Basically Gone

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Smut at the beginning of the chapter, I'll put *** when it starts and when it's over

Once sat on my bed, Kat took my socks off and rebandaged my feet "well this was a hell of a day" he went to my empty closet and found the hoodie I took from him and the only shorts I owned and threw them at me. I took my jacket off and began unbuttoning my shirt while staring at him "watchya lookin at babe?" I asked smirking at him "something delectable" he took slow strides towards me "oh? And what is that?" He closed the distance and kissed me "you" he whispered in my ear. He stood up straight but I pulled him back to me by his tie "what happened to me crashing today? Or our deal?" He pushed me down "so you want them now?" I nodded and unzipped my skirt "God you're hot" he said taking his own clothing off "look who's talking" I replied sitting back up.

****Skip if you don't want to read smut****

I could tell he had no experience with sex "Kat, are you a virgin?" I asked his red face "I- uh yeah, I had one close encounter but I wasn't ready yet so" he trailed off "don't worry you'll be fine and we can do colors if you get too uncomfortable" he nodded his head "say red to stop, yellow to pause, and green to keep going?" He laughed "okay can do" I rubbed my fingers up and down his abs "why're you so hot?" I groaned throwing him down on my bed "are you okay?" He let out a breathless grunt so I continued giving him hickies and I felt his heart rate speed up a bit when I continued my decent finally reaching his rock hard dick. I looked up and smirked before grabbing it and slowly pumping it, after a while I began to suck on it and his hand immediately made it's way into my hair massaging my scalp, I moaned at the feeling which made him shudder under me. His length was longer than I had seen before so I couldn't fit him all the way but what I couldn't fit I used my hands to pump in time with my mouth. He let a series of moans and grunts slip from his mouth "does that feel good daddy?" he looked at me with hazy eyes "you tease" he grabbed my head and started face fucking me. I gagged every time his dick hit the back of my throat "God Eve your mouth feels so good" he grunted releasing into my mouth "I thought you were a virgin?" He smirked "I didn't say I haven't had my dick sucked before- now c'mere" he rolled us to where he was on top "I've done foreplay before so let me help you a bit" he unclasped my bra and slowly removed my underwear. I immediately clamped my thighs together "aw you getting shy now? Let me see you" I slowly opened my legs again "that's a good girl, show me your gorgeous body" he tentatively licked a stripe up my slit and my breath hitched, he hummed and did it again but this time he swirled his tongue around my clit once "fuuuuuck who's teasing now" I tried to push myself closer but he held my waist down with one hand "patience is a virtue y'know?" He plunged his tongue as far as he could in me and started sucking and licking making me writhe around helplessly "Kat- Katsu- fuck- Me!" He added two fingers and slowly pushed them into me and circled my clit again with his thumb. I had to bite my hand not to scream out in ecstasy when he sped up, he had to add extra pressure to keep my body still. I could feel the heat and pressure building up in my nether regions, when he bit down on my clit it sent me over the edge climaxing with a loud scream into my hand, and pull of his hair with the other "God you're so fucking hot like this" he crawled over my body and kissed me roughly, I moaned when i felt his erection rub against my clit "Katsuki-" "are you ready?" I nodded not trusting my words "I need words teddybear" I groaned "I want you to fuck me into this goddamn mattress as hard as you can" I stared straight into his eyes and he gave me a sadistic smile. Next thing I knew I was pulled to the edge of the bed while he thrust into me bottoming out "Oh fuck me! Kat!" He pulled out all the way and had his hands on my thighs "that's what I'm trying to do, are you okay?" I nodded "green" he thrust back into me harder but set a slow pace letting me get used to him "go faster, please" he smirked an complied "Fuck! You're so fucking tight for me!" He grunted keeping his fast pace "Kat! Kat! Kat! Fuckfuckfuck" I screamed into his hand "yeah, that's it! Scream my name" he whispered into my ear. I pulled his hand away from my mouth and brought his head closer to kiss me. He moved that hand down to play with my clit enticing me to moan into his mouth and cum again "you're so wet for me- here, taste yourself" he placed his fingers into my mouth for me to suck on and his other hand moved to pinch and twist at my right nipple. I brought my hands around his back and dug my nails in "shit cat eyes! I'm close" He groaned removing his hand from my breast and moving to to stimulate my clit again "oh my God Katsu-" I moaned before climaxing for a third time "that's fucking hot" he grunted thrusting deep and releasing into me. He removed his fingers from my mouth and kissed me softly "are you okay?" He asked pulling out of me and standing up "I- will be, holy shit on a stick" I breathed giggling a bit.

******I suck at writing straight smut******

Before I got to say anything further I heard banging on my door "Miya, your brother ran away! Come out and help us find him! Mr. Aizawa thinks he went to the League!" I stood up and immediately fell over "Hold on let me call him!" I motioned for Kat to get his clothes on and dialed Mikan's number only for it to go straight to voicemail three times "damnit Mikan! Answer the fucking phone" I put my phone down to pull Kat's hoodie over my head and heard my phone "Mikan! Holy shit where are you?" The next words that spilled from his mouth made my blood run cold "you didn't! You idiot, why did you go there? You knew that it could possibly dangerous if they didn't believe you-" he cut me off and my phone dropped from my hand as I fell to my knees "Mai Mai what happened, are you okay in there?" I heard Mina yell as Kat picked me up and put my shorts on.

This chair had to be broken into two because it was getting too long. I also didn't want to bring the mood of this chapter down. Anyways Kittybear out ✌🏼

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