Chapter 5- Acting

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"I HAVE A WHA-!" I screamed, but wasn't able to finish my sentence due to Oilver covering my mouth. "Okay okay, Calm down everyone is still asleep and we can hide it with makeup okay. But He left really dark hickies.." E said moving eir hand off my mouth slowly and inspecting my neck. Apparently, when Danny was attacking my neck last night or this morning, He started sucking on it and he left really dark..noticeable...really noticeable marks on my neck. In total, I had three, One on the side of my neck, one closer to my shoulder and the last one was more in the front of my neck but the one on my side was the one I was freaking out about. "No-! I've got to play practice Oilver they're gonna notice and I can't make up an excuse because it's obviously a hickey! What am I gonna do'' We were Upstairs in the bathroom, I just sat in front of the mirror trying to rub the marks away hoping they'd fade a little but nothing...Oilver was pasting back and forth mumbling something to eirself that I couldn't exactly make out from what I could tell e was mumbling possible solutions, while e was doing this someone quickly opened the door pushing em and that caught em off guard. "Ah-! Fuck-!" E screamed, falling into the bathtub, I walked over to em and grabbed eir arm trying to help em up "Are you okay??? That looked like it hurt.." E stood up rubbing eir butt and then proceeded to look at whoever opened the door and so did I. ''Whoops- My bad- Oh shit sorry babe-" Luckily it was just Zero, If it were Danny I'm not sure what I would do. I let go of Oilver's arm and walked behind Zero pushing him into the bathroom and then shutting the door quickly. He looked at me for a second and then he looked at Oilver who gave him an annoyed face, probably because he made em fall but I don't know, he looked back at em and then he just had to look down.. "Holy shit, those are dark- Did you and Daniel do something while everyone was asleep-?" He asked, scratching his head, Oilver hit him in the head and he leaned down a bit, "No...Just when he was messing with me he accidentally left these. But we have school in like three hours and we have no idea how to hide these because not only do I have classes but I still have to go to play practice." I went back over to the sink starting to look around in the small drawers for something, literally anything. "Okay. I have an idea but I'm not exactly sure if you'll like it, It's kinda the only option we have though since no one here has makeup that matches your skin..." I just looked at Em confused, Zero sat on the edge of the tub looking up at em as well "So you want him to wear something to cover it, Oli that didn't work for you-" Zero closed his eyes twirling the strings on his hoodie and Oilver went quiet for a second "Okay..Well Ben what do you think is right?" E asked, But I just wasn't sure. Danny wants to keep us kind of a secret right now and honestly I do too.."Zero, Give me your hoodie." I stood up looking at him and holding my hand out, waiting for him to hand it to me, He was just giving me a look saying "Are you serious.?" But I didn't care if he wanted to or not I just needed it. Eventually he gave in and took it off, turns out he didn't have anything underneath it but he actually had a pretty nice body; he had a few abs but they weren't extremely hard-? You know what it doesn't even matter, the only reason I needed his hoodie was because it had a mask attached to it so when I put it on it covered my neck pretty well "Perfect!" I said looking at Zero "I'm gonna have to borrow this for the Day Zero, I'll return it when I can though" He sighed at that but nodded "Okay so now that that's dealt with how do we all get downstairs without it seeming suspicious?" Oilver said and that's when an idea came into my head.

