You're a traitor

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We calmly left my room and ran straight into Mr. Aizawa "he went to the league-" I cried "he left me behind-" my voice cracked "I have to call the pros- Yahweh you have to come with us. We have to talk about your brother" Kat followed Mr. Aizawa to wherever he was headed and I realized we were in Nezu's office once again. I was sat in a chair across from him with Kat standing behind me "miss Yahweh we have suspicions that you and your brother are the UA traitors" he began.

"There's no way she could! Mina and I have been with her 24/7!" Nezu sighed "we have brought Shinsou here to help us know more about this and to possibly clear their names" I slightly glared at him when he stood up from the couch behind us and stood beside Nezu "hello Miya, I've heard a lot about you" I looked at Kat and he nodded "hello it's ni-" my mind went black "have you or your brother had contact with the League of Villans?" I heard in my head "my brother called me to say he was now working with the villans, I have not been in contact with them" I answered robotically "do you know of anyone else that may be apart of the league?" it asked again,"my twin Mikan said he was with them, and I suspect that my older brother coaxed him into joining them. " I immediately answered."What is your older brothers quirk" I had no answer."I don't know. He never told me. I was kept in the dark by my whole family about anything related to not making money for my brothers. " My head began to hurt."What did you do to earn-" "dont ask that question! You don't need the answer to it!" I heard another voice "we need everything about her life before UA, if she won't tell us on her own we'll have to use this method" another voice said "Miya I need the information about your past, can you tell me all of the events leading up to your arrival to UA" I tried to keep from telling everything about my past but my body and mind wouldn't let me keep quiet so I told them every event of my life until I was stopped at the point where we went to lunch with Hawks.

I was shaken awake and looked up into Kat's ruby irises. "What happened? Why am I back in principal Nezu's office? Where is Mikan?" All of my questions gave me a headache as I remembered the phone call. I looked around at the grim faces of Nezu, Aizawa, Shinsou, and finally back to Kat's own conflicted eyes. "I'm so sorry," he choked out. "I- what do you mean?" I looked at Mr. Aizawa "What happened?" Pain flicked through his eyes."we used Shinsou's quirk on you, " my eyes widened.

"You WHAT!? YOU FORCED ME TO TELL YOU ANYTHING YOU ASKED?!" I stood up and fell over from the pain in my feet and my nether regions "what- what did they ask Kat?" He blew a hair out of his face "Eve sit down please, I'll tell you" and he proceeded to do just that "I- hate you all!" I stood up and ran down the hallway, pushing through the searing pain in my feet and between my legs. I could hear them all yelling and running after me. I just ran faster and before I could make it outside I slipped and fell hard on my back "Eve! Are you okay?" I looked back to see Kat cradle me in his arms "you're bleeding, we have to go to recovery girl now!" I was picked up and finally saw the bloody footprints down the hall. I just cried into Kat's chest until I felt lightheaded "why didn't you stop them?" I whispered "I tried to, they shoved me out of the room until they were done asking the question when I couldn't stop you. I would've blown up the door if I had known they'd do something like that. Eve I'm- I'm so sorry, I couldn't protect you" I felt a tear hit my hand and noticed him crying "it's okay, how much did I tell them?" I asked not wanting to know the answer "you told them everything you remembered from a child to Dunce faces birthday- they wanted to stop you after the Hawks incident" he looked strained "why didn't you tell me he raped you? I should've known about it from his dumbass story. Fuck!" He yelled hearing the echo down the empty hallway "I didn't say anything because it wasn't anything new" I looked away "hopefully recovery girl is in her office"

He sighed and opened the door and she was there so he sat me on the nearest bed "why didn't you come to me sooner child?" I looked away in embarassment "I uh- I know how your quirk works and..." "and you didn't want me to kiss your feet? Honey I've had to kiss feet before and some even worse places so just sit back and relax" I did as told and felt myself drift off to sleep. I felt a warmth encase me and slow rocking "Kat? Did I fall asleep?" He laughed "you fell asleep before she even touched you, she just let me walk you back to the dorms. Your feet are now at 100% and can be useful now" he set me down at the door "Miya! Miya someone left you some gifts!" Mina said excitedly but stopped as soon as she saw my tired face "are you okay? Do you need to talk?" She flicked her eyes to Kat who shook his head "Mina, it's six pm, she's tired, we've had a long day, and I think she just wants to sleep" I nodded and leaned into him "Bakubabe Mr. Aizawa is coming to talk but go put her to bed first" he nodded and grabbed the boxes she was holding.

I collapsed on my bed and almost fell asleep immediately "you can't fall asleep yet dollface, you need to eat something" he gave me a candy bar he had in his pocket "how and where did you get that?" He smirked "don't worry about it" he set my boxes down and said he had to talk to Mr. Aizawa before they come find him.

Lmaoo I'm gonna do another chapter dump because why not? I have more angst before things get better but don't worry Miya will be okay. Anyways Kittybear out ✌🏼

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2023 ⏰

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