Cat eyes

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Miya's POV

"Like the hair MikMik" I laughed as he scowled at me "laugh all you want but you're the one who needs to put your hair up too" Mina skipped up to me "I can do it if you'd like?" She was bouncing up and down "Momo can you make me a headband and a scrunchie- do you mind a headband?" I was horrified at the mention of a scrunchie "Mi doesn't like scrunchies" Mikan whispered "why not? They're lifesavers when your in a rush and need a hairtie" a girl with long black hair handed Mina a scrunchie "don't worry Miya, it's only for this class and it'll keep your braids out of your face" Mikan mocked "you suck-" "okay class today we're going to show the full extent of your quirks by sparing" Cementos said "I'll pair you up and you'll hash it out until one of you concedes, steps out of the ring or gets knocked out, now-" he looked around the room and spotted me "alright we'll start with the new kid, Yahweh was it? You'll spar against Bakugo first" I looked across the room at the blonde male already looking at me "do I have to fight a girl? I don't want her to break a nail" he sneered "well lucky for you I don't have long nails or need them to fight you" Mikan grabbed my hand again "MikMik I'll be fine, I just won't go overboard again" I stepped into the makeshift ring opposite Bakugo "if you're both ready- begin!" I watched as little explosions erupted from his hands "I hope you're ready for a beating" he ran at me "I won't be the one getting beat today" I signed the word bear in ASL "Spirit Guide, first form: Bear claw" I felt my polar bear take my stamina. Bakugo stopped in place as he let out a roar "hey this shit ain't fair! Nobody said I had to fight a bear!" I smirked "aw are ya scared Kacchan? Afraid to fight me?" I whispered in his head "get out of my head cat eyes! Aizawa is this even fair!? She's taunting me in my head!" I looked at our teacher "Shinsou has a similar quirk and Todoroki has two quirks so it's completely fair in all aspects-" we were interrupted by a huge boom and sirens blaring, everyone was screaming and yelling over each other "Everyone single file line out the door as fast as you can!" Aizawa yelled.

I looked to where the sound came from and saw the LOV, I called my polar bear back "Mikan look it's the LOV! OH MY GOD THEYRE HERE!!" Mikan ran up to me "Mi now's not the time for your unhealthy obsession with the villains" he pulled me away as soon as Dabi and Toga came through the big hole in the wall "oh my god Dabi! I'm literally your biggest fan!" I yelled as I tried to break free from Mikan "cat eyes you dumbass get away from them!" I saw Bakugo yelled when Mikan tried to drag me away from Dabi and Toga "I want to talk to them, let me go now! I need to know their motives" I started hitting Bakugo who just picked me up and started running "you're crazy if you think I'm putting you down cat eyes, they'll just torture you until you die. Trust me on that fact" I stopped hitting him and was confused by his loud but gentle tone "I- how do you know? Bakugo did you get kidnapped?" He set me down in our classroom. He made some sort of hand signals "I don't know what that means, I'm sorry" I whispered "oh" he wrote something down on a piece of paper "okay then" I looked at the note that said meet me in dorm #2A after curfew, I'll tell you what you want to know I wrote back are you pranking me? Why're so nice all of a sudden? I looked at him, he scribbled on the paper again you're interested in the villains right? I have insider details about their whereabouts since I was kidnapped by them "really? That's facinating Katsuki" he glared at me sorry Bakugo, that dorm number is yours right? I'll be there after cerfew.

I folded the paper and stuck it in my pocket "Bakugo, Yahweh get away from the window, we're in a lockdown right now!" Aizawa scolded "I need everyone to get to the corner of the room and stay quiet now" we went over and Mikan pulled me beside him "why're you talking to the angry one luto?" I unintentionally growled a bit "did- did you just growl at me? What did I say about that" he snapped "not to growl at big brother, I'm sorry I didn't mean to" I whimpered looking down.

After we got the all clear we were sent to the dorms "Midoriya, Yaoyorozu please show the Yahweh twins to their dorm rooms" I glanced at Bakugo again before being escorted away by Momo and Mina "you can decorate your room however you want it! Everyone got to do the same when we moved in, what's your style? what's your color?" I thought a moment "I like orange, red, and black, it reminds me of Halloween an I like the gypsy style" they smiled and grinned at each other "are you into guys or girls-" "Mina! You can't just ask that!" She pouted "it was just a question geez" I laughed "I'm definitely into guys. Had my girl phase, definitely past that now" Ochako came out of nowhere "do you like Bakugo or Denki? You insinuated that you liked Denki and I saw you talking to Bakugo earlier, he looked calm and not angry" I unintentionally blushed "w-what do you mean? I don't like him like that and can't I talk to a classmate? what are you talking about?" Mina grabbed my arm and momo grabbed the other "we're going to take a short detour to my room for a bit- don't worry I ain't kidnapping you" Mina said looking at my horrified face. Once we reached her room they sat me on her bed "now we saw you blushing when we asked about Denki. This is a safe space where we can keep secrets, do you like our charging port?" I hesitated a bit "I think he's interesting-" "oh my god we need to get y'all together! He needs to calm down and you can do that orrr you can date Bakugo, he seemed really calm talking to you and he's never calm, like ever" Mina squealed "Denki is nice and funny but I don't know and I don't think Bakugo likes me, he gave me a dumb nickname and I don't think now is a good time for a relationship especially since my brother doesn't like them already" they looked surprised "really? Bakugo may be an asshole sometimes but nobody actually hates him, maybe he just hasn't gotten to know him yet and Denki is just dumb sometimes but he's nice enough" I just stared at her "my brother hates most people, it's just how it is. He thinks he's protecting me but sometimes I want to be left alone or have friends who he won't scare off. Some days I wish that he could see things from my perspective and how I actually feel" they all looked at me "why can't you just tell him? He should understand-" "I have and he just dismisses me every time, he's treating me like I'm so much younger than he is even though I'm 2 minutes older" I sighed. Momo came to sit beside me "for what it's worth I understand how you feel in this situation, I grew up with overprotective parents who chose whatever I did or didn't do. The rule was I lived in their house, I played by their rules- that was until I moved into the dorms and found my freedom. Miya you can do the same, your brother isn't allowed onto this floor without permission and you can live however you want up here as long as you're safe about it" she giggled "yeah and you will be able to sneak certain blonde boys up here" Mina added "I- no way! I won't be sneaking around at all, I'm not getting in trouble" they began laughing and before we knew it it was almost cerfew and the girls walked me to my dorm before heading back to their own.

I looked and my room was the closest to the stairwell and room #1B "this room is bigger than I thought it would be" I looked to what looked like my closet with my suitcase in it and my uniform hanging up neatly "this closet is huge" I took my suitcase out and unpacked my little bit of clothes.

Wassup hoes? I'm back and I've actually enjoyed writing this story so far. I might keep going with it depending on if anyone actually enjoys reading it. Anyways Kittybear out✌🏼

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