Chapter 16: Hide the memories

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Adam woke up and sat up, he groaned quielty as rubbed his one visible eye before carefully and silently standing up and leaving the dorm. He then went over to the bathroom, where he turned on the light and looked at himself in the mirror that's when he remembered something. During his fight with Banesaw, his eyepatch had got damaged and now a big chunck of his brand was showing.

Adam gritted his teeth, and put a hand to where the patch was before clenching his fist aand turning away. He's going to need to keep this a secret from the others, but for now he must keep his left eye out of sight from the others. He knows he shouldn't, but the memories of the brand are more painful than his White fang days.  

He stepped out of the bathroom and for a moment thought he saw a shadow of a person, standing at the end of the corridor, watching him. He shook his head but there was nothing there, he sighed and then walked back to the dorm.  

When he opened the door, he saw that Ruby was now awake but Yang and Weiss were still asleep. "Hi Adam. Did you sleep well?" asked Ruby quielty "Actually, I did. Thank's for asking," replied Adam as he walked over to his bed. Ruby noticed he was grimacing "Adam, what's wrong?" Adam sighed "That guy I fought at the docks, Banesaw. He hit me hard and ripped a part of my eyepatch off," "Oh yeah. Who was that guy? You seem to know each other," Adam looked down before saying "He was my second in command, my lieutenant. He was almost like a father figure or older brother due to him helping me with my tactics. However, just like I was, he is a diehard White Fang member," Yang was now slowly waking up along with Weiss due to the talking.

"Must've been hard to fight him," said Ruby, Adam nodded "Yes, it was," he then realised that the other two were awake. "Morning," said Yang as she yawned "I see we woke you two up," said Adam, the two girls nodded before Yang jumped down "Welp, I'm going to have a shower," she then took her towl and left the room.

"So, what are you guys talking about?" asked Weiss "About things that happened at the docks. Adam's eyepatch got damaged," replied Ruby, Weiss stood up and walked towards Adam "How bad is it?" "Well, it shows a big part of my... scar," muttered Adam "Well we could try and help you," said Weiss, Adam looked up and gave a very faint smile "Thank's, but no. I can do this my self," "Are you sure?" asked Ruby "Yeah, besides I don't think you two would like to see scar," He then stood up "You don't know how to repair it, do you?" said Weiss.

Adam was about to retort but he realised that if he turned around, Weiss would see a big chunck of his brand, and he doesn't want that. "I do, I just don't know about any material to repair it with are here," Adam eventually replied "Really?" Adam nodded before leaving the room.

Ruby turned to Weiss "You seem, nicer," said Ruby "Yeah, well I want to start a new chapter with our relationship," replied Weiss, Ruby smiled "That's good to hear," And that's when she remembered "We don't have any classes anymore!"  "Well, for about two weeks," corrected Weiss "This means we can patch up our relations," "I thought we already did that?" "Oh yeah, well we can just hang out more," Weiss scoffed "Yeah that's until Adam get's his eyepatch repaired. He was acting kinda strange with that," "Well he did say he has a bad scar, maybe he doesn't want people to see it," replied Ruby.

Weiss thought for a bit, she remembered her talk she had with him and that he had suffered due to the mines of her family's company. Now they are on better terms, she now feels a bit bad for him and now has even more of a reason to make her company better, but she then pushed those thoughts back. "Well, we should probaly get dressed," she then walked towards the door "Oh, okay," replied Ruby.

Adam was looking around in the room for material to create a new eyepatch, however he couldn't find enough. He then found something, some sort of fabric material in a box, he studied it before realising what it is. This is a special fabric whic his often used for spec ops and commandos in millatry, it acts a blindfold to cover the eyes but the use can easily see through the fabric.

He smiled at it before returning to his table and working with it, making it shorter and getting it perfect so it acts like a blindfold. He sighs as he finishes, he looks down at his work before moving his hands up to his face and taking his old patch off, he then threw it down on the table before looking up.

He saw a mirror there as he stared at his scarred face, he put a hand to it and winced "Still hurts," he muttered, he then turned around and grabbed the blindfold.

He then began to put it on when the door opened and Yang appeared "Hey Adam-" she then stopped as she caught a glance of Adam's branded eye, he noticed this and quickly put his blindfold on. "Adam. What was that?" Yang asked "You saw nothing," he replied as he made sure his blindfold was on properly.

Yang walked forward "I know I saw something. It looked like some sort of burn or scar," "It's nothing to worry about, it... it was a long time ago," replied Adam "Still, it looked pretty bad," Adam then walked to her and said "Can you promise me something," "Uh, sure," "Keep the knowledge of my scar a secret," "But why. We all know you must have one," "Yeah, but you're the one who saw a bit of it. Whatever you do, do not tell Weiss about it," "Why, she's not going to insult you about it," "No, I just don't want her to know. I won't say anymore about this," he the nmade his way to the door when Yang put a hand on his shoulder.

"Adam, you do realise I only want to help," Adam stopped and turned his head a little "I know, and I thank you for it. But I don't want you to get involved in my past," he then returned to the door "Alright, but if you need to talk, then we're here to help. Also, I wa ssent by the headmaster to get you, he want's to talk to you about something," "Alright, thank's for letting me know," he then left the room.

Adam stepped out of the lift door "Ah, Mr Taurus. Take a seat," Adam did just that "I heard about your fight at the docks. Do you mind telling me about it,"" Adam sighed "Where do you want me to start?"     

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