Chapter 11- Sex

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Warning: Sexual content, Bad Sex scene, Spelling mistakes and cringe. THIS WAS REQUESTED!

"Are you kidding me!? You'd prefer Madison Beer Over Sabrina Carpenter???" I said looking into Daniel's eyes, I was kind of offended not gonna lie. "Yes! It's not on how they look either I just think Madison has a more creative type of music style" Me and Danny were sitting in my room on the floor, I asked if we should play music and he said yes and so I played one of Sabrina's song and then he told me he prefers Madison so that's how we ended up here, I shoved him smiling "I should break up with you because of that omg" I rolled my eyes after I said that and Danny laughed pinning me to the ground which flustered me a little bit but I didn't just wanna give in only because that's what he wanted "You'd break up with me just because my music taste is better~?" He asked moving his hands from my wrist to my hands, I interviewed our fingers together starting to laugh "Well First of all your music taste is horrible and secondly I don't know maybe I would I'll have to think about it" We smiled at each other and then Danny leaned down closer to my face. I kissed him, He kissed me back and so I decided to close my eyes I'm pretty sure he did as well; I really wanted to pull him closer but then I remembered the current position we were in, We continued to kiss but the more we did the more desperate I got and so I tried moving my hands out of his grip but he just held ontop my hands tighter and so I was forced to hold his hand again, But I kinda liked being under his control it wasn't bad. I broke the kiss first but I wanted to try something with Danny as well and so I bit his lip, He looked at me for a second and then he started blushing...It was cute and so I started laughing at him, He put his head down but I could tell he was smiling "And Why'd you do that?" He asked rubbing his thumb against the back of my hand "I was just curious about what your reaction would be~?" That wasn't exactly a positive answer nor a correct answer, I bit him because I just felt like it but if I told him that I'd be too embarrassed to even look at him "Well fine if you wanna play that way~" I looked at him for a second, I have no idea what he was about to do but he was definitely up to something because the way he said that wasn't in a normal tone. He let go of my hands moving them in front of me instead, at this point I don't even know what he was doing and so I just watched like an idiot- He laid me on my side then proceeded to lay behind me wrapping his arms around my waist "What are you doing you, dork??" I turned my head to look at him with an uncontrollable smile on my face, He just smirked at me then he started to kiss my neck it tickled and so I couldn't help but laugh every time he planted another kiss on my neck but not too long after the kissing he started sucking on my skin as well aka he was leaving more hickies on me. "Danny! My parents-! Pfft-!" I was surprised I managed to get that one sentence out, I started squirming around and I'm guessing he was having a harder time leaving them on me so he stooped shortly after.  I was catching my breath while he was laughing at me, I'm just glad my parents haven't walked into my room yet I was basically screaming while I was being attacked "You actually won't stay still will you?" Danny stood up looking down at me, "Not with you attacking my neck like a misquote!" Danny helped me up and proceeded to hold my waist again now that my hands were free I could finally move his face closer to mine and so I just grabbed his face pulling him down to my height and kissed him like there was no tomorrow, He was shocked but he eventually gave in and just let me kiss him once he gave in and closed his eyes I did too I didn't want to break the kiss and so I didn't, Not even for a second. After a while, I decided to add my tongue into the kiss which caused Danny to move his hands from my waist to my ass, but when he did that I was pulled closer to him and I could feel...something. I moved my arm's around his neck and jumped onto Danny, wrapping my legs around him, He didn't let go of my ass either not too long after that, he walked over to the bed and pinned me to it; My face was burning up and I knew my hormones were out of control, I know Danny feels the same way but I don't know if he's ready for that or not. While doing all this we were still kissing but breathing through my nose started to get harder and so I had to break it, when I did I could see the spit string that was connected from both our mouths I just wipped it away and looked up at Danny, We were both panting a bit but he wasn't looking at me, He was looking down at the bulge I had once I realized that I pulled my shirt down extremely far, I heard it rip but I was way too embarrassed to care. "S-Sorry, I wasn't really payin-" Daniel cut me off by pulling me into another kiss but not another soft, heartwarming kiss it was rough but also kinda demanding...It's kind of like that one day we almost fucked in the classroom except for this time I'm perfectly fine with being fucked right now...I closed my eyes continuing to kiss Danny we made out for a while, Danny ended up taking off my shirt and so I was just left in my boxers now, Danny broke the kiss and started to scan my body he didn't say anything and I didn't either I wasn't even sure what to say I just wanted him to fuck me honestly. "Ben, Are you okay with this..?" He asked I tried to say yes but the words just wouldn't come out and so I just turned away from my extremely hot boyfriend who actually ask for my constant before fucking the life out of me and nodded. He smiled at me then proceeded to undress himself, Not only is Danny the best boyfriend ever but he's also got a hot body. He had a.. six-pack? But it was more noticeable than Zero, and His arms are muscular but its hardly noticeable and his hands are just perfect... "What are you daydreaming about~?" He asked and that's when I snapped out of it, Danny got on top of me and I started freaking out "Nothing-! Well something..actually you-! Not you but like...I'm gonna shut up." I turned away from him again but he just chuckled slowly pulling my boxers off, I have no idea why I'm so embarrassed around Danny we spend lots of time together and well he's basically seen