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⚠️warning depections of violence, lying, miscommunication, mentions of rape, coercion, ⚠️

I was awoken by banging on the door. "Bakugo. Bakugo. Katsuki!" He jumped when I fell on him."What the hell, Miya? Why're you on top of me?" *Someone scared me banging on the door, and I fell* The knocking kept going "Miya I know you're in there! We need to talk!" I heard Denki say through the door "shut the fuck up dunce face! I'm trying to get dressed for school." The knocking became more rapid and louder.

"Not with my girlfriend in there you're not! Open the damn door!" Bakugo got up "how do you know she isn't with pinky right now? Or pink cheeks?" I got back under the blankets as he opened the door "Mina and Ochako are at breakfast and she's not in her room, come on I just need to talk to her" I peeked out of the blankets "it's okay Bakugo, I need to talk to him too" he opened the door and Denki stumbled in "Bakugo where are your clothes?! Miya is in here!" I looked over to see him in just his underwear "I said I was changing didn't I? Look she's under the blanket anyways- or was" I blushed and hid my face again "Bakugo can we use your room to talk?" He asked before shoving said male aside "you can talk but I'm not leaving this spot" He put some shorts on and moved a bean bag to the corner of his room.

That made me feel a bit better, Denki made a sour face and sat in the bean bag closest to the bed "Eevee-" "don't call me that Kaminari" I hissed sitting up "you're wearing Bakugo's shirt? Are you cheating on me?" I growled at him. "ME cheating on YOU? That's rich coming from the one who I caught mid sex with Shinsou of all people!" I was standing on the bed now."I told you that I was with Shinsou! You said that you didn't care since he was a guy!" I could feel my ear twitching so I started signing to Bakugo, it looked like he was texting someone "dunce face you need to leave now before I get angry" Bakugo said walking towards us "Miya and I aren't done talking-" "yes we are-" I took my necklace and ring off "-so you can have these back!" I threw them at him."we almost made something work but you ruined it!" I cried. "Miya c'mon, I spent a lot of money on these and, and the braids you have! You're also wearing another guys clothes" "You want these off? fine here-" I took the shirt and boxers off and threw them at Bakugo "Miya, Bakugo is still here!" Bakugo looked away.

I looked back at Kaminari "I will give you the money for these braids back and I'll even give you the hair too" I began pulling the rubber bands out and threw a couple braids at him "I'd rather go natural anyways!" It hurt to pull all of the braids out but I pushed through the pain. After my braids were out and thrown at Kaminari I signed to Bakugo again *please make him leave* I fell on the bed and listened to Bakugo force him to leave "want me to call Mina in here? She might can help fix your hair if you want" I was too tired to respond so I just nodded my head.

For what felt like hours I laid in silence "Miya what happened to your hair? And your clothes? Did you get jumped again?" I rolled to look at her "no- Kat can you explain please?" He rolled his eyes but explained what happened last night and this morning "I'm gonna kill that bitch! And after- I won't say that out loud right now-" "I think I know what you're talking about, Denki told us all about it the next morning while you were showering. He described in great detail everything so I took my hearing aids out until I couldn't stand it anymore and I hit him-" "I actually heard part of that and thanks Kat it made me uncomfortable" Mina sat on the bed and pulled a couple more braids out slowly "what're you gonna do-" "I'm going to kill him, that's what I'm going to do" Bakugo said, tiny explosions flying from his fingers "Kat you can't do that, you'll get expelled. Please promise me that you won't do it" I looked at him with sad eyes "fine, fine but if he even gets near you again he's gonna lose a layer of skin or some fingers" I heard Mina audibly gasp "hey Mai let's go to my room and get your hair all fixed up and pretty- Bakugo can she borrow a hoodie?" He got up and threw me one from a pile of clothes "keep it, it's too small anyways" I put it on and it was still huge on me. As soon as Mina shut her door she began smiling "how did you get Bakugo to let you in his room and wear his clothes? He never lets anyone in his room or wear his clothes- oh my god Bakugo likes you! You even called him Kat and he didn't yell at you" she sat me at her vanity and got to work on my hair "your hair is so pretty Mai, you don't even need braids, I can fix it for you" I thanked her and she started brushing my hair out "so wanna talk about it?" She asked setting the brush down "uh well you already know the full story but what hurts the most is that I shouldn't have let him be my first pick- Mina what did I do wrong? We spent two months- only having sex, I'm so stupid all he wanted was sex for his birthday and I gave it to him even when I said to stop" "she gripped my shoulders "I'm calling Ei- he basically raped you half the time! Even on his fucking birthday, I'm surprised you can even walk straight"

