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 Soon enough a month had passed and Denki was gonna celebrate his birthday "you're going to what? Mimi we're sixteen, are you completely sure about this?" Currently I was sitting on Mina's bed with Tsu, Momo, and Jirou "yes I'm completely sure about this, we've done other things and it's his birthday I wanna give him something special that he'll remember. I 'stole' some cute lingerie and i think i want to make this official" Tsu smacked her forehead "what will your overbearing brother think if he found out?"

They were trying to talk me out of sleeping with Denki "I just think that he would like it instead of an actual gift" "you want Denki to be your first!? The same Denki that can't remember shit and has an ungodly amount of Pikachu themed items" I just laughed "he's quirky and I love it, he seems to remember small things about me or stuff I've said before and my brother won't find out unless someone from this room says anything and we've done other things before, what could be different?" everyone went silent after I made them promise not to tell anyone, after an hour of pleading they finally gave in and helped me make a plan for that weekend. 

Surprisingly Denki's parents booked hotel rooms for Denki's friends "we have three rooms, one for me, one for Bakugo and Kirishima, and one for Sero and Shinso" he looked like he was gonna jump off my bed "Kami, how'd you convince your parents to get you hotel rooms?" He stood up "I didn't have to do anything, they asked what I wanted and when I said I just wanted to hang out with my friends they booked the rooms. Want to come spend the night with me?" This was my chance "your parents wouldn't care? I'll literally be the only girl there" he squished my cheeks "Mina, Momo, and Jirou will be there until midnight" he pecked my lips "don't I need a parents permission to be off campus?" He laughed "not until after midnight, that's the cerfew and we're just gonna be chilling by then anyways" I smiled "sounds like fun, when are we going?" I asked "it'll be Friday after school" I smiled even brighter "can't wait! This is going to be so fun" he told me he had things to prepare and kissed me goodnight, I frowned when the door shut.

I think Mikan could tell something was amiss "why are you so happy this morning? Did you train your quirk any?" He grabbed my wrist "nope it's a secret that I can't tell even you-" "Miya I'm not kidding around, we keep no secrets between us. Ever." I pulled my wrist away which was a mistake "Miya Everest Yahweh don't you dare pull away from me when I'm talking to you. Now follow me or else" I hung my head and followed him yet again. 

We walked around campus for a bit and I listened to him rant on and on about our twin bond, why he was the only one I had on my side, and how I was hurting him by keeping secrets "Mikan I am an almost seventeen year old girl! I can have my secrets and things I just don't want to tell you! Stop breathing down my neck it's getting annoying" he raised his hand to slap me again "Mi you're out of line here-" I growled lowly at him "Mikan I'm sorry, please-" I flinched as I felt an arm wrap around my waist from behind and one pet my head "Eevee it's okay calm down now, every thing is alright now" I heard Denki whisper in my ear as I closed my eyes "Mikan don't yell at or hit your sister! Don't make me get Aizawa into this" "just back down, right now. There's no need for a fight" that was Bakugo's voice "she's my sister and I'll treat her how I always have, now Miya let's go before you get in anymore trouble with me" I saw him take a step before I saw a tiny lightening bolt hit his temple. He dropped to the ground with a soft thud "Denki what did you do? Is he okay?" I ran to my brothers side to see him passed out "he's okay, I just knocked him unconscious for a while" I breathed a sigh of relief "were you guys following us the whole time? Why?" They all looked at me like I was dumb "I had my suspicions about your sudden bruises and lying so I had Baku and Denki help me tail you guys" Mina said staying a bit of a ways away "so you knew I was lying? Why didn't you say anything?" She looked at Denki and Bakugo "I knew you had your reasons for not saying anything but I got worried" I nodded my head in understanding "can you tell me what else he's done? My room will be a safe space for you" I hesitated to take her hand but I did it anyways.

