Chapter 2: Welcome to Beacon

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Adam was standing in the airship, so far he hasn't come across any Faunus discrimination in fact, he had two positive conversations with two humans. However he kept on thinking 'I hope there are more Faunus here' suddenly, the airship reached land and the door opened that's when a blonde boy ran past trying to keep in lunch down as he ran out through the door "That's a weakness," he muttered as he started walking towards the door. He was walking in the massive crowd of students, he was looking for either Ruby or Yang since he doesn't trust anyone else yet, suddenly he was hit in the shoulder by a boy with ginger hair and wearing armour "Asshole," Adam muttered.

He found Ruby freaking out over the multiple weapons, he walked up to them "What's going on here?" he asked "Ruby loves weapons," Yang replied while Ruby looked at all the student's weapons "Easy there little sister, they're just weapons," said Yang "Just weapons, they're an extension to ourselfs, they're a part of us, oh they're so cool," replied Ruby, Adam just stood there looking at the two sisters. "Well, why can't you just swin over your own weapon, aren't you happy with it?" said Yang "Of course I'm happy with Cresent Rose, I just really like seeing new ones, it's like meeting new people but better," "Ah, social anxiety," said Adam "Yep, that's Ruby for you," "Any way, Ruby why don't you try and make some friends of your own?" said Yang "But, why would I need friends when I have you and Adam?" asked Ruby "Well actually my friends are here now gotta go catch up," repleid Yang as her and her friends ran off "Look out," said Adam as he stopped Ruby from spinning but she nearly crashed into some suitcases "What are you doing?" said a girl, Adam's temper was now rising as he recognised this girl, Weiss Schnee of the SDC.

"Sorry," "Sorry? Do you have any idea what kind of damage you could've caused," replied Weiss, Ruby then sneezed which caused a minature explosion "You complete dolt! What are you doing here? Aren't you a little young to be here?" "She didn't cause you any damage, Schnee," said Adam with hostility "She could've caused a lot of damage!" replied Weiss "Hey I said I was sorry princess," said Ruby "I think she'd prefer, Heiress, Weiss Schnee of the Schnee dust company," said Adam "Finally some recognition," "Which is known for they're corruption and  controversial labour forces," "What, how dare yo- arghh," replied Weiss frustrated as Adam was surpressing himself from decapitating her but she then walked off "Welcome to beacon," said Ruby as she fell down defeated as the blonde boy from earlier appeared "Hey, I'm Jaune," he said as he extended a hand for Ruby "Ruby," replied the little reaper "Aren't you the guy who threw up on the ship?" she asks.

Adam was walking with Ruby and Jaune "All I'm saying is that motion sickness is a much more common problem thabk people think," Jaune said "Yes, but it's a weakness you should try to supress," replied Adam "Look I'm sorry, vomit Boy was the first thing that came to mind," said Ruby, Adam surpisingly snorted "Oh yeah, then what if I called you crater face," replied Jaune "Hey that was an accident," "Well the name's Jaune Arc, short, sweet, rolls off the tounge, ladies love it," "Do they?" Asked Adam "They will, well I hope they will, my mom always told me that, never mind," replied Jaune "Word of advice, don't try going after every girl you come across, and don't try too hard" said Adam "Uh thanks," Jaune said as he looked at the bull faunus up and down.  "So, what's your name?" he asked "Adam," the bull faunus replied as they continued walking. "So, what's with the hood?" Jaune asked trying to make conversation "Multiple reasons," Adam muttered with silent irratation in his voice. 

The trio eventually reached the building where Yang was waiting, Adam went and got in a spot there he spotted a black haired boy standing next to him as they 'That's the weird student from the airship' Adam thought he turned to see where Yang and Ruby were standing and saw that Weiss was berating Ruby again "Great, I'm going to have to put up with her," Adam grunted suddenly, Ozpin started making his speech. 

