Spar against 1B

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Back in class, I was moved into the back corner with Bakugo to my right and Mina in front of me. Sero was moved in front of Bakugo and Kirishima in front of Mina, which I think Aizawa did on purpose.

The next morning, I woke up to the sounds of knocking on my door. "Who is it?" I asked cautiously "it's your Knight in shining armour, who the fuck do you think it is?" I sighed in relief "no need to be sarcastic Kat, I was just being cautious" I opened the door "your tie isn't tied, c'mere" I pulled him towards me and I got his tie tied in seconds "wow, that's impressive. Where'd you learn to do that?" Mina asked walking to us "someone needed to learn how to make Mikan look good for certain events" I smoothed my skirt down and we walked to class.

Aizawa made it his job to make us first in class every day, we also had our lunch and gym switched so we wouldn't run into my brother, Jirou, or Denki when they came back "ugh is 1B always this annoying? That Monoma kid is pissing me off," I asked as we quit sparring "sadly they are, but we can put Monoma in his place at the sports festival next month!" We were called back to sparring and we each got new partners "oh for fucks sake!" I groaned when I was up against Monoma "you class 1A idiots are gonna see my power beat yours and 1B will be on top" I groaned "this'll be over before you can react" as soon as we started I signed phoneix "spirit guide fourth form: Nix" I felt a huge amount of energy escape me "Nix first form: claw attack" he flew forward, carried Monoma out of the ring, and dropped him into the trees before disappearing "Monoma out of the ring, Yahweh wins- that will be a very useful quirk for offense and defense" our teacher praised "that's not fair, her bird just carried him off".

I stepped out of the ring "Is that even allowed? She didn't even give him a chance!" I heard Tetsu Tetsu complain "she used her quirk and beat him fairly, it's definitely allowed" our teacher said as Monoma emerged from the trees "now that Monoma is back I'll tell you exactly why it's completely fair" he stood in the ring "now how many of you think that this fight was fair? Raise of hands" Mina, Bakugo, Kendo, and two others raised their hands "alright everyone who didn't raise their hands, you are wrong. Do you think a villain is going to wait for you to steal their quirk? Or power yours up?" Nobody said anything.

Cementos walked into the gym "Miya Yahweh is the perfect example of a hero, she took him down as quickly and quietly as possible, and she also did it without making a huge mess. Everyone take note of this and try to be like her next time we spar-" "next time we spar!? She's not even from this class, why should we be like her-" "shut your mouth Monoma! Do you wanna lose a layer of skin?" "Or lose an entire arm?" Mina and Bakugo threatened "guys please-" "Monoma and TetsuTetsu as your teacher I decided this is now your new project for the next two weeks. You have to write a five page essay on how you think Miya's quirk works and how efficiently and swiftly she can take villains down and save people, watch her sparing with hand to hand combat too and see how well she fairs against bigger opponents"

I looked at Monoma and TetsuTetsu's faces drop "you're also not allowed to participate in our sparring unless I say that you can"  I could practically see the smoke coming from his ears "sir is that completely necessary? I mean, I get Monoma, but why TetsuTetsu?" Kendo asked."I'm glad you asked Kendo, TetsuTetsu gets the same punishment because he started this argument, and it's only fit to give him the same punishment. Now, does anyone else have anything else to say?" Bakugo went to raise his hand but I pinched his side "fuck Eve what was that for?" He whispered "I knew what you were gonna say and you would be in trouble too if you said it" I whispered back. He just groaned and we left to the locker rooms.

"So Miya, your quirk is like really good. You could totally win the sports festival in record time" a short girl with brown hair said "your quirk is cool too Komori, it's good for offense and defense" Ibara said glaring at me "sports festival? What's that?" They all looked surprised "the sports festival is like the biggest school event involving all first year classes" Kendo explained "that didn't really answer my question though, what do you do during the festival? Do we play games, or do we set stuff up for others to play like my old school?" The class 1B girls laughed."You really don't know anything, do you? The sports festival is a series of games that we compete in to show off our quirks and at the end of it all we have a battle royale to see who's quirk will come out on top and I think that Komori or I will be able to win it all maybe even Kendo could win with her strong willpower" Ibara said sounding condescending "no, no I'm definitely sure that she can win. I'm even willing to bet on it. Who's in?" Komori said smiling, and half the 1B girls agreed "Miya why did Bakugo call you Eve? Did he give you a cute nickname? Is that why you and Denki stopped dating?" Setsuna Tokage, UA's most annoying student said."None of that is any of your business! And no matter what you heard don't go spreading false truths" I started getting dizzy "Mina let's just go, I'm starting to-" my vision started to blacken as soon as I opened the door "Bakugo catch-" I heard Mina say before I passed out.

Blehhh Fuck Monoma and his bitchass. Should I write the sports festival in detail or just snippets of the battle royale? This chapter was shorter, so the next xhapter won't have to be split in to two parts. Anyways Kittybear out ✌🏼

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