Chapter 12- First Date

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This took a while because its fucking long, So um sorry<3

"And then I passed out!!" I was whispering but I was also screaming If that makes any sense...I woke up next to Daniel who actually had his arms around me then I remembered what happened last night. Once I remembered that I was blushing so hard I'm pretty sure Danny could feel how hot I was, and so I just grabbed my phone and ran into the bathroom; I ended up calling Oilver and that's how we're here now. "Holyy shit, Seems like You had fun on your day off," E said snickering to eirself I just flicked em off which caused em to do it back, I love Oilver and all but sometimes I just wanna strangle em. "Not the point...How am I supposed to act the same way around him when every time I'm near him or it's quiet my mind just goes right back to...That!" E went quiet for a minute which meant e was planning something "Okay how about this, Since you and Danny are new to having sex why don't you both come over and I can talk to you about how to make it not awkward?" E suggested and honestly, the Best idea ever. "Yes! Please, Thank You, Oli!" I picked up my phone and hugged it even though we weren't on a video call I just felt like it...I'm kind of slow. "Okay okay, See you whenever you get here just use your key though, My parents are out today" I nodded looking at my phone, I also got a message from my mom and so I had to hang up on em now "Okay, I love you see you soon" I hung up and looked at the message my mom sent me


I had to go to work, Asher is with his friends, and your dad is asleep so if you need anything don't wake him up the answers are just yes got it?

Wow, thanks, Mom...Me and Danny are gonna visit Oilver so I won't be home long anyways, But when you come back don't open my door please Tomo's In there.



Fine fine, Take a chill pill. Love you, Benny

...Never call me that again, Love you more 🥰


Now for the actual challenge...Tell Danny we've gotta go to Oilver, I don't know HOW I'm supposed to talk to him after I was literally moaning like a bitch a few hours ago! Oilver and Zero are so normal around each other...I don't get it, Oilver gets embarrassed...Sometimes..rarely actually now that I think about it I can't remember that last time E was actually like 100% embarrassed around any of us, minus Zero of course. While I was sitting in the bathroom my phone got another notification, It was a message from Danny actually...But Texting is way better than face to face right now.

Love of my life💍🥰❤️‍🔥

Morning, Are you hiding from me now?
-Love of my life💍🥰❤️‍🔥

Uhm..No, I'm just not in the room with you, By the way, Oilver wants to talk to us so we gotta go over well only if you wanna

Hm, Well okay but Uhm I need clothes I kinda forgot to bring some😅
-Love of my life💍🥰❤️‍🔥

