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⚠️ warning mentions of under age drinking and mentions of rape⚠️ ⚠️viewer discretion advised ⚠️

When he hugged Jirou I saw her whisper in his ear "Mina crowd control please" I growled. She got what I meant and gathered everyone's attention "happy birthday Denki! I heard it was also one month since Miya joined us! Oh how exciting two celebrations in one!"

He hurried to my side "I got you a present for that too! Want to open it now?" He shocked my fingers when he grabbed my hands "I would love to! What is it?" He laughed and grabbed a small box out of his suitcase "open it! You're gonna love it" he shoved it in my hand "Denki a necklace and a ring? How did you afford to buy both things?" He grinned "I used my birthday money to get them but my mom helped me pick them out and paid the difference"

He helped me with the necklace that was a small lightning bolt as I put on the simple silver band with our initials engraved on it "look, look I have one too!" He pulled a ring from his pocket to put on and a necklace with bear ears "I love them! They're the best gifts I've ever gotten and the first, I shall treasure them forever" I teared up a bit without meaning to "I'm sorry I didn't get you anything. I- I don't get money, everything goes to my brother" I froze, I didn't mean to say that out loud "I- you what? That's unfair to you" Mina hugged me "please this is Denki's birthday, I didn't mean to bring the mood down" I bowed my head showing my sorrow "no no, it's fine now that everyone's here we can start drinking"

I liked the sound of that "I don't think we should drink you guys, we could get in trouble" Jirou complained "you don't have to if you're afraid of getting in trouble Jirou boo" I taunted "I'm not afraid of getting in trouble, I know we will because some of us have to go back to the dorms tonight" I laughed "suit yourself but I'll take a bottle of Fireball" everyone besides Jirou and Momo got an assortment of mini bottles of alcohol.

A couple hours in Denki decided to assign rooms "Bakugo and Kirishima in one room, Sero and Shinso in another, and Me and Miya will share this room!" He spun around and almost fell on me "why do I have to share with Sero- no offense I just wanted my own bed" Shinso said "every room besides this one has two beds in it" Denki said laying on my lap. My buzz was wearing off while the boys played videogames "hey Mai it's almost midnight, nows a good time as any to give him your present" she winked at me "hey guys Bakugo is asleep! Let's draw on his face!" He shot up "no the fuck you're not! I'm going to my room, good night. Happy birthday dunce face" Kirishima got up too "I'll go with him, he has the key and I'm not getting locked out" he ran after him

"I guess that's our cue to leave too, Shinso you ready?" Sero and Shinso left and that left Momo, Jirou, and Mina "it's almost time for Ms. Midnight to come pick us up so we should leave too" Momo said yawning "it's not midnight yet, why're we gonna leave so early?" Jirou complained "we have to be at the dorms before midnight not at midnight dumbass" Mina said "now, now, you don't have to be so mean to her Mina. Jirou go ahead and tell Denki bye and we can go to the lobby" Momo said smiling at me.

After they finally left we were all alone "so Kami what do you want for a present?" I crawled onto the bed in front of him "what I want? I want you" He sat up against the headboard "me? that is if you want to-" "wait, really? Are you serious? If so then hell yes" He lunged at me and kissed me roughly, I felt his hand make it's way under my dress that rode up my thighs "Kami, holy shit!" I gasped when he suddenly moved my thong aside "already wet for me? That's hot" he kissed down my neck slowly "Denkiiii stop, please! I changed my mind" he smirked at me and ripped my dress off.

The next morning I woke up stuck to Denki's side "fuuuuck" I groaned when I tried to roll over and stand up "are you okay Eevee? Was I too rough last night?" I remembered that Denki and I fucked last night "too rough? Too rough!? Now you care, I fucking hate you! You're a sick sadistic asshole!" He scrambled out of bed when we heard banging on the door "I'm coming!" he said pulling on some boxers, I was relieved to shower alone "-because god it was amazing, she's so hot and flexible and I can't believe how soft her bre- ouch what the fuck Bakugo?" "You're literally sixteen don't be talking so openly about shit like that! What if she didn't want anyone to know-" "know what?" I walked out of the shower in the dress I was wearing last night "oh just about that cute little bellybutton ring that you have" I eyed him skeptically seeing the sparks in his fingers but dropped it "I'm pretty sure everyone saw it on my first and second days of school. Bakugo it's okay if he talks about it but it is a bit weird" I sat on the floor beside Bakugo looking at Denki and Shinso who was a bit too close for comfort.

We talked a bunch of shit until Ms. Midnight came to get us for school in the morning. As soon as we entered the common room the girls asked to talk to me alone "sorry but I'm tired as hell, lets talk tomorrow after school" they reluctantly agreed and left me to go sleep.

Denki had been sneaking into my room for almost two months straight after his apology but on Valentine's Day he said he was sick so I just went to sleep only to wake in a cold sweat at three am "I've got a bad feeling" I threw my blanket off and called Denki "goddamn it Kami, I don't know your room number" I hung up for the tenth time. I finally just went to the only person I knew I could trust "cat eyes it's literally three in the morning, what's wrong?" I suddenly burst into tears and he pulled me in his room "shhh it's okay, what happened? Why're you here at three am? And why're you so sweaty?" He sat me on his bed and fell onto his bean bag *I think I had a premonition or one of my spirits told me that something was wrong and that I'd get hurt in the near future-* I signed "why aren't you with your boyfriend? He should be with you" I just cried more and signed *I don't know his room number and he didn't answer his phone- I called ten times* he frowned "he could be dead to the world or playing videogames with Shinsou, let's find out shall we?" He went to his dresser and picked up a ring of six keys with his hearing aids "he gave me a spare key so we're gonna use it" he smirked and we went to dorm 4B "Kami I've been trying to call-" I was horrified to see him with Shinso both naked on his bed "Dunce face what the hell are you doing!?" Bakugo yelled as I ran back to his room.

I slammed Bakugo's door shut, locked it, and crumpled to the ground "Eevee unlock the door please, I'm sorry I thought I told you about Shinso. He's okay with you and I want you to be okay with him-" "fucking move dipshit, you're not allowed in my room" I heard Bakugo say as he opened the door. He effortlessly picked me up and laid me on his bed, he covered me with a blanket "sleep here, I'll call Mina in the morning" he tried to walk away but I grabbed his hand "where are you going? I- uh- I don't want to be alone" he squeezed my hand and let go "I'm just gonna move my bean bags beside the bed and I'll sleep down here, I promise I won't leave" I nodded my head and watched him make his bed "I can feel you watching me cat eyes" I blushed a bit "g-good night Kat" I rolled over and covered up my head "goodnight Miya" he said probably thinking he was whispering so I didn't reply.

So two chapters within seconds of each other? I think yes. I don't mean to make Denki, Shinso, and Jiro the bad guys but that's how my mind works. It steered into bad territory and I wrote it. Anyways Kittybear out ✌🏼

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