Chapter 21- Closer

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"Surprisingly a lot of people from school saw them, Todays definitely gonna be a day I'll tell you that...I didn't even know most people at our followed me on Instagram-!" I groaned, Me, My amazing husband and the two concerning lesbians were making our way to school but the problem is that after the firework show Danny thought it'd be a good idea if we posted the photos of all of us on our social media platforms including the one's we were kissing in. And every since I woke up I've been getting notifications about someone following me, Liking a post, and stuff like that...I've also got a lot of Dm's from random girls and they definitely weren't a fan of me at all but that's fine- "Maybe it's just because Danny's involved and you tagged him, You aren't that popular at school Benji..." Nadia chuckled wrapping her arms around Danny's, Luna had an Ify look on her face and so I just rolled my eyes walking a bit farther in front of them. "Well minus that, It doesn't really matter? I did agree we could be out and so whatever happens happens and whatever is said is said it's not like we can do anything about it, Plus Luna and Nadia weren't even really trying to hide the fact their dating and people still think Nadia's with you or with Luna pfft" Danny moved his arm away from Nadia, Catching up to me as he grabbed my hand slowly lifting it up then he kissed it...I smiled moving closer while I held his hand tighter. "Oh my fuck, I'm pretty sure none of us were really trying to hide it after awhile like Zero and Oilver have always been touchy and now they kiss in the hallways and say couple shit all the time, Robin and Sky act like they're a married couple without realizing it, I've told multiple people I have a girlfriend and the only girl I'm basically around half the time is Nadia so it's pretty obvious, and you two posted it publicly so again it's obvious, Karma and Charlie broke up but it's pretty obvious they aren't straight just because of how they are honestly, so everyone who's in this friend group thing is basically dating someone else in the group...Everyone gave up trying to hide it anyways" Luna mentioned, Grabbing Nadia by her waist pulling her closer. "Well yeah, But I'm pretty sure our parents don't know about me and Ben yet considering he's never met them...His family knows about me though" Danny said, looking back at her. Honestly overall I completely forgot about Danny's parents, Nadia's seen them since she is dating Luna and goes over their house all the time but since Luna's only my friend I hardly go over her house and even when I do her parents are never home, Meeting them is gonna be hella awkward I can already feel it...Oh god why me. "Oh my god Benjamin Herp. I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY TO YOU BOY.!" I have no idea who just said that and so I started to look around but no one was around...And just in a few seconds I was basically body slammed into a brick wall "OH-!" Danny yelled, Taking a step back "Well damn okay.." Luna added I'm just gonna take a guess and so she didn't give two shit's and Nadia's reaction was "OH SHIT-" I seriously have no idea why my life is like this...When I looked up to see who actually TRIED TO MURDER ME to my surprise I saw Emma... "Emma?? Uhm okay one FUCKING OW WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU JUST RANDOMLY THROW SOMETHING INTO A FUCKING WALL WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU WOMEN.!?!?" I put both of my hands onto Emma's shoulders and started to violently started to shake her, But eventually I stopped and took a deep breath while Luna grabbed my arm pulling me back onto my feet; Emma stayed on the ground holding her head probably because she was dizzy but eh "I'm sorry okayyyy, But in all seriousness! I knew you were gay, And I'm really upset about the fact you lied to me telling me you aren't and you were dating Nadia! But Nadia's also into girls which I had no idea about c'mon! I know we don't talk much but I'm still a somewhat friend of yours I'm just kinda upset you guys lied to me." She stood back onto her feet and she had a sad expression on her face which honestly made me feel kinda bad...Emma is sorta a friend and so I probably should have hurt her feelings but I kinda didn't wanna be out yet either or more like Danny didn't want to I don't know?!? "Uhm I'm really sorry Emma, We just weren't ready for most people to know and I'm sorry we hurt your feelings but Thank you for being okay with it we really appreciate it." Nadia said Smiling at her, We all