She called Kirishima while braiding my hair back "is this my fate? To be used and discarded?" she tied it up with a string "no thats not your fate at all" we heard a knock on the door "Ei thank goodness-" "Mina why're you with that cheater? Denki told me all about him catching her with Bakugo of all people! Denki was nothing but-" "an arrogant asshole who only told you what made him look like the vulnerable boyfriend of a cheater. The truth is Miya and Bakugo found him and Shinsou having sex on Valentines" Kirishima grunted "then why is she wearing Bakugo's hoodie and her hair is different now" Mina gave him the death stare "then go ask Bakugo, you know he never lies bout anything, now get out of my room you've pissed me off- wait send Momo in" he glared and slammed the door shut. Mina pulled my hair back down "the braid just made me mad just like Ei did" she started brushing my hair again "what about low pigtails?" I smiled at her and agreed. Momo came in the room a bit later "the common room is in disarray, Bakugo is on the verge of killing Denki and Kirishima is trying to hold him back! Mina, Miya, we need your help!"

We both ran out of the room downstairs. I saw Sero holding back Denki and Kirishima holding Bakugo back *Bakugo what did I say about fighting him?* I signed walking to him "tell that to the dumbass who is calling you a cheating whore-" "I did not, I said that she was a whore that slept with everyone for money. Jirou told me so-" "that bitch!" I yelled walking over to her "Mimi she isn't worth it, we already know the truth so leave her-" I broke free and got one good punch in before Ojiro grabbed me with his tail, I started to sign panther and before he came forth he disappeared "I hear that we have a fight going on, who started it? Momo?" Mr. Aizawa said using his quirk "Denki started the boys argument and Jirou started the other one with an absurd rumor" Mr. Aizawa sighed, "Kaminari, Sero, Bakugo, Kirishima, Yahweh, Ashido, Yaoyorozu, and Jirou to the principals office" I groaned and Ojiro let me go.

"Why are there eight of your students standing in my office, Mr. Aizawa?" Principal Nezu asked, sitting at his desk."They had a huge argument and almost killed each other in my common room. Apparently Jirou spread a rumor about Yahweh, Kaminari and Bakugo fought about something, and then Yahweh retaliated against Jirou hitting her before being restrained by Ojiro" I was extremely pissed off "so let's start with Jirou, what made you think it was okay to spread a rumor about miss Yahweh" Jirou scoffed "it wasn't a rumor, I heard her talking about it and I didn't spread it around, the only person I told was Kaminari and Shinso-" she suddenly stopped and covered her mouth.

"So you were listening to a conversation that you weren't a part of and proceeded to tell other people about that conversation. Do you know that could get you suspended from school- and you too Yahweh, punching another student- provoked or not but since this is the first offense I'll let you off with a warning but Jirou I'm suspending you for two weeks" she protested but was escorted out of the room "Kaminari and Bakugo what were you two fighting about? I hope it wasn't something stupid" Kaminari looked at me "Kaminari was saying vulgar things about Miya and nobody was saying or doing anything about it and I didn't want to hear it anymore and before I could get to him Kirishima and Sero grabbed us" Bakugo grumbled.

Principal Nezu seemed to be pondering Bakugo's explanation "Kirishima, Sero, Kaminari, is this what happened?" All three of them looked uncomfortable "yes that's what happened, I didn't want Bakugo to get in trouble so I stopped him before he got to Kaminari" Kirishima looked at me but I ignored him "Kaminari why would you say vulgar things about your classmate?" Kaminari was shaking "Jirou said that it was true-" "just because another student said something about another student doesn't mean you should tell your entire class, take it up with the student in question privately. Kaminari, I'm sending you home as well for a months suspension. " he was escorted out as well. He gave me one last dirty look before the door shut. Kirishima Momo and Sero were sent back to the dorm

"Bakugo, Ashido, I need you two to keep Mr. Yahweh, away from his sister, he gets out of solitary confinement tomorrow, and we need to be ready if he decides to take his rage out on his sister. Mina go everywhere that Bakugo can't and Bakugo stay with both of them and be their bodyguard until we deem Mikan suitable to be around her" principal Nezu sighed and looked at Aizawa "please make sure these three stay together all the time and move their seats in the back of the class away from Kaminari, Jirou, and Mr. Yahweh" Aizawa just nodded, and we were all sent back to class.

Chapter dumps, yay! But seriously I'll be posting another idk maybe ten chapters at most within a few days. I don't have a schedule so they'll be sporadic. Anyways Kittybear out

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