soup, he found an ice pack. He frowned at first, but then realized it was for his bruise. He sat at the table and started eating. He smiled at how tasty the food was and was enriched with enticing flavors.

He finished the food and placed the ice bag on his cheek, hissing at first. He was drinking the fresh juice when he remembered last night's events and choked on it.

He was guilty of what he had done last night. But he did not know how to apologize for it. He got up quickly and made his way to her room and opened the door to her room only to see her staring at a picture and letting tears out as she kept looking at it.

He walked up to her and looked at what she was looking at...It was...

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