...Hold, Big dummy

Of course
-Love of my life💍🥰❤️‍🔥


I looked on the ground to see a shirt that I most likely left from when I took a shower but it's kinda the only thing I can wear at the moment, I've been completely naked ever since I woke up. I put on the shirt and walked out the bathroom door and made my way to my parent's room, My dad is a pretty heavy sleeper and so stealing his clothes is really easy. I just picked out some jeans and a random shirt then I left, walking back to my room. I knocked on the door and then proceeded to walk inside looking at the ground, If I made eye contact with Danny I might just cry I'm just really embarrassed after we fucked..Daniel took the clothes from me and I could hear him putting them on, I ended up putting on some shorts , new boxers and an actual clean shirt, I looked over at Danny and he was on one knee tying his shoe "Almost ready?" I asked, He finished tying his shoe and stood up looking at me with a slight blush across his face "Yeah" for the love of my gay ass why does it have to be so awkward. I just looked at the ground and started to walk "Okay okay, C'mon.." I mumbled but Danny still followed me, The whole way to Oilver's house we basically didn't say a word. Danny asked If I was okay which I just said yes, I wasn't hurt or anything well for the most part; My ass hurt a little but I was still able to walk normally and If you don't pay attention to my neck I was actually fine, After we finished though I was just tired...Sex takes a lot of energy out of me I guess. "Is it this one?" Danny asked, I looked up to see what he was talking about and he was pointing to someone's house I just shook my head and pointed to the 3rd house down "That one" I smiled at him and he covered his face like he was embarrassed he got it wrong, There's really no need to be though since he's never been to Oilver's house before but it was cute to see his embarrassed face. We made our way to Oilver's front door and I knocked on it while Danny stood behind me that's when we heard Oilver scream- Me and Danny looked at each other with a concerted but also confused look then the door swung open and we were greeted by Oilver but not just em, Zero was behind em holding one of the eir legs at this point I don't know what these two do anymore and I don't think I want to know, Oilver was panting a bit and E was wearing an oversized sweater for some reason "Let go-! Ugh, Just come in-" E kicked Zero in the stomach which caused him to let go and fall onto the floor, I just took Danny's hand and walked inside. Oilver shut the door and then proceeded to look at Zero "I told you to stop climbing through my window it's dangerous, Also you picked a bad time to do so" Zero just sat up laughing "What~? I can't see my lover if I want too~? I missed you Baby" Zero stood up, pulling Oilver closer by eir waist I really hate how they can do that type of stuff without getting embarrassed or making it awkward. "Whatever-, Danny and Ben are being super awkward at the moment and so we're gonna help them alright?" E said looking at us "It's- Uhm Well I don't know it's just kinda weird since we did so much last night.." Danny held my hand tighter and I just looked at him, At least he feels the same way I do if he didn't I wouldn't know what to do. Oilver smiled at us and Zero was looking at us completely lost, We all went into Oilver's room which was actually really decorated at the moment; There were decorative leaves on the ceiling and rows of pictures on the wall closet to eir bed they were mostly pictures of our friend group, e's family, or just em and Zero. There was also an unfinished painting on another wall it looked like it was a half-finished flower, It was turning out amazing though that's when Zero plopped down on the bed and took his hoodie off "Okay wait I'm lost, Why are you two being weird? Did something happen?" He asked while running his fingers through his hair "We slept together for the first time but Uhm...I think we just kinda got a little embarrassed..?" I wasn't even sure if I was positive when I said that but I just looked at Danny and he Chuckled "Ohhhhh" Zero said looking at Oilver he didn't seem to be bothered by it and so I'm guessing they've done this before, but with who-?? "Well how about we start with this, What's so awkward about it?" E said, walking over to Zero and sitting on his lap; E changed into a pair of shorts and a hoodie that I'm guessing is Zero's but the question e asked was the more concerning part...I just looked down and blushed, Danny didn't say anything either so it was just silent...I seriously hate social situations. "I don't know if I was doing anything right and every time it's just quiet and my mind wonders I just think about's embarrassing.." I said that covering my face, I don't know why I get so embarrassed when I talk about me and Danny but I just do "Okay, Well Danny did you feel like Ben did something wrong?" Oilver ask, I uncovered my face and looked at Danny, I actually wanted an answer so I could work on it if we do it again but he just smiled and shook his head "No, I was just worried I'd hurt him so what do you do in that situation" He was looking at Zero mainly but he just looked at the ceiling starting to think. Daniel took my hand and pulled me closer to him I guess talking about it helps a bit...As long as I didn't do anything wrong to him I think I'll be okay "Personally Oilver just tell me when it hurts by hurting me back-" Zero said putting his hand on Oilver's thigh staring to rub it, Oilver just shrugged and looked at Danny "You could always ask if you're hurting him, Probably best you don't do what me and Zero do since he's kinda a dumbass.." I looked at them for a second then I started to laugh while covering my mouth "You guys really are a good couple though, you're even funny together which makes you a fun couple to be around" Danny commented, "Well That's good, Even so you guys don't have to be so awkward now that you've had sex. The only thing that has changed is the fact you've seen each other-! AH-!" Right at the end of the sentence Zero stood up dropping em to the floor, "WAIT A FUCKING MINUTE IF YOU GUYS WANNA GET USED TO IT GO ON A DATE!" His eyes were filled with such excitement and I'm not exactly sure why "ZERO. SIT." Oilver yelled. Zero immediately obeyed which is honestly understandable I get scared when e yells as well..." Sorry Babe-, I wasn't thinking...Please don't be mad at me🥲" Oilver sat up and just sighed, then E looked at us "Overall, He's not exactly wrong maybe you two should go on a date; so you two can talk a little, Asking for advice is fine but the best communication is always gonna be between you and Danny because you two understand eachother and that's a plus of dating sometimes. Like you guys have your way of loving and me and Zero have ours ya know?" E had eir normal toned voice back which was good if e didn't I might've just cried...Not like I'm scared of em or anything. I looked over at Danny and it seems to me like he was thinking about something "Babe? AH DANNY." I covered my mouth as quickly as I could, I didn't mean to call him that but it just kinda slipped out...I'm not even the type to use nicknames! Danny's definitely been messing with my head recently and I really wish it would stop only because it's making me do stupid things more often than I should! But by accidentally calling him babe it seemed to get his full attention... "Babe huh~?" Danny teased moving closer to me, I just scooted farther away while blushing. He ended up pinning me to the floor and I could hear Oilver laughing at me "It was an accident...I was just, Well You looked like you had something on your mind and so I got a little worried then it just slipped.." I'm not sure how I managed to get that out but I was a blushing mess again "You're so cute, Call me that more often will you?" Danny put his hand on my face and we were looking into each other's eyes, I just nodded then he kissed me. I kissed him back but I quickly broke it, only because I didn't wanna just make out with him in front of Oilver and Zero I smiled at Danny and he smiled back then he stood up; I decided to stay on the floor because not gonna lie it's comfortable "So It's an official date once we leave here" Danny said, I'm excited for that since it'll be our first date when its actually just us which means we'll be alone and we can make out a little bit "Go ahead, Not like we're stopping you from leaving?" Oilver said getting back onto eir bed and sitting next to Zero again. Danny held his hand out to me and I took it smiling at him "Okay, Thanks Oilver this helped a lot" I walked over to Oilver and hugged em, e hugged me back then laughed "No problem, Glad I could help somewhat also sorry about Zero just joining in-" Zero looked offended by that "You know what, Hurry up and go before I punish Oilver in front of you both." He said and that's when me and Danny grabbed each other's Hands and ran downstairs laughing, Zero's such a dominant person I honestly think his hormones are out of control most of the time but he also has control, which is a nice feature actually.

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