Nodded in agreement which put a smile on Emma's face as well, She gave us a thumbs up and then she ran away...Literally ran away like she was getting chased by a serial killer. "She's...Odd.." Danny commented, I laughed walking back over to him and wrapping my arm around his. Nadia ran back over to Luna jumping on her back and then we continued to make our way to school, I'm actually kinda scared to go to school only because our whole friend group is basically outted now It's just gonna be a somewhat new experience since some people accept and some don't...I just hope nothing bad happens. Once we made it to school we actually saw Karma and Oilver sitting on the side of the building which was sorta weird considering Oilver is usually inside working on something and Karma Is either late or skipping- "Ah, Benji, Baby We've gotta go to Mrs. Violet remember all the play cast and crew have to practice basically all day!" Nadia explained, and honestly I completely forgot about the play... "Ohhhh shit, Uhm okay okay I love you Danny Bye-!" I quickly kissed Danny and waved goodbye to him but I'm pretty sure he was too shocked to react which was cute but then I had to start running towards the auditorium, And not too long after Luna and Nadia caught up to me. Once we made it into the auditorium it was actually fairly quiet for once in a lifetime, Mrs. Violet was looking at some papers, Emma and A few others were working on the curtains and microphone audio, while Robin, Charlie and a few more cast and crew were either working on props and or reciting lines, Nadia moaned quickly kissing Luna on the cheek then proceeding to run onto the stage and take her jacket off revealing a very....revealing shirt. "Nadia, We talked about the revealing clothing! You can see your chest like clearly I don't even know If I can make an excuse for that-!" Mrs. Violet started to scold Her while she just sat there lost, I looked over at Luna and that's when I saw she was BLUSHING, Like actually blushing I'm sorry but I found it extremely funny and so I couldn't help but laugh my ass off... "BEN-! OH MY GOD I CANNOT STAND YOU SOMETIMES. UGH." She yelled storming off, I covered my mouth trying to contain my laughter as I followed her but seriously... "PFFT, I-I'm sorry but You're so...Ha-! You're so red I can't-!" I continued to laugh and Luna rolled her eyes, flicking me off as she made her way behind the stage to do who knows what. I eventually controlled myself again and stepped onto the stage looking around, Just 5 weeks ago we were all still getting things figured out but now the first performance is tomorrow night...Time really does fly, It's hard to think that 5 weeks ago me and Danny actually started talking it feels like I've been dating him for so much longer, I guess we'll just have to make up the time then? "Hey Ben, So I-" "AH-!" ...Someone decided it was a good idea to come up behind me and grab onto my shoulder like a serial killer, OF COURSE I'M GONNA SCREAM. I turned around to see it was Amber, Which is one of Oilver's friends I believe? She looked a bit taken aback by my reaction...And so we sat there in awkward silence. "Ahem Uhm apologizes, How can I help you Amber..." I asked slowly backing away from her, She chuckled covering her mouth "Well I actually just had a question or actually more of a suggestion, Since you're playing the main lead in this play and you also so happen to be gay I was wondering if you would be interested in continuing in your acting career as a former part of the Lgbtq community." ....I looked at her for a second, Did she seriously just ask me if I wanted to continue acting and express my homosexuality??? "Uhm, Yes! Yes, I'd love to do that Amber!" I yelled, She smiled at me then held out a small envelope "Great! This is for you then, It's a college that gosh into that career and it's only two years. They told us they'd take you if you agreed and so congratulations!" She hugged me handing me the envelope, I hugged her back with a big smile on my face and not too long after she left...I was never really positive about what I wanted to do for the rest of my life but acting, Acting is something I can do and I don't have to hide myself...This is amazing. I looked down at the envelope and that's when Nadia came over to me leaning her head on my shoulder "I was listening, Do you think it's the college you applied for? Here or the other one In Colorado..?" She asked, I looked over at her and smiled "We'll find out later, I don't want to open it now just in case it's the one I didn't really want" I said putting the envelope into my back pocket, We smiled at each other and then Nadia hugged me. The only bad thing about the school In Colorado is that it's so far...We all live in California and there was one here but it's also sorta difficult to get in, I seriously hope I got the one here I don't want to leave here; It's always been my home and I seriously don't feel like leaving, ever.

