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Miya's POV

"Miya are you okay? Your brother said you got sick so we brought medicine and soup for you since you missed lunch and dinner" I heard Mina say through the door "I-" I had cried so much I was hoarse and couldn't talk properly so I got up to open the door. Mina gasped and grabbed my face "what happened? There's a bruise on your face" I tried to play it off "I rolled off my bed and hit my nightstand, it's okay I'm fine" Mina looked skeptical but dropped it "come in and let me change clothes" I grabbed an oversized t-shirt and shorts and went to my bathroom.

After changing clothes I looked in the mirror to see a giant blue bruise with a cut spreading across my cheek in the shape of a handprint "she knows what happened and I lied to her face" I splashed water on my face when I heard a knock on my door "coming!" I wiped my face and opened the door to Momo holding a bowl of soup "that bruise is horrible looking, here let me put some cream on it" she pulled me back to my room and set my bowl aside to make a cream appear in her hands. After applying it to my face I was forced to eat and soon enough cerfew had begun and they had to leave yet again.

As soon as I got in my bed and began to lay down my phone went off "who is this?" I looked at the message "hey Miya it's Denki, the class was hoping to go to the fair Friday after classes are over. Will you go with us?" I smiled at my phone "okay, sounds fun! Meet in the common room?" he agreed and wished me a good night. The first week of school flew past and I finally woke up to no Mikan in my bed "thank God, I hate his lectures" I heard a knock and Ms. Midnight's voice "I brought you a new shirt to wear that should fit you" I groaned getting the shirt that was in a box on the floor. A note said "by customize I mean adding pens or something to it not cut it or tie dye it" I shut my door "what am I supposed to do with it? I'll look like everyone else" I put it on and went to pull my braids up into a bun, looking down my chest was pushing at the buttons so I unbuttoned the middle three buttons and stuck my tie down inside my shirt. Leaving my room I put my yellow converse on and locked my door "Miya! Your shoes are so cute. Are they for someone special?" Mina wiggled her eyebrows "what? What do you mean?" I looked and remembered they had lightening bolts on them "this was purely coincidental, I totally forgot they had them" they just laughed and pulled me to he common room "Denki! Denki! Look at Miya's shoes! They match your hair" I tried to stop Mina from yelling "really? I wanna see" I heard behind me. I turned straight into Denki almost knocking me to the ground "oh my god Miya what happened to your cheek?!" He rubbed a thumb over it making me wince away and squeeze my eyes shut "I'm sorry that probably hurt, let's get you a bandaid for that cut" he held my hand and took me to the kitchen.

He effortlessly set me on the counter top while he got the first aid kit "so Denki what's your quirk?" I asked swinging my legs "oh it's electrification, what's yours? I saw you use it but what's it called?" He put a band-aid on my scratch making me flinch away "it's called Spirit Guide, I can summon different animals as spirits. I have to have a special connection to a certain animal in order to summon them" he looked confused for a second "that's really cool, how many can you summon?" I was excited that someone was interested in my quirk so I over explained it "I'm sorry, I'm talking too much but I can only summon two right now, a panther and a bear but I hope to learn and summon more" he lifted me off the counter "I can do it myself" I glared playfully "yeah totally, you're literally four foot tall-" "I'm four foot eleven and a half" I pointed at his face "Miya I need to talk to you" I heard Mikan say "I- okay" I turned quickly and lowered my head to walk to him "that's the second time, don't let there be a third" he gripped my forearm tightly "Mikan that hurts, let go" I whispered "fine, but we need to talk. Again"

He let me go once we were outside away from everyone "you know very well why we're here and what we're supposed to do-" "no Mikan, I don't know why we are here. You never told me anything about why we came to UA!" That earned me another slap in the same spot "you need to lower your voice and obey what I say, don't forget that I'm the reason why we're alive. You're to stay away from the Bakugo kid and the Kamanari idiot-" "that's not fair!" I suddenly felt the cold brick against my back and pain in my skull "what did I say? Miya you're on thin ice here, don't slip up again, I'll tell Aizawa you're still feeling sick" he let go of the choke hold he had and left back to the dorms.

I sank to the ground and cried holding the back of my head "fuck, how am I gonna explain these?" I looked at the finger shaped bruises on my arm and pulled my hand away to see blood dripping from my hand "great, just great. Thanks Mikan for fucking up my body more" I touched my cheek, feeling more blood. I snuck back to the dorms and waited for everyone to leave before walking inside, running to the elevator I bumped into Denki "oh my god! What happened? Were you attacked Miya? Who did it?" "I'm fine, don't- don't tell- please" He looked worried and all I could hear was the silence growing bigger and the room going darker. "-i don't know" "-too much blood" "what the hell!?" I woke up to a bright light "am I dead?" I heard a laugh and then an 'ouch' I looked to my side and a searing pain went through my head making me scream "holy shit, she's awake" Denki and Mina were suddenly standing over me "Denkiii what'd I say" I groaned "Mina won't tell anyone, I made her swear on her life" Mina reached over to touch my other cheek "can you tell us what happened?" I sat up and winced in pain "I think I got jumped, all I remember was someone telling me to stay away from Denki and Bakugo" I began crying rembering my brothers words once again "it's okay, we'll find out who it was, they won't get away with this!" I heard someone's phone go off "it's Bakugo, he's probably wondering why we're not at lunch. Should I answer? I'm kinda scared to-" "you'll be more scared if you don't" Denki reluctantly pressed accept "dunce face where the hell are you and Mina!? Did you guys kidnap cat eyes and hold her for ransom?" I started crying "no Bakugo, she fell down the stairs so we helped her back to her room" Denki gave me a thumbs up "Aizawa is ready to kill you guys so get to class" he grumbled and hung up "if we don't get to class Bakugo is gonna kill us" Mina said running out the door "I'll be back, I promise" he kissed my forehead and ran away leaving me a blushing mess hiding under my blankets.

There!! Finally another chapter has escaped my notes! I think I'll go ahead and continue this story cause I'm deleting another one of my books. Anyways Kittybear out✌🏼

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