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I woke up in the nurse's office "oh my god she's awake! What happened to her?" Kirishima was standing over me "ah what the fuck!" I fell out of the bed "Kiri I told you not to stand over her! Miya are you okay?" Mina held a hand out to me "I'm okay, what happened?" Mina helped me back in bed while explaining what happened before I passed out.

Recovery Girl walked in and explained the rest "you have to be careful with your emotions, your spirits got overwhelmed by your anger and irritation and tried to protect you but stole all of your energy instead" I was shocked that my quirk could do that "it has been replenished so you should be able to head back to class- Midoriya what are you doing back here?" Midoriya walked in the room and sat on the bed next to me "I came to get Miya to talk to Mr. Aizawa about something important" I got out of the bed and put my shoes on.

Bakugo, Mina, Midoriya, and I all walked to the teachers lounge where Mr. Aizawa and Hawks were sitting- HAWKS!? "Thank you Midoriya, you can go back to the dorms" Midoriya left and shut the door behind himself "have a seat everyone, we heard about what happened during your gym class and what happened afterwards" Mr. Aizawa said calmly "Miya Yahweh, you're an exceptional student with an amazing quirk. I'd like to train you and be your mentor if you'll let me" I almost spontaneously combusted at what Hawks said "this extends to your bodyguards as well if you accept-" "I accept! I never dreamed that the number 2 hero would be asking to mentor me" I had so many questions running through my head "okay, its settled. Every Friday and Saturday we'll meet at my agency for quirk training and hand to hand combat. I'll see you three at eight am sharp Friday morning" after the meeting we were sent back to the dorms.

Friday morning came way too fast "Eve hurry up! Ms. Midnight is waiting for us!" My blankets were ripped from me and I was drug from my bed "Kat whyyyy, its only- it's five in the morning! What the actual fuck?" He smirked at me "early morning stretches and a five mile run, it's how I start every morning" I groaned when he sat on my bed "fine, fine but you owe me big time" I shoved him out of my room.

Walking to the coffee machine I heard footsteps behind me "so what kind of owing should I do?" He whispered in my ear holding me from behind "Katsuki, not that I don't mind but I'd prefer no pda for right now. Behind closed doors im all yours but anywhere else not yet" he kissed my cheek and let go "okay fine, I'll wait as long as you need" I poured him a cup "I'm just scared of what everyone else will think-" "think of what?" I turned to see Sero and Kirishima in the doorway "uh- that-" "that I'm ditching you guys to train with Cat Eyes over here" Kat lied with ease "im not allowed to leave her side so im forcing her to go with me" they looked skeptical but dropped it.

At seven I was already dying "Kat carry meee im dyinggg" I leaned against him "I guess it couldnt hurt to carry an extra five pounds" he threw me over his shoulder and jogged back to the dorms "this isnt what I meant! Put me down!" He just ran faster "Katsuki Bakugo i'm not a ragdoll!" I began hitting his back "you're the size of one so I only assumed" I could tell he was smirking again. He finally set me down behind the wall of the front gate so I could walk "I dont ever wanna train with you anymore" I cried when we entered the common room "You liked it and you know it. Dont lie to me cat eyes" I groaned and flopped on the couch "c'mon I'll make you some breakfast, we'll need it" he pulled me up by my arm "I can help, I used to make breakfast every morning for my brothers" I hopped on his back and he carried me to the kitchen.

I was surprised that he could actually cook "damn Kat this is really good, I thought you were bullshitting me" I sat happily eating on the kitchen island "I may be an asshole but im not a liar" he leaned against the counter drinking his third cup of coffee "slow down Kat you need food and not caffeine, you're gonna crash later" I frowned "you're gonna crash too but in a different way" I gasped and hit his shoulder "why're you guys up so early?" Todoroki asked reaching behind me getting a mug for coffee "morning exercise and food-" "put a shirt on first icyhot" we said at the same time "I am, I just came for coffee first" and as soon as he came he left "he likes you, you know?" I choked on my juice "he does not, he's just nice to me" he just stared at me "thats not what I see but okay" he pulled me off the counter when everyone else started filing into the kitchen.

After a shower and change of clothes I was called downstairs "Yahweh, Bakugo are you ready to go?" Present Mic asked "Kat you told me with was Midnight" I looked around "she had other things to do" I nodded and we headed for the door. Hawks's agency was bigger than I thought it would be "welcome students of UA, Hawks has been waiting for you in his office" a short blue haired man said. We were led to huge double doors that opened before we were even in front of it "ah hey UA students, may I call you Miya and Katsuki?" Kat grunted his disapproval but said nothing "okay, we're going to step into our training room to see what your quirks can do" Hawks led us to the elevator and pressed a button labeled gym.

Gasp another chapter? I'm catching up to my saved notes so this next chapter will be the end of the chapter dump. Oh BTW I made Sims of my OCs and I like how they turned out. I'll probably dedicate a chapter to what they look like and their hero costumes. Anyways Kittybear out ✌🏼

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