me naked because in our junior year we went on a trip and all the guys had to shower in a room with see-through glass that was really weird but I'm glad its over, Even if he probably never looked at me After Danny took my boxers off he just threw them onto the floor and did the same to his my eyes were closed. I was kinda scared to see how big he was not like I can't handle it or anything but this is my first time and I'd usually ask Oilver what I should do in these type of situations but e's not with me and I can't just go onto my phone right now! I might be having a gay crisis. "Babe, You don't have any Lube in here by chance?" He asked looking around, I'm already as embarrassed as I can get so I might as well just say fuck it. "Nope, But You can use my mouth?" I. Hate. Myself....I covered my mouth and looked up at Danny he just turned away trying to hide the fact he was laughing at me but he was OBVIOUSLY failing. "It was just a suggestion..But we don't ha-" I was cut off again. Daniel shoving two of his fingers inside my mouth, I was shocked since I wasn't exactly expecting that but after a few seconds I just looked at his hand and started to suck on them, I'm not exactly sure if this is supposed to go this way but it seems right to me..I'll just have to ask Oilver and Zero when I see them again because trying to explain all this in one text message is gonna be a pain in the ass and a long ass paragraph. After about a minute or so Danny took his fingers out of my mouth and smiled at me "That seems good enough to me" he said, looking at his fingers then at me, I wasn't sure if he wanted me to say something or what and so I just stared at him "What..? I think it's fine..?" I physically couldn't keep any eye contact with him, but I feel like he was enjoying that "Okay tell me when you're ready" "I'm definitely ready, I'm stronger then I look ya know so I'll be fine just- Ah~!" Right after I got the word just out he thrusted both of his fingers into me as hard as possible. It hurt a little but It also felt good at the same time, I moaned so loud I honestly scared myself I just covered my mouth with my eyes closed so tightly it kinda hurt, I heard Danny chuckle to himself "Wow, That was loud Babe but it was cute heh, Tell me when you're actually ready to move ok?" I opened my eyes again but I still couldn't keep any eye contact or get any actual words out and so I just nodded. It took me about 2 minutes to get used to the feeling but whenever I was ready I caught my breath and looked at Him "Okay, I'm ready now...Actually." I admitted, He started to move his fingers in and out of me but it didn't hurt as much, overall it actually just felt good. I was trying no to be too loud and I was doing pretty good, I only let out soft moans since Danny wasn't going to fast but here and there he'd pick up the pace and go a little rougher which caused me to become a "little louder" Danny leaned closer to me and kissed me for awhile, he was still fingering me but after a few seconds he stopped and just started to kiss me with tongue. Once we broke the kiss I was a panting, embarrassed mess..All he did was use his fingers but I already felt like I was about done, Maybe it's just because of my age but then again I'm not positive about that maybe I'm just sensitive. Danny Lifted my chin up and smiled at me but I just looked away "This is so embarrassing.." I mumbled but It was loud enough for him to hear me apparently "Maybe a little but then again we were bound to do this one day or another and it's good to start early, Plus I think this is one of the cutest thing I've ever seen you do." That made me blush a little more, Danny really knows how to fluster me with simple words.. "Oh, Wait did you wanna put it in now??" I asked and Daniel nodded sitting down, One thing I did have in my room were condoms. My dad gave me them even though he knew I'd never use them plus they were way to big for me anyways...Oh that bitch. Anyways. I took the condoms out of my drawer and took one out for Danny now that it's been a while I'm not that embarrassed but I'm still embarrassed. "Can you put it on for me~?" that was more of a demand then a question. I looked at him like he was crazy and he just gave me a grin "Fine.." I rolled my eyes and crawled over to him, I was straddling him a bit since it was easier, I'm glad that it fit him but it was really big...both of them were I don't know why I'm like this. Once I put it on him he instantly threw me back onto the bed and put my legs over his shoulders "Em-! D-Danny..-!" I was actually looking at him now... "Finally, Now be a good boy and just keep your eyes on me."...I..Uhm...Fuckkkk!!! "O-Okay.." I did what he told me too, He was more focused on lining himself up with me that he didn't really look at me so it was pretty easy "Hey..Why'd you tell me to be a go-HA~! FUCK-!" When he thrusted himself into me it was so aggressive..It hurt but that pain quickly turnt into pleasure. I heard Daniel let out breathy moan and it was probably one of the hottest things I've heard come out of his mouth, I was still looking at him and I was catching my breath since I was cut off mid sentence earlier, Danny looked at me and smirked "I wish I could take a picture of you right now, You look so cute. Tell me when you're ready love" Daniel Miller might just be the reason I have a fucking gay panic attack. He's given me two nicknames so far and I can barely speak or breath correctly..I think Tops have it so much easier when it comes to sex. "Ready.." I stopped panting after a few seconds and Daniel nodded at me, He pulled out again and I tried to calm down a bit I feel like the only reason he went so aggressive at first was because I was tensed up. He thrusted into me again, it was less rough like I expected but It still made me moan as loud as a bitch. After the second thrust he just kept going, The more he went on the more aggressive he got and the louder I was..My parents might actually kill me if they've been awake this whole time. "H-Ha~! I'm~ C-Cumming!" And I did, My eyes were closed and I was panting and blushing like crazy but I could also feel the tears falling down my cheeks, I wasn't sad though they were just tears of pleasure I guess. Danny pulled out and finished inside the condom, once he took it off I could see him stand up but then everything just went black and I wasn't thinking anymore...

