Chapter 3- Feelings..?

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•Possible Bad grammar in this one Grammarly isn't good for this chapter so Oilver I'm so sorry...

"So basically you guys can come over anytime you want, It'll just be me and Daniel for 2 weeks so do you guys wanna like to hang out or something? We could have a party" Luna and Danny's parents went out of town recently for a vacation and so they're basically alone for two weeks...But If I was alone with Daniel in his room maybe we could talk more...TOTALLY NOT ANYTHING DIRTY. "I DON'T BELIEVE IN HORMONES." I accidentally screamed, I realized what I said and turned to my computer to mute myself and I did just that, I just covered my mouth and looked at my screen. Nadia, Luna, and Oilver were all laughing so hard I thought they may have forgotten to breathe for a few minutes. I unmuted myself and just flicked them off "I hate you guys." I said, Of course, I say the most stupid thing at the worst time possible. "Bro, What are you thinking about!?" Fucking Daniel?" Oilver asked going back to doing eir makeup. "No-! I was just thinking if I did go over Luna's house again I could actually go into Daniels's room with Daniel in there and maybe we could ya know talk more.." I mumbled that last part. "Sounds to me like you want something more Hunny-" Nadia said that continuing to write her essay. Luna was watching Nadia and taking pictures of her and I was questioning my life choices. "Well, I wanna fuck with him EVENTUALLY but not now-! Plus you guys are still Virgins too!" I don't know why I confessed I wanted to fuck with him but more importantly everyone corrected my one mistake. "Actually Me and Luna have fingered each other a few times, So I'm like half a virgin...Oh shit Hi Dad!" Nadia was looking away from her screen and had the most awkward smile on her face it was hella funny. "Hi, Mr. Pickens!" The rest of us said, He walked over to Nadia and tackled her. "AH-! DADD!" Nadia screamed, as he started to tickle her but it didn't last long he eventually stopped and kissed her head she was laughing and her hair was a messed up but eh "I was doing my essay!" She said pushing some of her hair behind her ear. "Seems like you were talking about your sex life to me but sure, I'm going to see Tracy I'll see you later princess." Nadia waved at him as he left and then she fixed her camera "Awee, Babe your hair" Luna looked at her laughing slightly. "Yeah it's everywhere girl-, Also I never said I was a virgin Ben- I've had sex with my boyfriend before?" Oilver wasn't looking at e's camera but everyone was in shock, Oilver rarely has any free time so when would e even have time to have sex!?! "YOU ACTUALLY HAVE TIME TO FUCK HIM AND YOU NEVER TOLD US.?!" Luna yelled at em not in a mean way though, E looked at the screen with a confused look "Well I didn't think it was something I should bring up? And yea I have time idiot I'm not ALWAYS doing something" Me and Nadia were just looking at the screen speechless and so we ended up dropping that subject but that was probably a good thing since the one chance I had to lose my virginity I said no. "So are we down for the sleepover or not like damn give me an answer?" Luna said, she's a really blunt person...And says exactly what she thinks I'm pretty sure what Nadia see's in her though. "How about since you live with Ben's dream guy and You and Nadia are together we all just have like a triple relationship hang out?" Oilver suggested. "Oh my god yes! That's perfect we can meet your boyfriend and I can pretend I'm actually dating Danny!" I said that very excitedly and I'm pretty sure everyone noticed. Yes, we do have school the next day but then again from Luna's house it's only about twenty minutes and so Our parents always agree as long as we go to school that next day. We made it official, Luna said to give her ten minutes and so we all hung up the phone and I closed my laptop.

