Chapter 13: One Edgelord, four idiots

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Adam was resting in the dorm when suddenly his scroll beeped, he woke up and picked it up. He had a message  from Yuma, he sighed and pressed to see what it was about.

Yuma: Adam, Cardin and his team know about your secrete, they are going to try and ambush you tommorow.

Adam groaned, Yang turned to him "You alright?" she said "Yeah. I've just got a feeling a couple of morons are about to be sent to he infirmry," replied Adam as he began replying.

Adam: Thanks. Don't worry about me, I'll deal with it.

He put his scroll down "So, who are you going to beat up?" asked Yang "Cardin and his team are  going to try and ambush me tommorow for...reasons. Don't worry, I'll be able to deal with it," replied Adam "Can I help? Those bastards need a lesson taught to them," said Yang, Adam smiled  "Nah, besides. I'm only going to injure them, if you were there to, then we might accidently kill them," "Come on horn head, don't leave me out of some potential fun," Adam sighed "Yang, I'll be fine. I thank you for your concern. But this is my conflict, not yours," Yang sighs "Fine. But if they somehow kill you, I'll be really pissed," Adam snorted "Nah, they won't kill me. Besides, those morons don't even know the difference between an axe and a mace," He layed down on his bed "Now if you excuse me. I have a battle tommorow," Yang sighed before smiling "Alright. Good luck by the way," she then layed down on her bed.

Meanwhile, team CRDL were currently training. Sky charged at Dove who ducked and headbutted him, Cardin was dueling Russel who was getting pushed back before getting thrown to the wall "Come on Russel, you don't want to embarass yourself tommorrow," smirked Cardin, Russel snarled and charged at him, yelling. Meanwhile, Sky and Dove were staring at each other before Sky sliced Dove across the chest and then was kicked before getting shot at, Dove ran out of the way before jumping and kicking Sky back. 

Cardin ran and jumped behind Russel who blocked the attack, before kicking Cardin but that did nothing, instead Cardin grabbed Russel's weapons and threw them away before pointing executioner at Russel neck "I win," smirked Cardin as he leant Russel a hand before pulling him down with him "Agh, Oh your gonna get it now," said Cardin as the two started beating each other up as Sky and Dove watched, exhausted "Guys, shouldn't we rest now? We don't want to fall asleep during our fight, do we?" said Dove "Yeah, your right. Let's go," replied cardin as he stood up and walked out of the room. 

In the morning, Adam was the first up and was already in the bathroom; as he was washing his face, he had his eyepatch off and stared at the brand, he hated it, it hurts, but he can't do anything about it, it's a reminder of what humanity can do, a reminder of his childhood of torment. He shook his head as he stopped looking and put his pacth back on, he put on his clothes and returned to the dorm.

Adam opened the door and saw that the girls were up "So Adam, are you ready to beat the crap out of team CRDL," said Yang "Yeah, someone has to teach them a proper lesson," replied Adam "Wait, what's happening," said Ruby and Weiss at the same time "Team CRDL are apprantly going to try and ambush me, Yuma told me. So I'm basically going to beat them up," said Adam "Wait, why would they try to attack you?" said Weiss "None of your buisness, besides, this is my battle, not yours," "Are you sure you don't need help?" said Ruby "Nah, those bastards want to try and fight me, not you. I'm not dragging you lot into this mess aswell," "language," said Weiss, Adam ignored her and walked towards the door "Well, good luck Adam," said Ruby "Yeah, kick their asses," said Yang, Adam smirked at this "You know I will," he then shut the door.

Adam went to retreive his weapon and walked to the training room, he looked around both right and left, none yet. He walked to the center of the room before shouting "Alright team CRDL, come on out and face me," That's when somtheing was thrown and smoke started to fill the room before four shadows came charging from four different sides at Adam who just sighed and jumped in the air.

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