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In a White Fang camp in Vale, Commander Adam Taurus and his childhood companion Blake Belladona were going over a new plan "Are you sure the train will be arriving?" asked Adam "Yes, scouts have said it's moving towards the position now," replied the Lietenant, Adam sighed "Very well, Blake come on," Blake followed Adam out of the tent.

 "Are you alright Adam?" asked Blake, she had noticed Adam had been looking stressed, Adam turned to his friend "Yeah its just, I keep on having nightmares," "Is it, about the incident?" Adam shook his head "No, it's... different... It's about all of my victims, staring out me with souless black eyes," it was common for Adam to have nightmares, but this one was different "They deserved it though, humans have hurt us in many ways, you've seen it," said Blake as they continued walking "I know, but Blake you must know that, not all humans are like the ones that have abused us, and with our recent orders of having to burn down villages, I don't think it's a good idea," replied Adam as they stopped "But Adam, the humans have long abused us, they either abuse us or neglect us, you've seen and experianced it, that can't be forgiven," Blake said loudly, Adam sighed.

The two of them were standing at the edge of the hill "*sigh* here we go," said Adam as they both went down the edge and then jumped onto the train, they ran and Adam cut open a door where they jumped down into a dark room filled with robots "Looks like we're going to be doing this the hard way," he said as the robots activated "Don't be so dramatic," replied Blake as the robots aimed they're weapons at the two faunus "Intruders, identify yourself," said a robot, Adam stared at the robts and fired wilt out of Blush and with one slice destroyed the robot 'Here we go again' he thought as the robots acitvated they're blades.


"Here's the stuff," says Blake "Go get the rest, I'll set the charges," Adam blinked under his mask "Have you forgotten who's in charg-" suddenly a spider droid dropped down "Damn," muttered the red head as Blake attacked it only to get knocked back, Adam tried attacking aswell but was also knocked back, right before Blake was about to be crushed Adam went and picked her up and carried her out of the blast, the spider droid then fired a laser beam which threw Adam and Blake through a wall, the spider droid follwed "We'll take it together," said Adam, Blake nodded as the two rushed it with adam slicing at it's legs and Blake going for the torso, then Adam took out Blush and fired it at the droid's head causing it to chase Adam but Blake fired her guns at the Droid's back as Adam sliced at the droid causing it to take some steps back and knock Blake and Adam back.

Then the droids fired a giant blush laser blast, which Adam blocked and then began glowing red. The droid jumped towards him, but it was then disintegrated into pettals by Adam's semblance, moonslice. Adam then turned to where Blake was "Good job. Now let's plant the bombs," she said "What? Bombs? This is just a robbery mission," Adam replied "We can't leave any witnesses, Adam," Blake then turned around "There aren't, the only humans are at the entrance. We don't need to waste our explosives, especially on some civilians," Blake then turned around angrily.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you suddenly not wanting to take their lives?" she demanded as she walked forward "Because they aren't all the same. Don't you remember that prison raid?" Adam replied "You taught me what humans are like, and we've seen what they can do!" Blake screamed, Adam frowned at her "I don't want to kill every human in my sight. Only the ones that oppress and abuse us. Now come on, cut the train cart off," Blake was silent before suddenly charging forward and striking at Adam, who partially unsheathed Wilt.

"YOU HYPOCRITICAL TRAITOR! This is what you wanted!" Blake shouted, Adam pushed her back before jumping over her "Blake, stop this. This isn't you!" "NO!" she shouted, she then pointed her blade to Adam "If you will not continue with the mission. Then I must deliver your punishment," Adam sighed "Don't" he muttered but she launched forward and began attacking Adam, but he easily blocked each strike before kicking her in the gut. He then turned and jumped to the other train cart.

"I don't want to hurt you Blake, and if this is how the White Fang is becoming. Killing innocents and wasting resources... then I won't be a part of it," he had to force that last bit out. He then reached his arm out "Please Blake, come with me," But Blake just replied by shooting Adam who just blocked before cutting the cart loose and then drifting away. Blake watched, glowering at Adam as he faded into the distance, she gripped her sword before belting out a vengeful, rage fuled scream "ADAAAAM!!!!!"

Adam looked down to the floor 'What now?' he thought, leaving the White Fang was easier said than done for him, he was loyal to it and believes in violent methods, but now they are becoming way too extreme and target those that don't interfer with the fang or hurt faunus. He then realised that the reason Blake has now turned out like this, is because of him. He taught her how to fight, how to lead and how to kill, it was his fault. He then stabbed Wilt into the floor of the train cart in anger.

He took a big sigh and silently gathered up supplies, he then jumped off the train and was now in the outskirts of Forever Fall. He began walking through a pathway, surrounded with trees and red leaves. He then began hearing voices, whispering traitor, hypocrit and murderer. He shook his head as he then began imagining his old camp, the High Leader's HQ, the mines and lastly his home village. He then stopped and put a hand to his mask and then took it off, he turned it around and stared into him. This was a part of him, but he is no longer with the White Fang and is now on his own. He took a big breath before dropping it and then continued walking.

[Timeskip, 2 weeks later]

Adam walked with a hood over him into Vale, after leaving the white Fang he's been looking for a new purpose, maybe he could become a mercenary, a viliglante or create a rival group of the White Fang but he felt like he couldn't do it, he was alone again with no allies "Why can't anything be simple," he muttered as he made his way to a dust shop. He entered and noticed very few people in, there was the shopkeeper and someone else.

A few minutes later, the doors burst open and some humans that looked like criminals burst in, Adam recognised the leader "Torchwick," he muttered quietly. "Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a dust shop this late," said Torchwick as one of his grunts pointed a gun at the shopkeeper "Please, just take my lien and leave," he said "Shh, calm down we're not here for your money. Grab the dust," replied Torchwick, Adam although not trusting humans at all, he felt bad for the shop keeper so he slowly made it into a section where a young girl in a red hood was standing lisenting to music 'Human or not, gotta admit she has good taste in music' thought Adam then a criminal came from behind.

"Alright kid, put your hands where I can see them," said a criminal, Adam froze still and slowly went for his sword "Hey I said hands in the air," the crook said again walking up to the young girl "You got a death wish or something?" as he touched the girl's shoulder who turned around and took her headphones off "Yes?" "I said put your hands in the air, now," "Are you robbing me?" asked the girl "Yes," "Oh," Adam snorted at the conversation, when suddenly the girl launched the criminal across the shop "Well, that's my queue," he muttered as he took out his sword saying "Torchwick, its been awhile," Roman turned around "Oh, hello there horn head. Your here as well?" as henchman came running after Adam only to be sent flying through the window as the girl revealed herself and her weapon.

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