Chapter 6: Team Tension

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The grimm immediatly came rushing towards Weiss, she got in position and deflected the attack and rolled to the side, preparing for the next attack. The grim meanwhile, stood studying her. 

"Ha, wasn't expecting that were you?" said Port "Hang in there Weiss!" shouted Ruby, Adam just rolled his eye.

Weiss then runs towards the grim, sticking her blade towards it's skull; however when they met, her blade got trapped in the Grim's tusk. Weiss is still hanging onto the hilt, and begins to get tossed around as she struggles to get her weapon back.

"Bold, new approach. I like it!" said Port, Ruby then called out saying "Come on Weiss, show it who's boss," however, Weiss glares at her but, when she did that, the Grim turned its head and ripped the sword out of her grip, Weiss then get's knocked back hard.

"Oh ho. Now what will you do without a weapon?" Asked Port as he watched the fight unfold as the Grim began to charge at her again. Weiss rolled out of the way, this made the grim crash into a desk. Weiss then glares at her sword at ran to get it.

"Weiss, go for it's belly! There's no armour there!" advised Ruby but Weiss shouted back saying "Stop telling me what to do!" this made Ruby looks hurt froim that, Adam then glared and snarled quietly at Weiss and muttered to himself "That stupid, entitled brat! Ruby is only giving her advice," 

Suddenly, the Grim jumped in the air and rolls into a ball, spinning quickly in the air and then landing, consitantly gaining speed until itself launches at Weiss. It comes closer and closer, but Weiss activates one of her blue-white and blcks the roll, leaping up in the now-black snowflake symbol. Adam began to shake, that symbol made his brand burn like it did when he was given it, all those years ago, he remembers the pain, the voices, the screams, the looks of his tormentors, the fear and watching his mother being held back with tears in her eyes. While those memories plagued Adam, the fight was now in Weiss's favour.

The symbol then turned blue, then Weiss drove her blade into teh Grim, killing it. The Grim squels in pain and dies, Weiss then gasps in relief. "Bravo, Bravo. It appeares that we are indeed in the presence of a true huntress-in-training," said Port but Adam muttered quietly "More like in the presence of a brat," As Weiss stood up attention, Ruby still continues to frown "I'm afraid that's all we've got for today. Be sure to cover the assigned readings, and...stay vigilant. Class dismissed," finished Port.

Weiss then glares and turns away, storming out of the room "Sheesh, what's with her?" asked Jaune.

The teams exited the room while Ruby pursued after Weiss "Weiss!" she shouted "What?" replied Weiss turning around  "What's wrong with you? Why are you being-?" "What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? You're supposed to be a leader, and all you've been is a nuisance," "What i'd I do?" Ruby seemed hurt again "That's just it- you'ved done nothing to earn your position! Back in the forest you acted like a child, and you've only continued to do so!" "Weiss where is this coming from? What happened to the talk about 'working together'? I thought you believed in acting as a team," Weiss glared at her "Not a team led by you. I've studied an trained. And quite frankly, I deserve better," Weiss turned her back  on Ruby but, suddenly Adam appeared.

"Ozpin made a mistake!" Weiss said walking away, however Adam glared at Weiss almost making his one visible blue eye red "I to deserve to be in a better team, one where there isn't a brat who thinks she derserves everything because of status. Ruby is younger than all of us, but she's a far better leader than you'll ever be, Schnee," Weiss turned at him "And why is that?" "You lack multiple things a leader needs, compation, honesty, patience and many things. Ruby has those things, you just push her around like you're father pushes my kind around!" Ruby and Weiss were surprised at this anger that Adam had, Weiss looked shocked but then walked away.

"Adam, is she right? Did Ozpin make a mistake?" said Ruby looking doubtful, and even on the verge of tears. "I'm not Ozpin. But I doubt he would put you in charge if didn't think you'd be up to the task," Adam said, his face now in a neutral way before grimacing "Personally I'd rather have you as my leader than the Schnee. She's had everything handed to her on a silver plate and expects that to happen here,"  he ranted before sighing to calm himself. "You're young and inexperianced... but so was I when I was in your shoes," Ruby looked at him when he said that "What do you mean?" she asked. Adam sighed "I'm actually older than the average 1st year," he paused to create a story "My village was isolated from the main Atlas areas and so we had our own milita, I was put in charge of the juvenile detachment. I wasn't a perfect leader immediatley," "But if you had experiance, why didn't Ozpin put you in charge?" Ruby asked, Adam just shrugged. "I don't think my style of leadership is best suited for huntsmen teams... But something I will say, is to always be ready for someone to challege you, you must also show more authority," As Adam said this, Ruby nodded before saying "Will you help me improve?" "Possibly. But as I said, my style of leadership is different to a huntsman's," Adam replied, Ruby smiled "Thanks Adam," she said as she then walked away.

"Good to here that you are trying your best, but I couldn't but disagree with what you said about Miss Schnee," Adam turned around with a slight awkward look on his face. "And why's that, isn't it natural for a faunus to have a little resentment towards the schnees," he said with some distain in his vocie "No, I am aware of what Jauque Schnee does to your kind, but Miss Schnee is not her father. I suggest you give her a second chance," replied Ozpin, Adam took in a deep sigh. "Sir, I saw how Schnee treated Ruby, is she really a good person? Does she really deserve a second chance?" "Although Miss Schnee's attitude in class  was poor, I think we can all get angry at some times, sometimes more than others," as Ozpin said that last bit Adam felt more awkward, he always let his anger get the better of him, Adam took in another deep sigh "I'll try," he muttered before walkign away.

Adam returned to the dorm and sat on his bed, Ruby was doing some homework and Yang was elsewhere, Adam then descided to listen to some music to calm himself down. Back in the White Fang, his soldiers didn't know he listened to music, he only people that knew this was Blake and his Lieutenant. As he put on a song he lied back on his bed, his eye open staring at the ceiling as the song started.

As the lyrics began, Adam drifted into his secret fantasy world in his head, where everything was great. He, Blake, Ilia were all still friends and were friends with his most of his current team.  Adam smiled at these memories but was also grimaced as he remebered he is the reason why they aren't with him, he lead them down the path of ultraviolence. He sigehd and closed his eyes, would it have been better if Ilia and Blake were here in Beacon and he was the monster instead?

Time swept by, he noticed Weiss was speaking to Ruby, he took off his headphones and listened in. "How do you take youe coffee?" asked Weiss "Uhh, cream and five sugars," replied Ruby, Adam rose a brow 'Is this really what Weiss can be like' he thought. Weiss sighed "Don't move," she then goes and get's a fresh cup and hands it to Ruby "Uhh, thanks Weiss," repies Ruby, Weiss smiles and looks apologetic "Ruby, I think you have what it takes to be a great leader. Just know that I'm going to be your best teammate you'll ever have," both of them smile "Good luck with your studying!" Weiss then ducks but then reapears "That's wrong, by the way,"  Weiss then ducks again and notices Adam is watching her. He grunted as they both looked at each other before Weiss walked away.

[Authors note: In the real show we don't know much about Adam except he was practually a slave to the SDC and was branded, in this and multiple other stories he is going to be in, he will have a bigger backstory]

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