Now what to bring. Or more like what to wear. I spent about 20 minutes picking out my outfits, I ended up wearing some basketball shorts and one of my dad's random shirts he gave me when I was younger which is still surprisingly big on me. I packed my laptop, its charger, my phone charger, my keys, deodorant, and my school clothes for tomorrow which were just jeans and my hoodie I honestly just dress lazy at school since not many people pay attention to me anyway. My mom knocked on my door then proceeded  to walk inside, Like what was the point of knocking... "Ben, When you get to Luna's house ask her and Nadia if they want some sexy bras" I swear my mom walks in and tells me the weirdest shit sometimes... "Mom, You know I'm your son and I love you very much and I'm gay but what the fuck.." I looked at her for a few seconds and then put my backpack on my back, She smiled at me and stuck her tongue out. Then she left, I walked downstairs to see Asher jumping onto my dad's back and I'm pretty sure I heard something pop or break but...I didn't wanna mention it. "Agh..." He just fell onto his knees and then lay on the floor, That man would really be better off dead. "Dad-? Why're you so old-" Asher got bored and so he went outside to play, he'd probably have more fun playing with a stick actually. "Ben can you help me up.." He looked up at me and I smiled at him very innocently, laughing "Nah, You've got mom anyways I love you dad bye bye~" I made my way out the door and started walking to Luna's.
It took about 6 minutes for me to get there. I knocked on the door and waited but right as I was waiting I saw Nadia running down the street like a little penguin... "Hey, Nadia!" I waved at her and she ran towards me and hugged me, I hugged her back and then she pulled away "Omg Benji! Okay, I have so many game Ideas it's gonna be awesome!" When Nadia says It's gonna be "awesome" she actually means "A game that'll make things more interesting in her book." Luna then opened the door and quickly picked up Nadia kissing her, I swear they make me wanna punch them both sometimes. "I missed you so much, I haven't touched you in forever" Luna whinned putting Nadia down and holding her waist, She smiled at her. "Yeah, I missed touching you, 24 hours is so long," she said hugging her tighter. "Ben you can go talk to Daniel if you want, he's sitting in the living room" Luna smirked at me and I could tell she wanted me to make another "move" I just sighed and walked inside, Luna picked Nadia up bridle style and followed me. When we got to the living room Daniel was laying upside down on the couch watching a volleyball game, that was really cute to me...he was wearing sweatpants and a shirt that had two black stripes on each sleeve, No matter what that guy has on he looks good. I'm jealous of that too, Luna walked in front of the Tv and put Nadia down, Daniel sat up and paused his game I just set my stuff down on the ground. "Hey Nadia, How are you?" Daniel asked as Luna walked over to me sticking her cold ass hands down my shirt. "Ah-!" I yelped at the sudden touch but I turned around and hit her and she started laughing, "Stop doing that, You have cold hands" I turned away from her and sat on the floor looking at Nadia and Daniel, They seemed to be talking about something I couldn't quite understand. "Baby C'mere, Make out with me," Luna said holding her arms out, Nadia ran over to her and pushed her into the Kitchen while kissing her, and I don't want to know what they did when they got in there. I was avoiding eye contact with Daniel because If I look at him I know damn well I'm gonna start blushing because every time I look at him my heart starts beating so fast. "Hey Cutie, How are you~?" Daniel said this getting off the couch and sitting next to me but he was extremely close...My face started to heat up extremely fast, We both knew I was blushing so there was no point in hiding it, I pulled my knees up to my chest and looked at him with a soft smile. "I'm great Danny, How are you~?" I asked how he was with the same tone he asked me in but coming from him it was extremely hot and so we both just laughed at it, I laid my head on his shoulder in which I just wanted to see what he'd do and he ended up wrapping his arm around my waist and smiling at me. My heart may have skipped two beats this time. This guy gonna be the reason I have a heart attack. I just ended up turning more red. Ever since Me and Danny started talking, we've also been getting more touchy with each other it kinda makes me think that Daniel has feelings for me too..? But I can't start assuming things maybe he's just a fan of physical touch..? While I was lost in my thoughts I snapped out of it when I heard Daniels's voice. "Hey, Ben... I-" right before he could finish whatever he was gonna say we heard the doorbell ring and Daniel sighed then looked at me "That might be you guys' another friend?" It took me a while but then I remembered. "oh! Oilver!" I quickly sat up and ran over to the door, Daniel followed behind me and when I opened the door I jumped onto Oilver and started squeezing em. "Oilver!! I missed you so much!" E hugged me back laughing "I missed you too Ben, It's been forever since we've last seen each other in person!" We were both on the ground and I was on top of Oilver, when e sat up I was straddling em and when I looked over at Daniel he looked kinda pissed off..was he jealous? If he was that'd be so adorable. I quickly got off of Oilver and helped em up, right when e was up again, e's I would assume the boyfriend grabbed eir waist and started kissing eir neck which was really cute "Mh- Zero, Calm down he's just my friend, The one who likes physical affection" e said looking up at the guy named Zero. I looked behind me to see Luna Charging full force at Oilver which caused Zero to back away and in a few seconds, she was holding em in a tight hug spinning Em around. Luna and Oilver have always been pretty close in their relationship it's really cute. I decided to check Zero out though, Oilver seems like such a "perfect person" but when I looked at Zero the first thing I noticed was his height...I looked at him then Danny then him again and then Danny and then him and that's when it hit me.."Oh! You and Daniel are the same height wow!" Zero looked at me and smiled "Yeah, 6 foot but I'm pretty sure this is as tall As I'll get" I smiled back at him, and Daniel walked over and started looking at his hair "Is black your actually hair color or is blue..?" He asked he looked hella confused. Zero started laughing and Luna put Oilver down and Nadia went to hug em. "Nah, My hair is actually blond but I dyed both sides" Zero said, messing with the front of his hair "Ohhh wow, that's so cool I've always wanted to dye my hair I was just never 100% on a color," Daniel said walking inside with him. which really surprised me, Daniel wants to dye his hair...