"Alright got it!?" I said looking at Zero and Oilver, Zero had a smirk on his face and Oilver was slumped down running eir fingers through eir hair "I can't believe you two are talking me into this. And Zero I swear to god if you go any farther than this plan I'm gonna kill you." E said, glaring at him "Okay okay, I understand~" I smiled and proceeded to walk out of the bathroom, closing the door and walking downstairs again. Once I got down I was quickly picked up by Luna who started squeezing the life out of me. "OMG, I THOUGHT YOU LEFT YOU BIG DORK WHERE WERE YOU-Ah-'' She paused and then put me down, Daniel walked over to us and kinda gave me a questionable look then he spoke "And why are you wearing Zero's hoodie.?" But when he said that his voice got a little deeper. It sounded hella scary but It also kinda turned me on. "Well actuallyI went upstairs to look for a shirt to wear for school but when I walked past the bathroom door I found it, I didn't know it was Zero's though?" I said that avoiding eye contact, I actually suck at lying and I hate doing it as well but Its the best thing I could think of on such a short notice. Daniel moved closer to me and grabbed my hands, and pinning me to the wall. I yelped at first but I just shut up as quickly as I could and looked up at him. He looked pissed but again if I said anything he probably would've been more pissed. He slowly moved closer to my ear. My heart was beating so fast it felt like it was going to burst and I could feel my face burning up. Luna backed away slowly and ended up tripping over Nadia who ended up folding herself onto the floor. "Agh-!" Luna just laid there and sighed but I stopped looking at them and focused my attention on Danny again. "Tell me the truth Ben, Don't lie to me." He whispered in a more demanding tone, AND I KNOW I SHOULD PROBABLY BE SCARED RIGHT NOW BUT ALL I REALLY FELT WAS SOMETHING IN MY PANTS. I sighed and whispered back into his ear "When you were kissing my neck you left a few dark marks and I needed to cover them somehow..It's only for today though." I told him looking away, I felt really hopeless and weak being pinned against that wall so all I could really do is tell him the truth. He slowly moved away and Let go of one of my hands, he lifted my chin up and kissed me, I kissed him back of course. I closed my eyes, we continued to kiss and eventually, he stuck his tongue into my mouth and we started to french kiss he moved his other hand and let go of my chin eventually wrapping his arms around my waist instead, I wrapped my arms around his neck. I was still pinned to the wall and we continued to kiss for a few more seconds then we broke it, I could see the spit string coming from both our mouths and I just looked at it. That's when Daniel put his hands on my thighs and that's when I got the message, I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist, it made us closer since I was against the wall but It also made me a bit taller than him; He kissed me again and I continued to kiss him back, I can't tell if he was doing this because he was upset I tried to lie or if he was jealous but whatever it was I want to do it more often so he'll do this to me. His eyes were closed but I kept mine slightly opened. I looked over at Luna who seemed to be recording us but I didn't wanna break the kiss just to yell at her and so I just closed my eyes.
After about a minute or two Daniel finally broke the kiss. My heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest and I could tell I was blushing a lot. There was another string coming from my mouth but I wiped it away, Danny smiled at me "Next time just tell me the truth okay. Also no need to wear anyone else's clothes, you can wear mine." He gave me an innocent smile like he didn't just make out with me like he was about to fuck me, But I guess his reason for that was because he was jealous. I nodded and then He turned towards Luna, Luna had Nadia on her back and looked back at him "What-?" She said, Then she paused "Wait a minute where's the royal one and eir boyfriend???" She said with an even more confused tone, she started looking around "Oh yeah, Ben said he found the hoodie outside of the bathroom. Maybe they're in the-'' Daniel was cut off by a very loud "AH~!"...Yeah Zero definitely did more than he was supposed to. The actual plan was for me to come down and make an excuse and if someone asked where they were about 5 minutes from when I left Zero was supposed to make Oilver moan a little and another two minutes would pass and they'd walk down together, But I'm pretty sure they're gonna be busy with that for a while. I laughed, "Well Nevermind they're having their fun time Anyways Luna why don't you wake up Nadia-?" Danny said, putting me down. "I got it don't worry" I smiled at him and then walked over to Luna and Nadia, I turned around and Luna put her on my back with a confused look "What are you gonna do-?" She asked moving back slightly. "There's only one way to wake Nadia up. And that way would be a pain!" I closed my eyes and quickly threw Nadia Off my back, she was supposed to land on the couch but she ended up going over it and hitting the wall. My bad-? "Oh shit she went over" I said, scratching my head. Nadia quickly sat up "WHAT HAPPENED-!?!" She screamed then she looked around at me, Daniel and Luna; when I looked at Luna and Daniel they seemed scared but Daniel seemed a little impressed and Luna looked disappointed. Luna ran over to Nadia and started checking her body "Ben just threw you to wake you up! Are you okay??" She asked, grabbing her shoulders and looking into her eyes, Nadia smiled and kissed her nose "Baby, I'm fine that's usually how he wakes me up if I sleep too long plus I'm not hurt-" she stuck her tongue out and Luna hugged her, sighing. Danny walked over to me crossing his arms "Never knew you were so aggressive~?" He teased, smiling at me then he turned away "Well I am a theater kid, I can be aggressive if I need to be~" I chuckled to myself and Daniel pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back continuing to smile and that's when Nadia jumped back over the couch and took her phone off the charger "Oh wow we've got some time left, Are we gonna take showers and stuff?" She asked. Daniel paused and face palmed "Well Zero and Oilver are a little busy in the bathroom right now so let's just wait" He said. "OH WOW THOSE TWO ARE ALWAYS SO HORNY-!" She leaned off the arm of the couch staring to laugh. Luna was leaning on the back of the couch laughing with her, I looked up at Daniel and he looked back down at me kissing my head.

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