Chapter 1: To Beacon

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"Impressive," muttered Adam as he stared at Ruby's weapon before turning to Torchwick and his grunts "Okay, get her," said Torchwick as his remaining grunts went after her she kicked and spun and hit the grunts, one took out a gun and shot at her only to get knocked back violently by Adam "You were worth every cent, truely you were. Well Red and Horn head, I think we can all agree it's been an eventful evening, and as much as i'd like to stick around, I'm afraid this, is where we part ways," said Torchwick as he fired his cane gun, but Adam got infront of Ruby protecting her from the blast, Ruby opened her eyes "Thanks," she says as they see that Torchwick is climbing a ladder up a building, Adam chased after him "You okay if we go after him," asked Ruby to the shopkeeper who just nodded as Ruby followed Adam.

Adam and Ruby got on top of the roof of the building as Roman stood on the other side "Hey!" shouts Ruby to Roman "Persistant," he muttered as a Bullhead pulled up, Adam took out blush and fired at the vehicle but it did nothing "End of the line kids," said torchwick as he tossed a dust bomb at Ruby and Adam "Shit!" exclaimed Adam but then a human huntress jumped in front of them, saving them from the blast. The huntress then attacked Torchwick and the bull head causing him to retreat into the vehicle as a women inside went to fight the huntress, Adam fired Blush at the bullhead as a familier human appeared with fire power.

The women attacked the huntress with her power, causing the huntress to retaliate as Adam fired Blush at the women but the shots kept on getting destroyed, then Ruby started firing "Hold your fire," said Adam to Ruby as he jumped towards the women, wilt in hand only to be blasted back by the women who then created fire rings under the three causing them to get out of the way as the bullhead escaped while Adam continued firing but eventually stopped "Dammit," he muttered. "Your a huntress," said Ruby as the huntress turned to face her "Can I have your autograph," she continued as Adam tried making a getaway only to be stopped.


Adam and Ruby were now both in the police station "I hope your actions today tonight won't be taken lightly you two, you put yourself and others in great danger," said the huntress "They started it," replied Ruby, Adam just sat there silently "If it was up to me you'd be sent home with a pat on the back," causing Ruby to calm down "And a slap on the wrist," as she slapped Ruby "But there is someone who'd like to meet you," as a man walked in holding a plate of cookies.

"Ruby Rose, you have silver eyes," he started as Ruby looked at him, he had grey hair, glasses and light brown eyes "So, where did you learn to do this?" he asked, Ruby paused before saying "Signal academy," "They taught you to make one of the most dangerous weapons ever designed?" "Well one teacher in particular," "I see," as the man put the plate of cookies on the table, unknown to others Adam has a sweet tooth, Ruby then took and ate a cookie before stuffing the rest in, Adam quickly got one in a very quick timing "It's just that I've only seen one other scythe wilder of that skill, and that's a dusty old crow," "Thatsh mu Oncle," "Make sure to swallow before speaking," said Adam.

"Sorry, that's my uncle Qrow, he's a teacher at signal, I was complete garbage before he took me under his wing," replied Ruby "And now I'm all like *Insert Ruby hand chopping noises*," "So I've noticed, and what is an adorable girl such as yourself doing at a school designed at training warriors," replied Ozpin "Well I want to be a huntress," "Ambitious," muttered Adam "You want to slay monsters?" asked Ozpin "Yeah, I only have two more years for training left at signal and then I'm going to apply to beacon, see my sister is studing there this year and she's trying to be a huntress and I'm trying to be a huntress because I want to help people and my parents always taught us to help others, so I thought, hey might as well make a career out of this. I mean the police are alright, but huntsman and huntresses are just so much more romatic and exciting and really, gosh, you know," Ruby replied "Word of advice kid, don't think the life of a hunter is like a hero of fairy tales," said Adam where all three of the other people in the room looked to him "Uhh, okay, thanks," "Do you know who I am?" asked Ozpin "Your professor Ozpin, your the headmaster of beacon," replied Ruby "Hello," "Nice to meet you," "You want to come to my school?" "More then anything," "Well okay, but first I'm going to need you to stay at the moment while we talk to your hooded aquaintance," repleid Ozpin as he turned to Adam.

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