Chapter 4- The Move.

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No! What am I thinking, I can't just kiss him! I'm not even sure if he truly loves me, I don't want to end up getting used. He could just be teasing me anyways. "Hey, Ben.." Daniel looked down at me from what I could feel, and I just looked straight ahead because I could somewhat see the outline of his was quiet for a minute and then Daniel started moving closer to me, He was so close to my face...I could feel are lips practically touching. He was gonna kiss me, this was it. Everything I've ever wanted..once he kissed me he'd ask me out and we'd be dating. "OW-!" I yelped and then quickly covered my mouth and looked up, It looked like a box fell and hit me directly in the head. Daniel pulled back and pushed himself farther into the wall "I-I'm sorry, what was that?" He said but I didn't answer I was just embarrassed...We're friends and He was about to kiss me and I was gonna kiss him back but...Ugh...Does this mean he actually likes me..? I don't know anymore.

Our seven minutes was still going I think, But I'm pretty sure it's been longer than that. Or at least it feels that way, someone please get me out of here😭 After that box hit me, Me and Danny haven't said a single word-! This silence is gonna kill me soon but I don't know what to say..should I mention the kiss or make a joke about the box hitting me? No, they'd both be too awkward to mention, I hate social situations. "Hey, Ben...I'm sorry, I almost kissed you.." At first, I was confused, why was he apologizing for almost kissing me. If I didn't want it I would've pulled away "It's okay, I was kinda waiting for it..I've had a crush on you for so long I just wasn't thinking straight."...Oh my fucking god. You'd have to be kidding me. I did not just say that...I froze and Daniel didn't say a word. I opened the closet door which seemed to be unlocked actually and ran towards Nadia. I grabbed her hand and quickly ran upstairs. I wanted to die, I just wanted to lock myself in my room and cry. I heard Daniel yell for me but I just went into Luna's room with Nadia and locked the door. "Ben-! What happened!?!" Nadia asked sitting me on the floor and sitting next to me with her arm around me, I just curled into a ball and started crying...I'm such an Idiot. Why would I say that I had a crush on him, It was already awkward enough...I just made it so much worst... "I-I accidentally..I told him..I d-didn't mean to but It just came out." I managed to get that out with a few sobs in between and Nadia Hugged me, I hugged her back continuing to let the tears fall from my eyes. After a few minutes, I stopped crying and I was calm enough to explain everything that happened in the closet with Daniel and to which she told me I should talk to Daniel and figure things out. "Look, I know it's gonna be hard and very awkward but if you want a least a small chance of dating him you're gonna have to try and talk things out with him Ben, Daniel is a good guy even if he said no he'd say it in a way that wouldn't hurt you...I'll be here for you I promise but please just try and talk to him. If it doesn't work you can go home and I'll stay the night with you." Nadia was holding my hand and softly smiled at me, She always makes me feel less sad and I really appreciate that. I nodded at her and she let go of my hand and walked over to the door but stopped in the doorframe and looked at me. "I'll be downstairs if you need me." She said with a serious look on her face snd then she walked downstairs and I waited staring to pick at my nails.

(Gonna switch To Nadia's P.O.V really quick)
What am I doing!?!? What if he actually gets rejected! That's gonna hurt him so bad...Oh my lord, why did this have to happen now? I was slowly walking down the stairs to give myself a little time to think but when I reached the bottom Zero was trying to comfort Danny and Luna and Oilver pushed me into the kitchen. "Babe what happened, Is he okay???" Luna said with a worried look on her face. "Does he wanna leave..? Or does he want some comfort from one of us..?" Oilver said making random hand motions. E tends to do that when he's worried or overthinking but I just smiled at them both "I calmed him down and he said he wants to try and talk to Danny for a while. If things don't go well I'll go home with him and stay the night and I'll inform you guys tomorrow at school alright?" I said looking at Luna and then Oilver, they nodded and Oilver walked over to Daniel and whispered in his ear. He stood up, thanked Oilver, and then walked upstairs. I couldn't help but worry about what will happen but I hope whatever happens is good, I can't stand seeing Ben hurts me. Luna wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly, I hugged her back. I really wanted to cry and my head hurt so much from overthinking this...if it's good news tho I should be okay. No, I know I'll be okay because I've got Luna...She's all I need to think about right now.

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