"I'll keep this brief, you have traveled here in a search for knowledge, to home your craft and acquire new skills and when you are finished you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people but I look amongst you and all I see is wasted energy in need of purpose directing you," he looked around at the students "You assume that knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step," he finished his speech as Glynda walked up to the mic "You will gather in the ballroom tonight; tomorrow, your inititiation begins. Be ready. You are dismissed," the students then started moving to the ballroom "Well, that was weird," said Adam "Yeah, he sounded like he wasn't even there," said the black haired boy who turned to Adam, now seeing him Adam noticed that the student had green eyes, pale skin, a hammer/axe combination, a prosthetic with claws and was wearing a dark brown jacket, dark grey pants/trousers and a light grey shirt "Name's Rogue Cadogon," he said "I'm Adam," replied the Redhead "Nice to meet you," said Rogue as the two walked into the ballroom.

"So yeah, I may be a little excentric but I sure as hell know how to fight," said Rogue "Good to hear," replied Adam as he noticed Ruby and Yang. "Oh, have you got a crush on that girl?" said Rogue teasingly "No, she's just a friend I met a couple days ago," said Adam irratated as he made his way to his bed he made, and took off his shirt. "Damn, that's alot of scars," said Rogue "Yeah, well when you have a life like mine you would get a couple scars," replied Adam, unknown to him Yang was looking at him "Jeez, Adam's been through a lot," Ruby looked at him "Who's that he's talking to?" "I don't know but we have an opportunity to get you another friend," said Yang smirking "Wait, Yang, no, I'm not ready."

"Hey Adam and goth boy," said Yang as she was dragging Ruby "Hello Yang, this here is Rouge, why are you dragging Ruby with you?" replied Adam, Yang lets go of Ruby and she looked at Rogue and said "Hey, I'm Ruby," "I'm Rouge, I take it you know Adam here," "Yep, met him a couple days ago, saved me from a criminal," "Wow Adam, your already someones hero," "Well it was either let her get killed or save her," said Adam, Rouge looked at Ruby "Hey aren't you a little younger than the rest, how are you here?" "She was aloud in two years earlier," said Yang "I hope you do know being a huntress isn't easy," said Rouge "I know, but I want to be like the heros in the books Yang used to read me," "Ambitious, but this world isn't as forgiving," said Adam "That's why we're here," said Ruby, Rouge smiled at that and Yang bear hugged Ruby "Oh look at my baby sister, I'm so proud," "Hey Yang, get off," replied Ruby as the two started fighting, Rouge was laughing a bit and Adam was smiling but then, Weiss appeared "What is going on over here, don't you realise that some of us are trying to sleep," "Oh not you again," said Weiss and Yang at the same time"Shh, Weiss is right people are trying to sleep," said Ruby "Oh now your on my side," "I always was on your side," "Yeah what's your problem with my sister, she's only trying to be nice," said Yang "She's a hazard to my health," "Oh yeah, well your a toxin to ours," said Adam "Ohhhhhh damn," said a Rouge "The nerve of you," said Weiss as she walked off "Well you showed her," said Rouge "Yeah, but she's right we should go to sleep," said Yang "True," after that everyone fell asleep.


"So your telling me, that Commander Adam Taurus has betrayed us!" said Sienna Khan "Yes high leader, he was getting soft over some humans and abandanoned a mission," said Blake, Sienna growled "That traitor. Belladona I am now apointing you as commander of the Vale branch, let's hope you'll do what Taurus couldn't," "I will not fail you high leader," said Blake as Sienna's hologram dissapeard "It is done Cinder," the women, Cinder, walked in "Good, now let's start talking about our plans," she said.                


Rogue Cadogon

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Weapons: Talons (Claws), Viper (Hidden gun), Wrecker (Hammer-Axe hybrid wepon)

Eye colour: green

Aura: Brown

Sembalance: Bone-Shatter (Massive shockwaves which can damage the ground, knock back enemies and is powerful enough to shatter an Ursa's head)

Home kingdom: Mistral

Discription: A young gothic, huntsman in training who originates from Mistral. He has unusual pale skin, a prosthetic arm and despite his looks is incredibly strong however, when he was younger he suffered a sickness which caused one of his eyes to almost completly shut. 

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