"Wait so you got a letter too? Did anyone else get a letter from their schools??" Sky asked, and to my surprise, everyone all took out a letter well except for Nadia. "How come you don't have one?" Karma asked looking at her, She smiled at him holding up a small peace sign "I didn't apply for any, After High school, I'm done" She said, we were all outside in the back of the school for Lunch and I mentioned that Amber gave me my college letter and it turns out all of us got one from the student council, Zero even went around handing them out which I'm surprised he actually did something he was supposed to. Luna laughed pulling Nadia closer to her, slowly rocking side to side "Well why don't we just open them at the same time? Because I know we all had different schools in different places we wanted to go too..." Luna looked around at all of us with a small smile, I'm seriously scared to open mine...It's either I'm staying here or I'm not, And I still have no idea where anyone else applied. I was sitting next to Danny and so I looked at him, I'm pretty sure he could tell I was nervous and so he kissed me...I kissed him back smiling at him afterward it made me feel a little better, No matter where we go I just hope we stay together. "Em...I'm scared! No no, no someone go first I don't wanna-!" Sky layed on the ground starting to roll around while covering her face. At least we know she feels the same we the rest of us probably do- Karma sighed proceeding to open his letter and Charlie decided to do the same, It went quiet for a minute but then Charlie jumped up and Karma smiled "Oh my god oh my god I did it! I did it! I got the school I wanted in Florida!" Charlie squealed starting to kick her feet around, Karma just held up his and shrugged "I didn't get into mine and so I'm just gonna go to a community college here" He said smiling, After some calming down Skyler and Robin decided to open their's together, Robin applied for an art University while Sky applied for three Nursing school and Surprising they both got into them, Sky was accepted into one of the lower-ranked nursing schools but she honestly didn't care because all she wanted to do was learn to help others, She ended up crying too and so now Robins trying to comfort her "Baby! It's okay don't cry, I'm happy for you we all are...Good job." She said pulling her into a hug, Sky continued to cry and laugh at the same time, It was such a sweet moment actually. "Nursing seems perfect for Sky, She is a very Caring person after all" Danny said, I smiled at him proceeding to lay my head on his lap; He began running his fingers through my hair while Nadia took her phone out staring to take pictures again. "Seriously, She seem's extremely happy about it too which is good Luna why don't you go?" Oilver suggested smirking at her, Luna looked shocked at first and then she groaned "I-Ihm you know what fine, at this point I don't even care if I get in or not I might join Karma in community college anyway it seems better for me...Actually you know what fuck it Karma we going to school together again!" Luna stood up ripping her letter into little shreds all over the ground with a big smile on her face, We all laughed as Karma high-fived her I mean what more would you expect from Luna out of everyone? Once she makes up her mind it sure as hell isn't gonna change, Nadia Smiled at Luna pulling her back down onto the ground and hugging her tightly "Well I guess that just leaves four more huh~?" Nadia said that in such a teasing tone for absolutely no reason, I looked at Oilver and E just smiled at me and so I guess I'll look at mine? I just stared at the envelope for awhile, when I open it it's basically just gonna tell me what I'm gonna do officially...I'm just kinda nervous "Babe...It'll be okay Calm down, I'm right here." Danny said soothingly, He took one of my hands into his own proceeding to Interview our fingers together, It Calmed me down a little and so I just took a deep breath and smiled slowly starting to open the letter. "Do I really want to read it!?! I don't! No I don't-!" I yelled, Hiding my face into Danny's side. He laughed patting me on the back slowly as I continued to mumble to myself "OH MY GOD. BITCH GIVE ME THAT!" Nadia yelled, Snatching the letter from me. Danny lifted me up putting us in a straddling position as I layed my head on his chest, He kissed my head starting to whisper in my ear "I'm actually going to the military later on ya know" he said, I lifted my head up giving him a surprised look "Wait seriously?? Oh wow, You better not forget me." I pouted, he chuckled patting me on the back "Yeah never in a million years, Little dork." He said, honestly the military seems good for Danny it kinda just fits him somehow I don't know... "Ahem AHEM AHEM, oh shit sorry I chocked uhm ahem ahem "Dear Benjamin Herp, We have received and looked through your application to ********* University from Los Angeles and we are proud and accept you into ********* University by August 22nd, 2022! You did it Benji! You made it!" Nadia jumped onto me without a warning bringing me into a tight long hug while I was at a loss for words...I'm not even sure If I heard that correctly. "W-Wait seriously?! Seriously I got in..! Oh my god yes!" I hugged Nadia back, slowly beginning to cry...I'm probably being a cry baby but I'm just so happy that I made it into a school I've always been a little interested in and I can continue doing what I love. Oilver ended up joining the hug and eventually everyone else did as well, We were all kind of in a giant ball together. "Okay okay! Oilver and Zero still have to open theirs!" I said, Everyone laughed slowly sitting back down and now we were all just waiting for them to open theirs together "Wait a minute where and what are you guys trying to do anyways? I never actually knew." Robin asked, Zero looked at her sticking his tongue out which caused her to flick him off and he laughed "We both applied for Harvard University In Cambridge, Massachusetts. Together...I'm going to be a Financial Manager actually or at least try to-" He said and honestly WOW Zero actually going to do something with his life!?!? Oilver sat up, Looking at Robin "I wanna be a Lawyer" E said, I swear those two seriously went for a great job but also an extremely hard job...At the same time though it kinda works for them, In the end Oilver's gonna work up to being a Lawyer, Zero's going to be a Financial Manger, Sky's going to be a Nurse, Charlie's gonna be a special education teacher, Robin's going to be an artist, I'm gonna be an Actor while Luna and Karma will be whatever they want to be. The more time that past the closer we get to becoming adults, Time really needs to slow down...I am not ready to be on my own just yet oh lord, Well at least most of my friends are staying in California or should I say my family...? Either way I won't be alone and Danny said he won't be leaving for the military for awhile which is good. The end of our high school days are finally coming closer every single day, I'm gonna miss all of this.

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