Nadia's P.O.V
..."I feel like I should be doing something important?" Me and Luna were sitting in my living room together, I was in between her thighs and she was straightening my hair for me "Well Did you do all your school work?" She suggested "Yeah..BEN-!"I sat up really quickly and Luna accidentally dropped the flat iron on her leg "FUCK.!" She screamed which honestly scared me and so I accidentally fell and that same flat iron also burnt my side "OW BITCH-!" I screamed but I quickly covered my mouth, Me and Luna looked at eachother and then we both bursted out laughing, My dad came in and unplugged the flat iron for us then right as he was about to leave Zorro walked in and turnt him around "Hey Father~ Wanna play sorry with me?" My dad groaned "Alright fine but I have to work after." Zorro smiled and started clapping his hands together while him and my dad walked away "Yayyy!" Zorro said while following him, I love my brother. I got back onto to couch with Luna and we shared a kiss for about about 15 seconds then I texted Ben, Like I actually was supposed to do like 4 hours ago...Heh whoops.


Sooo, Long story sort Luna came over and we all played Mario, Zorro and Luna had 17 arm wrestler, my dad let me make egg rolls for everyone 🥰 Luna and I watched a movie and we made out duh, Zoe said "HELLO DARLING, I MISS YOU SO SO MUCH 😚😚😚😚😚" I'm sorry you have to deal with that side of him babe- like nuh-huh anywho me and Luna just got matching burns because we can't use a flat iron without causing an issue anyyywho!!! Tell me ALLL about what you and Danny do when you have time ofc I don't wanna ruin you and your boyfriend time!! night!!!😘💞


I'm sure he's to busy to read that but I can't wait to hear all about what those two did over the weekend, Benji's family is really nice and So I'm sure Danny's doing alright maybe they made out too, that would be so cool to talk about...Heheh! I can't wait!! I layed on Luna's chest literally giggling and kicking my feet. She put her hand on my side and started to rub it, I love when she does that. Today's been so amazing I hope everyone else had a good Saturday because mine I'm never gonna shut up about.

Author- Now if you're wondering why I took Charlie and Karma's part out it's because they aren't dating anymore and it made it kinda awkward for me and it was a bad part anyways and so I'm sorry about that.

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