Chapter 16- Home.

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I feel really hot right now...I don't know what time it is but it was still dark outside. I just closed my eyes are tried to sleep again but then it started to get a little stuffy, I just gave up and opened my eyes again all I saw was Tomo sleeping on top of my desk and once I turned around I saw Danny sleeping peacefully...It would actually be a really great picture but I'm honestly too lazy and hot to move right now. Feels like I'm burning up I hope I'm not sick because that would fucking suck more than Sky failing the fifth grade...Not saying anything bad but like still- I sat up and stretched my back a little since I was basically laying there for who knows how long but once I did Danny started shifting and groaning in his sleep, I don't think he's a fan of being woken up which is kinda cute. I'm definitely not a fan of waking up well on weekends at least...I do need him to move though, I've gotta pee and I should probably check my temperature while I'm at it. Danny had his arm around my waist while he was asleep but he was holding me kinda tight and so I had to wiggle myself out of his grip which took a little longer than it should've...Once I escaped my boyfriend's lovely deathtrap I was trying to find my phone but I actually couldn't find it, I'm not exactly sure when I fell asleep and I don't exactly remember what I was doing before I did and so I feel kinda stupid right now. "What are you doing up so early..?" That made me jump a little bit, I looked over at Danny to see him turnt onto his back rubbing his eyes...His voice was a little deeper than usual WHICH IS THE ONLY REASON I got scared. "Ah, You scared me- Anyways I was getting hot and now my nose is stuffy so I was gonna go to the bathroom and check my temperature...Also, have you seen my phone cause I lost it, And I don't even know what time it is actually so Sorry..?" I walked back over to the bed and sat next to Danny again, His hair was all over the place it kinda looks like he got electrocuted, He sat up and just looked at me for a second I kinda just gave him a confused look I have no idea why I'm being so weird right now maybe it's because of how I'm feeling...? Right as that thought came out of my head I felt Danny put his hand on my forehead I just looked into his eyes while he looked into mine, Shortly after he moved his hand away from my head and stood up walking over to my bedroom light and turning it back on. It took a while for my eyes to adjust to the light since it was still dark out, I looked at Danny again and he just stood there looking at me with a weird smirk on his face...I officially have no idea what he's thinking right now which is kinda scary, I seriously hate it whenever I want to know what someone else is thinking- This is stupid. "You caught a cold Babe~, By the way, your phones under your cat, He fell asleep on it. But about your cold you should probably skip school today." Danny said, Walking over to me again I'm not sure how I got sick in the first place but not like it's gonna stop me from doing anything I normally do plus I still gotta tell Nadia about everything that happened yesterday...I just looked at the ground and shook my head, Danny put his hand on my head and started to mess with my hair then he laughed "Okay how about this, If you go to school whenever you have a break text me so I know you're alright?" He asked kneeling down so he could meet me eye to eye, I really don't want to worry Danny about something like this but then again it gives me an excuse to talk to him whenever I have free time in class, I looked back at him and gave him a soft smile "Alright finee, Only because I like you" I rolled my eyes and Danny laughed laying his head on my lap, I just put my hands on his back and smiled down at him "Correction Only because you Love me" I laughed and Danny did too, proceeding to close his eyes as he just lay on me.

I ended up falling asleep again but once I woke up I noticed Daniel wasn't in the room...I looked at my desk and my phone was there now so I'm guessing Tomo went off somewhere. I checked my phone to see a few messages from my Dad, Nadia, and Sky which was kinda weird from Sky and my dad and so I just checked Nadia's first.

Nadia<3 💞

I heard you got sick again, I'll come to visit you after practice I promise and I'll go to your classes and get your work in case Luna forgets cuz she kinda silly...Anygays I love you 😘
- Nadia<3 💞

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