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"Okay I want you both to attack me without quirks or your weapons" Hawks had us change into our hero suits and I had to say Katsuki was fucking hot "damn Eve thats your hero suit?" I blushed looking at my cropped spandex top and spandex half skort. I ran towards Hawks and threw the first punch which was deflected with ease and the second and third ones too "damn it" I cursed "Katsuki are ya gonna join in?" I didn't realize he was just staring at me "Kat wanna lend me a hand here?" I said barely dodging a kick to my chest.

I did a back handspring towards said man "I had a plan but you ran away" I sighed "whats the plan?" He looked at a grinning Hawks "okay, heres the plan" I groaned but agreed. We both ran towards him but at the last minute I turned left while Kat threw a punch straight on. When Hawks retaliated I ran in sending a kick to his back that he dodged with ease. I landed and rolled under Kats leg as he kicked at Hawks side "you guys are in sync but its not fast enough" Hawks said dodging and deflecting our kicks and punches a little too smooth for my liking "Kat this isn't working, regroup" I back rolled away from another kick. After an hour and a half of fighting neither I nor Kat could land one hit "this is frustrating!" I yelled "I have a last ditch effort plan, a plan Z if you will" I nodded for him to continue.

After glancing at Hawks and back at Kat we ran full speed and once behind him I jumped and latched onto him like a backpack and had him in a choke hold "how the fu-" he didn't finish his sentence when I tightened my grip. Kat kept throwing kicks and punches his way, I could tell he was getting either annoyed or just plain angry cause he gripped the back of my top and flung me toward Kat making us crash into the back wall "that was a dangerous plan albeit you almost got me but was too dangerous for you Miya" I groaned and got off Kat "and Katsuki throwing those kicks and punches knowing she's on me was also careless. Was that a last ditch effort to stop me? You both need a lesson in stopping reckless fighting" I looked to Kat looking at my boots.

I looked down to see blood seeping through the toes "I think you need new boots Eve, why haven't you bought any yet?" I fiddled with my fingers "I can't afford to buy any and I can't ask my brother" my voice cracked a bit "what shoe size are those?" Hawks asked "they're a five" I hesitantly looked at him "what size do you actually wear?" I glared at the floor "I wear a seven sir" I could hear the crackle of little explosions "so you've been sacrificing your feet so you don't make your brother mad?" I could hear the anger in Kat's voice. I whispered a quiet yes and I flinched when I was pushed to the floor "Kat what are you-" he pulled off my shoes and socks "look-" he gestured to my feet "all of your toes are bleeding and both feet are black and blue. You really wear these shoes for sparring every day?" I slowly nodded feeling tears prick my eyes "I'm going to kill him! What about your hero suit?"

He looked me up and down "it's too small but it's okay, he said I won't grow and I can still wear it by my third year!" They looked at me with grim faces "do you have any other clothes or shoes you can wear?" I thought back to my yellow shoes "I uh I have one other pair of shoes, they're too big but I don't have many clothes" Hawks went to get a med kit "is that why you only wear your school uniform and shoes everywhere?" I looked away from them. I tapped my index fingers together as I sat on the floor while Kat bandaged my feet "we can do quirk training since you don't have to move for that, Katsuki do you mind fighting one of her summons?" He laughed "I wouldn't mind fighting a bear" I sighed and tried to put my socks back on "oh no you don't, these look too small too. They were rolling down your thighs the entire time we've been here" I was embarrassed that he noticed that "these are no longer yours and you're not allowed to wear shoes until your feet heal"

He stuffed my socks into my shoes and threw them away "how am I supposed to walk around without any footwear?" He thought a bit "I'll just carry you until you heal then" I blushed thinking about him carrying me into the dorms like this "I don't want people to gossip about it, I still hear the whispers about the other incidents" Kat looked pissed again "we're together and I'll be damned if I let a lowlife extra talk bad about MY girlfriend" I could feel the heat radiating off of him "okay Katsuki I think it's time to get in position" I forgot Hawks was in the room with us.

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