Chapter 12: Different views

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The sounds of shotgun and machine gun fire could be heard, tanks were blowing up and air ships were attacking each other in the sky as the infantry charge into battle with fierce brutality. A soldier charged fireing his machine gun at the enemy before being taken out by a sniper "Dammit!" shouted as Adam as he slammed a fist on the floor while the other holds the controller, Ruby sat next to him snickering "A professional you say? Let me show you how it's done, you said," she said "Hey, you're just getting lucky," grunted Adam as he respawned and the pair continued playing.

"Alright, new gamemode, capture the flag and this time we're on the same team," said Adam "This is a really good game Adam, thank you for showing me it," replied Ruby "No problem. Now let's kick their as-" just then the door is kicked open by Weiss with Yang standing behind her "Oh, hi Weiss, hi Yang," said Ruby "What. Aren't you supposed to be in lesson?" said Adam "We finished all our lessons for the day, what have you two been doing?" said Yang "We've been playing Halo. Wait, what's the time?" said Ruby "It's nearly lunch, and you two have been playing games for hours," said Weiss "Yes we have Schnee, it's relaxing. You should try playing this game, it's quite fun," said Adam "Relaxing? I pretty sure I heard you shout several different curse word in Mistrilian," replied Weiss "Yeah he got killed off," said Ruby. Just then, Adam's character was killed again "Kurwa! Not again!" shouted Adam "Well atleast you're having fun," said Weiss "Anyway, we need to talk to you about something," Adam sighed and placed his controller down before standing up.

Adam was now sat on his bed with teh three girls looking at him "What is it then?" "It's about those weird anger attacks you seem to keep on having," said Weiss, Adam sighed "I don't want to talk to you about this now,"  "Oh but you will. Your part of our team and we can not allow you to be having these anger attacks," said Weiss, Adam grimaced "I've always had anger problems, it's just some things people say that piss me off," "Is that it?" said Yang "NO!" shouted Adam "There are things I want to forget and if I tell you them it'll be harder for me to let go of my past," he then stood up, pushed through his team and walked out of the room.

The girls sighed "We're never going to learn why are we?" said Weiss "Not now, but I'm pretty sure eventually he'll tell us," said Yang, Ruby then turned to Weiss "Weiss, he told me that it's something you said which made him get angry last night," Weiss looked at her "I don't remember offending him," "Maybe not innentionally, I know faunus hate your company for many reasons, you were saying some stuff about the rumours in the mines being fake. But what if they are true and Adam has seen some stuff happen," said Yang, Weiss thought for a bit and sighed "You really belive that we are enslaving the faunus workers?" "No. But Adam seems to get pretty angry when you talk about your company," replied Yang "And he does wear that eye patch. He said to me that he didn't lose his eye but something bad happened to it," said Ruby, Weiss looked down "It's a possibility that he might've grown up in Atlas, and I know they are looked down on there," she then walked towards the door "I'll go and talk to him," she then walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.   

Meanwhile, Adam was looking over a balcony talking with Rouge and Yuma "You do know your team just want to help you, right?" said Rouge "I know, but I can't trust the schnee, besides she'll never believe what I know," said Adam "He's right, the Schnees are all a bunch of ignorant brats who get's everything handed to them," said Yuma "That's not necissarily true," said Rouge, Yuma turned to him "Tell me Rouge, have you ever had a parent work in the mines and come back every night with scars and bruises?" "Well no, but not everyone should be judged due to one person's actions. Like you two, you are faunus but you're not part of the White Fang," Adam and Yuma cringed internally at this but said nothing.

There was a bit of silence until Rouge spoke up again "Anyway, all I'm trying to say is that not everyone is like how you view them. You two may view Weiss as a brat, and  I view her as just a normal rich person. Some people here view you two as freaks because your are faunus, but  I and many others don't. Maybe you should learn more about her, you may learn some things you never knew," Adam put a finger to his chin "I suppose you're right, and believe me I have been giving the Schnee a chance, it's just she is ignorant of the truth of what we go through," "Well, maybe you need to show her you're view," said Rouge as he then turned "I need to get back, otherwise Gavin might drink all the vodka again," he then walked off leaving the two faunus behind "Well, I best go with him. I have a show to watch," said Yuma as he waved and walked off, Adam sighed and turned to look at the view.

As he stared he heard small footsteps aprouch and stop right next to him, he turned and looked at the person. "What are you doing here?" he asked in a slightly tired voice "I've come to ask you a question," replied Weiss, Adam sighed "If it's about my past then no," "It's not about that," Adam turned back to her. Weiss sighed before saying " it true about what goes on in the mine of my father's company?" Adam just stared at her before eventually saying "Yes. Many of the rumours you here are true, although we do get payed in there and get given free food, it's a really tough place to work. Especially for the children," he said the last bit almost silently "I see," there was a pause between the two "I would also like to apologise about what I said. I know you probaly see me as an ignorant brat, but I genually don't know what goes on the shadows of my father's company," said Weiss, this surprised Adam but then he said "I suppose I should apologise to you for being a bit too harsh on you. You're no where near as bad as the others," Weiss gave a small smile "I suppose we're even now," Adam nodded "Well, we should probaly get back to the dorm, besides, you still have some homework to do and I'm going to make sure you're going to do it," said Weiss "Ughh, I'm the oldest in the team, you can't tell me what to do," replied Adam "Very well then. I'll just have to force you then," said Weiss as she tried pulling Adam by the hand to follow her. Adam sighed and rolled his eye before saying "If it keeps you from nagging then I'll do it," as he started walking back to the dorm.  

Meanwhile, in another dorm "Are you sure that's him?" said Cardin "Yes, I know those horns and hair anywhere. I remember hearing that he blew up a train carrying a group of Atlas millatry leaders," replied Dove "I thought he looked familar," said Sky, Cardin thought for a bit before standing up and saying "Well boys, looks like we're going to do some pest control," as he grinned at the thought of getting back at Adam.

"Alright, here's the plan. Tommorow night when he's in the training room alone, we'll jump him. Sky, have you got the smoke bombs?" said Cardin "Yes boss," "Dove, have your got the pepper spray?" "Got it sir," said Dove holding the can "Alright good, when the time is right we'll take that beast down and we will be known as heroes," said Cardin "And then one day, we'll go down in history about how we defeated Adam Taurus and there will be statues built in our honour. Let us drink for victory!" shouted Cardin as he and his team lifted their cups up and drank. Meanwhile, Yuma was listening in "Damn," he muttered as he ran off 'They're trying to kill Adam, of course they'll fail but they may get the secret out, and then get my secret out as well' he thought as he opened the door of his dorm. There he saw Rouge chasing after Gavin who is holding two bottles of vodka, while Elric was looking like he had done LSD, 'Good thing they're all normal' he thought as he sat down on his bed and took his scroll out and texted Adam.     

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