About 30 minutes later
Its been about 30 something minutes and basically, all of us have just been talking to each other, Oilver and Zero told us their love story, Nadia talked about what she did at her Nanna's, and I talked about what happened with my dad this morning, and Daniel and Luna explained what they were gonna do while their parents were out. I found out lots of information though, Oilver and Zero actually hated eachother at first since Zero used to hang out with a bunch of homophobic dicks and Oilver always stopped them from bullying. Nadia went to a gay bar with her dad because he was wondering how they work..I swear that mans not straight. Luna was gonna spend all her time with Nadia and Daniel wasn't doing anything but I might change that just because I want him. "ALRIGHT GUYS, GALS AND E/EM PALES LETS PLAY A GAME!" (Ahem Adam Sk8 + Thomas Sanders..) Nadia stood up, Stretching her back. "Alright, what you got ??" Zero asked that's when Nadia gave me "that look". I stood up and Daniel looked at me confused I smiled at him and then sat on the arm of the couch, next to Oilver. "Alright so you guys are gonna have to vote, We've got 7 minutes in heaven, Team Uno, Truth or dare, Smash or pass, or spin the bottom I MEAN BOTTLE." I sighed, then covered my face "BAHAHAHSH, NO NO I LIKE SPIN THE BOTTOM ," Luna said covering her mouth. Nadia started laughing "B-B-Benji how did you mess that up-!" She managed to get out. Oilver was hiding e's face into Zero's arm but I could tell e was laughing, Zero and Daniel were laughing but turned away so I "wouldn't see them". "Okay one fuck you guy and two pick a fucking game." I rolled my eyes, I'll go for smash or pass since it's quick and easy "Yeah, It's a good one to start with" Luna agreed everyone else just nodded. So that's what we ended up playing, I looked at Daniel and he looked back at me "What's up?" He said with a confused look "If I did something dumb would you care?" I asked and he shook his head. Nadia already knew what I was gonna do and I think Zero got the point too. I got off the couch and sat in the middle of Daniel's lap. I was as red as a tomato but I was also smiling. Daniel was shocked for a minute but he eventually accepted it. "Awe you're so red Danny~" Luna teased "Shush Luna-!" He yelled back, Just casual siblings. Nadia sat back down tangling her legs with Lunas "Okay we'll only use people here since it's easier, Zero smash or passsssss Luna!" Nadia said with a big smile. Zero looked at Luna for a minute "Ehhhh, If she was straight and I wasn't taking I guess Uhm..smashhhh?" He definitely wasn't sure on that answer heh. "Uhm okay, Babe smash or pass Ben?" He said looking at Oilver curiously. "Em, smash he's one of my best friends why not," e said shrugging "Awee, Thank Oilverrr," I said smiling at em. "No problem love youu, Nadia smash or pass Daniel?" Well that went there quickly- "Even if I liked men I'd have to pass, only because I'd fall for your sister..." she said smirking at him. "Well damn okay, I see how it is-" Danny seemed somewhat offended lol. "Benji!" Nadia said which caught me off guard, I already knew what she was gonna say. "Smash or pass Danny~?" She said, and I really just wanted to tell her kys but not actually. I looked at Danny and he seemed like he actually wanted my answer, I looked down at my hands starting to mess with them as I sighed "Smash.." I mumbled but everyone heard me and everyone Minus Zero and Danny said "Ohh~" sometimes I hate my friends. We continued to play that for a few minutes but then Zero's turn came again "On my fuck- Uhm Daniel smash or pass Benjamin!?" He asked...My heart sunk. what if he said no and I already said yes this is gonna be so awkward..." Smash, He's cute" He said smiling at him. Nadia Jumped up and literally squealed "AWEEE! Danny!" She said, I looked at him and he smiled at me, I smiled back but on the inside My stomach had so many butterflies. "Well maybe we should play seven minutes in heaven~? And you two go first?" Zero suggested. ZERO STOP TRYING TO KILL ME YOU BITCH. "A-Are you sure that's okay!?" I said getting off of Daniel's lap. He grabbed my waist pulling me back onto his lap, there he goes again making my heart skip multiple beats. I want to kiss him so bad... "I'm okay with it if you are Ben..?" He whispered into my ear. Nadia was jumping around like at 4 year old that's had too much sugar and Luna was holding her waist trying to keep her under control. Oilver took a picture of me and Daniel then gave me a thumbs up meaning e sent it to me...And Zero was making sex sighs with his hands, I just met him today but I can tell him and Luna will get along perfectly. "I-Im okay with it, I don't mind as long as it's you.." He let go of my waist and I stood up holding my hand out to help him up, He took it and stood in front of me.

"Not gonna lie Ben your ass is really warm," Daniel said that with such a straight face...HOW THE HELL CAN YOU SAY THAT WITH A STRAIGHT FACE. I covered my face quickly and mumbled through my hands. "Im sorry..." He laughed a little bit before he could say anything Oilver and Nadia started pushing us both into a random hall closet. Once we were both inside It was completely dark, There was so much stuff in this closet that I could tell I was directly on Dannys chest even though I can't see him, I started to feel around but I honestly couldn't see shit. "Danny, I actually can't see right now so I have no idea where you actually are where's your face-?" I asked continuing to feel around. "Well I can't see that well either but I think I can see a little-?" He sounded unsure but that's when I felt him grab my hand and put it on his face, I wasn't sure where and so I started to rub my thumb slowly...Not too long after I realized I was touching his was so soft I just wanna kiss him...Well, He can't really see me so I have no reason to really be embarrassed...

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