Chapter 9- Happiness

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If you watched heartstopper you'll see where I got an idea

"Bro It's fucking cold, GIVE ME YOUR JACKET ALREADY." Nadia was clinging onto me like a sloth since it was hot outside and so she wasn't wearing a jacket then we walked into the school and the air conditioning just hit her right in the face. It's actually Thursday and we aren't supposed to be here but Zero wanted everyone to meet him at the school after his meeting for some odd reason; I was Kinda just ignoring Nadia but she just kept trying until we finally saw Zero and the others. Daniel looked at me and smiled, I smiled back and went over to him but when I made it to him he grabbed my hand which I honestly wasn't expecting. "Alright, Now that you all are here we need to get into the school without getting caught by anyone somehow and find all the student council important papers...I accidentally left them all somewhere and so I need your help to find them so I don't die-" When Zero said that Oilver looked so disappointed, Like actually disappointed. "WAIT HOW THE HELL DO YOU ACCIDENTALLY LOSE SOMETHING LIKE THAT.!?!" Skyler grabbed his shirt collar and started to shake him like crazy and honestly he looked like he was going to throw up on her in a few more seconds, Luna and Robin were trying to hold her back but it honestly wasn't doing much, After awhile everyone calmed down and then Nadia started actually thinking and not even gonna lie that scared the hell out of me. "Okie Dokie! Me and Luna will check the first floor and the Cafeteria, Sky and Robin can check the second floor and the club rooms, You and Oilver can check the locker rooms and the office while Danny and Benji check the third floor!" that was said with such excitement in Nadia's eyes, I looked at Danny and he looked back at me; We kinda just blushed and laughed a little but then I looked at our hands only so I didn't get to flustered "That sounds good to me, C'mon" Oilver Grabbed Zero's hand and they made their way to the main office, Robin picked Sky up and started walking off as well. Honestly I don't understand how or why Zero's on the student council but I feel as if he should quit, I was planning to spend my day with Danny anyways but not like this, But If we're gonna do something boring we might as well have fun right? "Hey Danny, I'll race you to the third floor!" I let go his hand and started running off on my own but I could here him chasing after me "HEY-! That's unfair, You cheated!" He yelled picking up his pace a little, I just laughed at him and picked up my pace as well just to make it fair.

It only took about 4 minutes for us to make it to the right part of the school but it took about another minute or so just for us to run up the stairs. Daniel actually got ahead of me and beat me by a little bit but once we both made it to the top we just fell right onto the floor laughing. "Hah, Well I guess...I win this time right" I looked over at Danny, He was panting heavily with his eyes closed which was honestly very attentive in my eyes, even though he actually won I never wanna admit that I lost. "Well I guessssss, But it was only by like a second sooo I'll call it a draw" He opened his eyes and looked at me giving me a ear to ear smile, He rolled ontop of me leaning closer to my face and then he kissed me; I kissed him back cupping his face with one of my hands while my other was around his neck. We kinda just made out for awhile, at some point he ended up using his tongue and running his fingers through my hair It just felt like I was walking on air with Lots of butterflies underneath me, I don't know if it's normal or not to feel all these emotions just from a kiss but everytime I get this feeling I just want to have it forever. "Don't leave any where people could obviously see them, Okay?" I broke the kiss looking to the side of me and that's when I noticed one of the classroom doors were open...I looked back at Daniel and he seemed to be just as confused as I was and so we both got up. I started walking twords the door and Danny followed, But when I walked in I saw...Karma? And that kid, The one he's dating..Karma was sitting down but he was upagainst the wall and His boyfriend/girlfriend was straddling him while from what it looked like, she was just finishing leaving a hickey on him, But after that they started making out..very intensely actually. Daniel took my hand and was trying to whisper something to me but I was In so much shock I just couldn't listen to him right now, "Ben..!" He kinda yelled but it was in a whisper, I snapped out of my head but it also caught the attention of those two..That kid quickly got off of Karma and not to long after Karma stood up as well giving us and awkward wave "Hey.." he was looking away from us, Im guessing he was embarrassed since I saw something I probably wasn't supposed to but I dragged Daniel inside the classroom with me and waved back "Uh..Hi, I'm sorry if I interrupted something." I was looking at the kid who was with karma, She looks like a normal person after all if I never saw his instagram I would probably assume she was stright and cis. "N-No, It's okay I'm so sorry you walked in on that my names Vivi or Soul" She was smiling at me but I could tell he was actually on the verge of a panic attack I kinda felt bad, Danny walked over to the door and shut it and I was just looking at Karma now "Hey, Karma I know we don't talk much but my names Benjamin; we've got a few classes together actually" Karma kinda just looked at me for a minute and then it seemed like he just now remembered me... "Oh you, Yeah I know it's fine though you seem fun to hang out with" He said that while moving a little closer to Vivi, I looked over at Danny and he was tapping his thigh which meant he probably wanted to hold my hand but I don't want to out our relationship to two people we rarely even know yet... "Uhm so like Benjamin, You know how you saw you know..Can you maybe keep it a secret and uhm Daniel too.." Karma was avoiding eye contact with us and so our answer was pretty obvious "Of course, it's understandable if you wanna stay a secret in this school plus theres enough drama already I don't think we need anymore" Danny said, Moving closer behind me and holding my hand so they couldn't see. He's so cute all the time and it honestly pisses me off, Me and Danny actually ended up staying in that room with Karma and Vivi for about 2 hours. I learned lots about Karma, He actually goes by Karma or Ajax, He likes talking once he's comfortable, doesn't do sports, fails math class most of the time but not like actually but at the same time he basically is...He Like's sweet tea and so on. He also told me and Danny about how him and Vivi met, apparently they met in 8th grade officially and they started dating near the end of the year, Vivi caught feelings first and I'm guessing Karma just fell for her as time went by, Kinda Like two other people I know...Ahem Anyways turns out Vivi plays softball and he actually knows Skyler from her old school according to her they've played against eachother multiple times just for practice and at some point ended up playing together on different teams, He says he has a pretty good relationship with her even tho they rarely talk which I really wanna ask Skyler about later. Me and Danny did tell them that we were going out but they honestly didn't care much they did say we were cute together though and so that made me happy it also means I can kiss Danny around them. There was one thing that caught me off guard though, I thought back to yesterday while I was on my phone and I was looking at all the rumors about Vivi they made it seem like he were one of those basics dumb blondes that you see in those preppy movies..I guess that's what I get for assuming thing, "Wait before we leave why are you guys even here? The student council and most of the teachers already left" Karma was looking at us with a confused look and not to long after he did Vivi did as well. "Well someone in our friend group who's also apart of the student council accidentally lost some important papers and so we all came to help him look for them" I'm so glad Danny responded to that because I was just gonna say I forgot. "Oh? These?" Vivi walked over to a desk and pulled out a bunch of papers, I followed him and he handed them to me once I took them from him and read through a few random lines turns out they were the right papers considered a line literally says "DON'T lose these paper's they are only for the student council and teachers eyes."....I almost called Zero a Slur but I'm just gonna say he's dumb as hell. "Yeah, These are it- He's such an idiot-" Danny laughed when I said that and Vivi smiled walking back over to Karma holding his hand "By the way can we meet you guys friends? Since I'll be new tomorrow I don't really know anyone but You two, Skyler and well Karma" Vivi asked looking at me and I honestly have no idea why she was looking at me, I'm not in charge of our friend group or anything- But I agreed and then we all made out way to the schools entrance, I took out my phone and Messaged the group chat just so we wouldn't have to be here any longer.  

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