The story

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Miya's POV

I decided to change out of my clothes into something more comfortable, I chose a cropped band tee with high waisted spandex shorts "oh shit, I forgot Bakugo" I slid on my yellow converse and cracked my door open to an empty hallway. I hurried to the stairwell beside my room and slid down the railing to the second floor and looked through the windowed door. Once I saw nobody in the hall I snuck past dorm #1 and knocked twice on door #2.

I was roughly pulled inside as the door shut, and I stumbled and fell on a bean bag chair. I glared at the blonde haired male "what was that for?" I mumbled "what? I didn't hear you" I "why'd you pull me in here?" I said a bit louder. He started making signs again "are you using sign language? I only know a little bit but not enough to communicate with you" he groaned and went to his bedside table. Picking up a small box I looked to see him putting something in his ears "you didn't learn enough sign language to actually communicate with anyone?" He sat on the bean bag opposite me "I learned the signs to summon my spirit animals and never thought to use it to converse with anyone" I shrugged "is that why you're always yelling at everyone? You can't hear yourself talk" he glared at me "you're wrong on that aspect, I can usually hear just fine-" "you're lying, we're sitting here not even two feet apart and you're not yelling after you put your hearing aids in. You couldn't even whisper in the classroom earlier so don't lie to me" I glared. He sighed "I shouldn't feel comfortable taking about my hearing with someone I met just hours ago" I laughed "I'm a spirit guide, everyone feels comfortable with me, I try to make it obvious too" I leaned closer "now about the villans, I heard you say that you were kidnapped. I want details and don't skip anything" I grinned.

For the next hour and a half he explained in great detail all of the events of his kidnapping "woah that's some heavy shit, All Might saved you right? I heard it on the news but it didn't say names or show your face" I was almost kneeling on his lap. I leaned closer inspecting a small scar under his left eye "what are you doing?" he whispered "you have a cute scar under your eye" I rubbed over it with my thumb and looked into his bright red eyes "I- I'm sorry! I don't know personal space" I said blushing and pushing myself backwards and falling off of the bean bag "I should get back to my dorm, I don't want to get you in trouble. See you later" I scurried back to my room and let out a huge sigh "holy shit, what was that?" I whispered climbing into my bed and trying to sleep.

The next morning I woke up on the floor "ugh what the hell?" I groaned looking up to see Mikan on my bed "Mikan what the hell are you doing in here? You're gonna get in trouble" I stood up "we need to talk" i just looked at him "why didn't you wake me up?" He looked away "MikMik you can't do this, if you get caught you'll get in big trouble" I sat on the side of the bed "I made sure I wasn't caught, I'm not stupid" I sighed "I know these things MikMik but you can't just come to my room whenever you want to, you need permission- go away, we'lltalk after class" I pushed him outside my room and shut the door.

Looking at my uniform I thought of ways to make it look cuter so I took it off the hanger found my sewing kit and hemmed the skirt to be shorter than the knee length way it was and cut the shirt into an oversized crop top and left my jacket in my room.

I walked into the hallway to see everyone else wearing the actual uniform with the jacket "what are you wearing?" Ms. Midnight asked "I was told I could customize my uniform, so I did" I did a twirl and posed "Miss Yahweh, I said customize not reimagine, where's the rest of that shirt?" I looked down at the shirt that I hemmed "it was too big so I had to cut it to make it my size" I looked at the other girls in the hall whispering "I could have gotten you a more suitable button up if that one had been too big. I'll get another one for you but it won't be here for a few days, I guess you can wear that one for now" I sighed and walked to Mina "oh my god that looks so cute, I wish I could do that!" I laughed "well you'd get yelled at by Ms. Midnight and given a new shirt" I shrugged as we headed to class.

"Mikan what the hell? Get off him!" I yelled pushing him off of Denki "what happened?" I asked pulling Denki away from my brother "he was saying things about you that were vulgar-" "I was not! It was Mineta and I was defending you" I growled a bit at Mikan again "Miya what did I say?" He glared. I let go of Denki and bent my head "I'm sorry" I went to my seat in the back of the class and put my head down. I was poked in the side and as I looked up I saw Denki next to me "hey sorry about before, Mineta was saying bad things and as soon as I said something your brother came in and well you know the rest" he whispered "it's okay, I'll explain it to him when he's not pissed at-" I felt a dangerous presence behind me making me freeze and turn my head. I saw Bakugo boring holes into my skull with his glare, I was relieved that it wasn't my brother so I smiled at him and turned back to Denki "so wanna go out sometime? I promise you won't regret it" he gave me a great big smile "sure, why not?" I wrote my phone number on a piece of paper and gave it to him "Kamanari, Yahweh is there something you'd like to share with the class?" I looked over to see Aizawa glaring at us "uh no sir, there's nothing to share" I put my head back down "now as I was saying- Mr. Yahweh sit down!" I looked up just in time to see Mikan pull me from my seat and drag me out of the room "what the hell is wrong with you? I told you not to get involved with or be noticed by anyone here And what did you do?" He yelled pushing me into an empty classroom "I'm sorry Mikan, I-" I didn't get to finish my sentence before I felt a sting on my cheek "Mi I'm doing this for our safety, we don't need anyone to know who our brother is" he said soothingly. I didn't even know who our brother was, all I knew was that he abandoned us when we were six years old "now go back to your room for the rest of the day, I'll tell Aizawa you got sick" he stormed out leaving me teary eyed and my face stinging. After I calmly left the school building I sprinted to the dorm building and went straight to my room and cried.

So like I've been meaning to continue this and I have in my notes but it's not getting any views so I'm getting discouraged about launching another story. I'll keep going but it's getting hard seeing only one or two views in months. KittyBear out ✌🏼

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