First Day

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Miya's POV

First day of school and we're already late "Mikan hurry your ass up! We are late for school damnit" I had been banging on the bathroom door for five minutes "shut up Miya, this afro takes time to brush out" he opened the door "looks like you didn't, now get outta the way" I pushed him aside to walk in the bathroom "I thought we were late for school Mi? Didja lie about that?" I shook my head and grabbed my makeup bag "I didn't lie and we still are late for school but I wanted to look good" I stuffed it in my school bag and went to put my shoes on "you're lucky that we live right next to the school and can just walk across the street" I said locking the door and running across the street.

As soon as we entered the school I noticed that all of the students were wearing a uniform "MikMik I think we're underdressed, look at everyone" I looked down at my crop top and shorts and mikans turtleneck with a Tshirt over it "Mi it's okay, we get ours today and we move into the dorms too" I groaned "so we have to leave home?" He glared at me under his mess of hair "that was never home and you know it" he stormed off to the front office. A pretty lady was sat at the front desk "hello, how may I help you?" I sat on a chair while Mikan talked to her "ah yes the Yahweh twins, I have been expecting you. I have your dorm keys, you've been moved to class 1A with Mr. Aizawa. You're three months behind but you'll catch up soon" she got up and handed each of us a dorm key "all of the books, the schedule, and your uniforms are in your rooms but for now you'll meet your new class, it's close to ending right now though" she walked down another hallway and we passed a lot of the older kids who all didn't look at us like we were weird.

The lady introduced herself as Ms. Midnight and took us to a class labled 1A "here we go-" she slid the door open and we were met with yells and laughter "Damn nerd! Why are you still in this class?" We walked in to see a blonde haired male standing over a green haired male on the ground "Bakugo Katsuki! Leave Midoriya alone, he got in just as fairly as you did" Ms. Midnight yelled "Mr. Aizawa what are you doing? Get your class under control" she kicked a yellow sleeping bag on the ground "Bakugo, Midoriya, head the the principals office now" we heard it say. A tall sleepy looking male emerged from the sleeping bag "this is bullshit, why do I have to go? I didn't even do anything to him" Bakugo shouted "I just tripped over Kacchan's bag, he didn't touch me" Midoriya said getting up "class is this true? Did he just trip and fall?" A boy with glasses stood up "he did Ms. Midnight, Bakugo had his bag in the floor and Midoria didn't see it" Ms. Midnight just sighed "anyways class you have two new students as of today, be nice or at least civil. Introduce yourselves please" everyone looked over at us. I could see Mikan trembling so I reached out and held his hand "hello I'm Miya Yahweh and this is my twin Mikan, it's nice to meet you" a pink haired girl ran up to me "oh my god I love your hair! How long did those braids take? It's so intricate, can I touch it?" I grinned hugely "thank you, they took eight hours and I styled it myself. Uh yeah I guess so" she immediately took one of the braids hanging over my shoulder to inspect it "there's no possible way that you did this yourself! Kiri babe come look at her hair! Can you do mine? please please please" a guy with spikey red hair walks over to us "Mina babe she looks uncomfortable, you're getting overexcited again. Hi I'm Kirishima, it's nice to meet you" she let my braid go and apologized "it's okay, at least you asked, a lot of people just come up and touch it. It's nice to meet you too Kirishima" I scanned the room and felt Mikan squeeze my hand "are you okay MikMik?" I whispered when Mina was dragged away by Kirishima "not in the slightest" he whispered back "too many people?" He just nodded and squeezed tighter "hello I'm Ochako, it's nice to meet you" a brunette girl said "it's nice to meet you too" I said urging Mikan to say or do something "h-hello" he whispered slightly waving at her.

We were greeted by almost everyone in the class "hey the names Denki but you can call me anytime-" a Blondie with a black lightning bolt in his hair said before he got hit over the head by that Bakugo kid "they ain't interested dunce face" I giggled and Bakugo looked at me "like what you see cat eyes?" I looked him up and down "there's not much to look at but him on the other hand" I smirked looking at Denki. He stormed over to me but Mikan stood in my way "back off" Mikan growled and surprisingly he did "that's a good little puppy" I taunted "you better watch your back cat eyes" he said shoving past us outside "well that was fun, Bakubro never just backs down from anything" Kirishima said with everyone agreeing "well Mi I think you've met your match with that one" Mikan whispered. I just nodded and the Midoria kid walked up to us "hello I'm sorry about Kacchan, he can be mean sometimes but don't worry he won't hurt you. I'm Midoriya, it's very nice to have new people in class" Mikan actually smiled at him "that's okay, I started it anyways and I'm not worried about him hurting me in any way besides I got my guard cat Mikan around all the time" I laughed "guard cat? I dont see any animals" Mikan growled a bit "Mikan will show you later what I mean. Mikan, he didn't mean it, and we can show off next class" we were guided to what I thought was a gym.

"Alright everyone gym uniforms now. Miya, Mikan, both of you have a locker, and your uniforms are in them. Mina, Midoriya, make sure they get them and Mikan. If you will, can you pull your hair out of your face?" Mr. Aizawa asked "oh uh-" "yes he can, Mikan it'll just be for a little while" I said walking towards the girls locker rooms "o-okay" he followed Midoriya to the guys locker rooms.

I uh- MHA anyone? I thought of my own OC's and put them in the story. I'm gonna be slow to update this one but I wanted to get this out there. If it flops imma just leave it. Anyways Kittybear out ✌🏼

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