Once sat in Mina's room she offered me many drinks and snacks that I refused "we haven't had lunch and you probably didn't have breakfast either. Please eat something or I'll make Denki hold you down while Bakugo feeds you" I had realized that I hadn't eaten an actual meal since arriving at UA a months ago "I'm fine, I'm really not hungry especially right now. I promise I'll eat something later" she went to say something but decided against it "fine but I'm holding you to that promise" she sighed "but back to why we're here, I promise that this room is a safe space and nothing said will escape this room" I gave in and told her everything that happened before coming to school "that's- holy shit that's heavy. Is that why you wanted Denki? If it is I can see why now" I wiped at stray tears "I just want it to be consensual and not for money" I looked up to see Mina crying too "Miya I'm so sorry, that should've never happened to you. Sick bastards should go to hell after I kill them" I was shocked "Mina heroes aren't supposed to kill people, even if they deserve it" she clicked her tongue "they don't deserve to be called people-" the door slammed open and I was tackled by blonde hair "are you okay? I got so worried- " Mina looked unamused "she's fine, look at her" I laughed "Kami I'm okay, I just needed to talk to Mina for a while" Bakugo pulled him off me "she's still injured dumbass, don't jump on her" they left soon after.

"Miya, are you sure about Denki now" I sighed "its not like I can sleep with Katsuki" Mina gasped "that's true, okay but what are you going to wear? You need something sexy but not too old for you so here try this-" she handed me a black slip dress "or this-" a red bodycon dress was thrown my way "or this one-" a yellow mini dress was thrown too "those should look best with your figure and your skin tone, go try them on" I hated wearing other peoples clothes, it gave me flashbacks and anxiety. Once I had stepped into the bathroom I told myself that it was just Mina and I was okay, after trying all three on I decided on the yellow mini dress. Looking in the mirror I felt beautiful, something I rarely felt anymore "you look gorgeous! I'm so happy they fit and jealous they look better on you" I did a quick spin and went to change back.

The day of the party I quickly became nervous "Mina what if he doesn't want to? How am I supposed to face the rejection?" Mina, Jirou, and Momo were sitting in my room getting dressed "can somebody tell me why we're getting all dolled up? The guys are probably going to wear just t-shirts and jeans" Jirou sighed "Jirou you're literally wearing the same thing you're complaining about" Mina laughed as we looked at her purple long sleeved shirt and black jeans "it's not my fault that I want to dress comfortably and you guys want to wear dresses" she glared at me "why're you glaring at me? I didn't make them wear dresses, they looked at mine and decided on their own" I didn't like Jirou, I only tolerated her for Denki's sake "Jirou you're gonna look underdressed next to us, at least wear a skirt or something" Mina urged "no, I'm not going to conform to Miya's dress code. It's not even her party for crying out loud" we were all stunned "Jirou are you okay? It's not Miya's dress code or even her idea, why're you being so mean?" Mina stood up from my vanity "I like him okay! I've had a crush on Denki since the beginning of the year and the time I decide to ask him out he's already fucking the new girl! I tolerated you for Denki's sake but I will not tolerate him being a toy while he isn't yours- yes that's right, I listened to your conversation with Mina so I know everything that you said" she smirked "so that makes you a liar and a whore. Who else have you fucked? Hmm?" Mina stormed over to her and back handed her face. As soon as she hit the ground Mina stood over her "Mai is not a whore and your way out of line. Get out before I throw you out- Momo can you keep watch over her until time for the party"

Mina drug her out of my room with Momo walking behind her "Mai please don't think anything of what she said, she's all talk and no action. She's too scared to tell anyone and she knows what'll happen if she does" she wiped a tear from my face, calmed me down, and we went back to do our makeup. After being dropped off at the hotel we found their rooms fairly easily "Miya, Mina, welcome ladies to my totally adult free party, come sit and have a drink- I promise there's no alcohol in them- yet" he laughed and kissed my cheek and then hand. I was a bit disappointed when it had not even been thirty minutes when Jirou and Momo walked in "hey guys, glad you could make it" he stood from his place beside me to hug them. 

I've decided to keep going with this story cause I have a lot of chapters in my notes and I keep forgetting to update. The next few days will be chapter dumping. I honestly don't care if lots of people read this but to the ones that do, I love you my little bear cubs❤️ Anyways Kittybear out ✌🏼

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