Chapter 20- Bloom

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"For example! Like when you and Danny have sex he can just fuck you in the ass since he has a penis anyways and like ya know straight cis mem put their dick in the straight cis womens ass so like! Ya! BUT For me and Luna we can't do that without a strap but I don't like straps so we just use fingers." Nadia made a scissoring motion with her fingers while looking directly at me, She decided to come home with me after play practice so we could just go to six flags together. And the current conversation we're having now is about how lesbians have sex or more like how Luna and Nadia have sex since I was curious. "Ok...What would that mean for Oilver though since e's like neither man nor women" I asked, Nadia paused for a second and we were just staring at eachother for a straight 30 seconds, She raise her hand in the air and proceeded to smack the fuck out of me...which caught me off guard. "OW. DAMMIT?!?" I yelled, Nadia stood up placing her hand on her hips as she sighed "Listen you dumbass. EVERYONE HAS AN ASS! OILVER IS A B.O.T.T.O.M, E GETS FUCKED IN THE ASS!" She yelled back, I was still holding my cheek from when she slapped me but I guess it was kind of a dumbass question so I'm not sure what I expected. It was only 9 o'clock and we all agreed to meet at 10 since the show starts at 1- that's a lot of numbers, I was sitting in my desk chair as Nadia layed back down on my bed taking out her phone. "Alright I get it, Why'd you hit me so hard?!?" Nadia smirked at me, turning her phone in my direction and taking a picture of me for some odd reason, I'm pretty sure Nadia takes the weirdest pictures or the best pictures of me...I hate her sometimes "Well maybe if you wouldn't have asked a stupid question I wouldn't have hit you at all?" She shot back, I just rolled my eyes slowly spinning around in my chair "I think I might try and make a move on Danny later tonight..." I mumbled, Nadia shot up almost instantly slamming her phone down onto my mattress, She sat her elbows down on her knees with an interested smile on her face I just smiled and adjusted myself so I could sit up straight in my chair again. "Well I was thinking, What if we go somewhere private like just me and him and maybe we could just make out for awhile or more...Like a little quicky IF we find a good spot, I honestly just want him to kiss me as much as possible I miss him so muchhhh" I groaned, Hiding my face into the palm of my hands. Nadia started to clap her hands excitedly while squealing her lungs off "Oh my gosh yes, and you guys should get some pictures of you two kissing it would be adorable!!" Nadia was bouncing up and down on the bed I just nodded and she smiled at me. "Ben, Nadi, You guys should get ready now so I can drop you off also Ashers coming on the road so make sure you wear something appropriate!" My mom yelled from the hallway, She says that like I'm gonna walk out of the house while showing off my ass or something...I can't really say the same about Nadia though she'll wear revealing clothing whenever she feels like it honestly "Okay!" We both yelled back in response and that's when Nadia stood up and took off her shirt, After about a year or so Nadia and I have Kinda just gotten used to seeing eachother change lots of people think it's weird we don't look away or leave the room but we honestly couldn't care less. I stood up and began to change as well, I just wore some ripped jeans with a black crop top that spelled Devil on it even though there wasn't really a point to it I just put on Danny's jacket and left it unzipped; once I was done changing I looked over at Nadia and she was looking at this belt she recently bought but it looked really complicated- I will never understand that ways of a belt. "Benji..." Nadia looked over at me with an embarrassed face, She kinda looked like she was about to cry too and so I took the belt from her and took a closer look, It was a normal belt but it had this heart in the middle that was attached to the other sides you had to pull it through a few different places but eventually I got it handing it to Nadia, She put her arms up with a grin on her face "Put it on for me, I'm lazy now!" She said, throwing her arms around my shoulder I just rolled my eyes and obeyed since I know she was gonna talk me into it anyway, Once I got her belt on correctly she back away and ran downstairs, I grabbed my phone and my house key before I followed through, My moms only dropping us off since Zero, And Luna already have their own car and or can use their parent's car since they trust them enough so they said they'd just drop everyone off some way or another. Once I made it downstairs my mom was standing there with her hands on her hips while Ash and Nadia were playing a hand game, My mom looked up at me and rolled her eyes "Geez about time, You take as much time as a pretty girl Ben Are you trying to look good for Daniel or something?" Nadia Laughed, and I just groaned as I felt the blush slowly showing itself on my face, Asher stuck his tongue out at me and so I flicked him off "Ben wants to impress Danny! Ben wants to impress Danny!Ben wants to impress Danny!" Asher teased, making his way outside and into the front seat of the car, I wanted to shut him up and so of course I followed him.

Halfway through the car ride, it was pretty much quiet, Nadia was leaning up against the window, Asher was playing on his table, And my mom was singing her music while not taking her eyes off the road, I was kinda just sitting there thinking about all this. I really miss Daniel despite me seeing him when school ended he still wasn't able to come to play practice which means an hour and a half longer of not seeing him, I could text him...But if I do he might find me clingy and break up with me...But I really miss him..Maybe I'll just say hi for now and he'll keep the conversation going or at least I hope so, actually I wonder how close him and Luna are right now.

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