Double the Demons

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     When Muzan comes to eliminate the Kamados.  Tanjiro and Nezuko offer themselves to him in exchange for their family members lives.
     Muzan accepts.

     Years later demon slayers start reporting coming across Demon Moons that seemed to have, let them escape?  Eventually they discover that similar to the defeated upper moon 6 it is a pair of demons, siblings.  They can communicate easily and seem to be quite strong.  But more demon slayers have escaped them than any demon moon in history, including lower moons.
     One day, the brother of the pair appears at the gate of the Demon Slayer Corps HQ.  He stands in the sun like it's nothing and taps gently at the metal gate, softly asking a guard to fetch Ubuyashiki for him.
     The sickly man came to meet the demon who bowed politely.
     "You're immune to the sun..."
     "Does Muzan know about this ability?"
     "And why is that?"
     "I'm planning a coup."
     "Yes.  May I come in?"

     The demon is perfectly well mannered and addresses the Hashira's concerns about him politely not even growling at Sanemi when the man stabs him before shoving his bloody arm in his face.
     They agree on a temporary partnership.

     I also want there to be a moment where Tanjiro and Nezuko see their family again and there's a lot of crying and a big hug. :')

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