Chapter 13- Rumors

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I'm bad at Drama and so like this is gonna be bad but uhm moving on

Today's Monday, Also Vivi's actually first day at the school which honestly went pretty well for her. His schedule was the same as Luna's so I at least had her my Math and PE class but nothing really happened throughout our school day well mine, It was the end of the day, and Me, Luna, Nadia, and Charlie were making our way to the auditorium. "I'm actually super excited that you'll be involved in this Charles!" Nadia was walking backward while holding Luna's hand and Charlie was right next to me so I couldn't help but look at her "Yeah I know, Even if I'm just a background character I'm kinda excited to see how the whole thing goes. Also, I forgot to ask what parts you guys play" That caught Luna's attention, "I play the Zoe Murphy" We were doing the musical Dear Evan Hansen which is actually one of the most interesting musicals I've ever done, "I play Even Hansen, and I have no idea why" Charlie actually looked kinda impressed by that and Nadia gave me a weird smirk "Yeah You're the little main character this time~ Anyways! I play Alana Beck and Heidi Hansen" Once Nadia finished that sentence we finally made it to the auditorium, I pushed open the doors to see A few other cast members working on a something that looked like a school bored I honestly don't know, I just threw my stuff down and sat on the stage. Nadia took off her jacket revealing her shirt that shows a lot of her chest...I'm pretty sure Luna had a lesbian panic or something but Nadia was too distracted by helping the others work on some of the props I mean I would help but like I'm horrible at craftsmanship- Luna sat next to me covering her face but I could tell she was blushing. I was trying so hard not to laugh but I just couldn't hold it... "SHUT UP." Luna covered my mouth pinning me to the stage but honestly, I just couldn't stop laughing at her, Nadia looked at us and rolled her eyes "Guysss C'mon don't fight in here!" Emma pulled Luna off of me and I could finally breathe again, I sat up panting while Luna was pouting behind the curtain She's probably gonna kill me later so I'm glad Emma saved me a little more time to live- "Oh Ben! Come here for a second!" Mrs. Voilet was calling me over to her with her hand, I'm not sure why but It was probably something important and so I got up and walked over to her. Robin took Charlie onto the stage and was talking to him about what his part was I was kinda curious and so I was trying to listen but Mrs. Violet snapped her fingers in front of my face which caught my attention pretty quickly "Okay Listen, Tomorrow I need you to come here during study hall, Emma doesn't know how to use the sound bored correctly and you used to do it so can you please do this for me and her or else I might just lose it." She was grabbing onto my shoulders extremely tight I wasn't sure whether to be scared or straight up tariffed. "Y-Yes Ma'am, I'm fine with that-" It felt like she was gonna snap my arms off if I said no, IM KINDA FORCED TO DO THIS OR ELSE I MIGHT DIE. She let go of my shoulders and gave me a big smile "Thank you so much, Ben! Now everyone let's get these props done!" Mrs. Violet stepped onto the stage and I was pretty much hungover in my own stupidity, Nadia placed her hand on my back and started to pat me "It's alright buddy, You'll survive...hopefully-" I just glared at her and she stuck her tongue out at me. The rest of practice was just a bunch of yelling, confusion, and disaster. Since Charlie was new and got a part inside the musical Mrs. Violet suggested we do the whole thing from the top which was exhausting, At some point I had to yell and Nadia wasn't paying attention and so she fell right onto one of the props and it broke. The crew didn't know how to fix it and so In between scenes we all had to try and fix it, which was a lot of rushing. Jason and Hailey who are two other casts also ended up hitting each other super hard which was the funniest thing I've seen all day, Jason also ended up falling off the stage and we all had to make sure he was okay. In the end, we finally got everything right and Charlie actually did really well, She couldn't remember a few things he had to say and so we just decided to let her keep her script with her. "Alright boys and girls or whatever, have a goodnight I'll see you all tomorrow!" Mrs. Violet walked out the door and not too long after everyone else' started leaving too "Charlie! You aren't gonna walk home with us??" Nadia was walking right next to Charlie with a sad look but Charlie just shook his head "No, I'm sorry I've gotta be somewhere I'll see you guys tomorrow" Then he ran out the door. "Why's she in such a rush-?" I asked looking at Nadia but she just shrugged "Maybe he's gotta get ready for something? Or maybe she's going to see Ajax? Or maybe-" She was cut off by Luna grabbing her face and kissing her...We were the only ones in the auditorium so I guess it makes sense but like they have to kiss right in front of me when My boyfriend isn't here. Actually thinking about Danny I have no idea where he is...He didn't mention anything about not coming to our practice maybe I should just text him- why am I like this. "Luna, How come Danny wasn't here today?"...Not what I was planning to do but it's gonna work, for now, Luna stopped kissing Nadia and turned to look at me with a smirk "Volleyball practice in the gym, Me and Nadia will meet you there~" Luna is one of the main reasons I can't speak to people normally BECAUSE WHO TF JUST SAYS THAT?!? But Danny practicing honestly seems kinda hot..and if Luna and Nadia won't be there for a while I can just stare at him...That sounds kinda weird now that I think about it but hey he's my boyfriend so. "Bye Benji, See you soon!" Nadia waved at me then proceeded to jump onto Luna wrapping her legs around her but I just grabbed my stuff and smiled at them, On my way to the gym I left the auditorium door opened a bit just so They wouldn't get locked in it basically tells the schools janitor to come back once that person leaves. I made my way to the gym but while I was doing so my mind just started drifting off...Danny in a volleyball uniform, Or just Danny sweating, DANNY GETTING PISSED OFF OMG I CAN NOT-! I was blushing just thinking about it at this point I've come to the conclusion that I'm a fucking simp. Only for Daniel Miller though no one else even though I can't kiss him once I get there since we aren't really out yet or more like we aren't out to his volleyball team yet, I kinda just wanna see him. I'm not sure if I'm just clingy or something else but I don't think I could go a day without hearing or seeing Danny at least once...I'm probably just being clingy but I don't care it's just how I am I guess, I finally made it to the gym I could hear the sounds of shoes squeaking against the gym floor and the sound of multiple volleyballs being hit, I was short scared...I just took a deep breath and walked inside but right when I did a ball came flying at my face. "OH SHIT-" someone yelled while a few other guys' voices made little ohh sounds, A few were laughing but I just covered my face and looked at the ground, I seriously hate sports... "BA-BEN- are you okay??" I looked up to see Danny with a worried expression on his face, He was wearing a black shirt but he was also sweating a bit which kinda showed his figure...I just layed my head on his chest and smiled "Yeah I'm fine, But I wouldn't mind some alone time with you~?" I was basically whispering to him since I didn't want his team to find out about us but when I looked up at him he was blushing a bit, It was cute. "Alright, I'm gonna take him to the nurse's office then I'll head home see you guys tomorrow" Danny stood up, helping me back onto my feet again then he picked up his bag and started dragging me outside. His teammates were wishing him goodbye's as we made our way out the door but It kinda seemed like he was in a rush, He stayed silent the entire way to the nurse's office which was sorta weird but I didn't bother to question it.

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