i dunno what to call this

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     Tanjiro pets Rokuta's head as the boy sleeps.  His shift is starting soon.  He heaves a sigh and heads over to the measly vanity provided, drowning his burn scar in powder and rubbing rouge into his lips, then on the rounds of his cheeks and the corners of his eyes, swiping charcoal through his lashes before slicking his hair back with wax and starting to put it up.  He sticks it full of kanzashi and other accessories.  Nezuko's pink ribbon is lost among the cheap shiny trinkets but he knows it is there and that is all that matters.
     He pushes himself upright and adjusts his singular nice kimono, pulling back the collar and tightening his obi until it's uncomfortable.
     "Let's go." He murmurs to himself and leaves the dim empty room where his entire world sleeps quietly.

     He bows to the Madam who grunts at him dismissively, "Waribihime-oiran asked for you."
     "Yes, Ma'am."
     He starts though the halls heart already in his ears, Waribihime-oiran is terrifying and she only asks for him when she wants someone to pick on with zero consequences.
     He doesn't even notice the customer that passes him in the hall as he worries and bustles on.

     "Waribihime-oiran-sama?  May I come in?"
     "Yes, Tanjiro-chan."
     He swallows dryly and steps in, eyes cast downwards.
      "What can I do for you, Waribihime-oiran-sama?"
     "Come here Tanjiro."
     He walks forward quietly as his heat pounds louder and louder in his ears.
     "Give me your hand, boy." She spits the word like a curse and he holds out a shaking hand already knowing what is coming.
     He chokes on a cry, mewling softly as she dunks his hand in the steaming tea laid out before her.
      "Speak up, boy!  It's improper of a lady to mumble!  Not that you would know." She snickers as he sucks in a shaky breath as his eyes threaten to water.

     "I'm sorry, Waribihime-oiran-sama.  Thank you, Waribihime-oiran-sama."

     She yanks his hand back out of the hot water as he pinches his lips together as she digs her nails into his burnt skin.
     "Do you see this, Tanjiro-chan?  Do you see these disgusting calluses?  You are the antithesis of attractive.  The opposite of beauty.  You are a disgrace on this house and the only reason the Madam allowed your raggedy self across the threshold was pity." She hisses and digs her nails deeper.
     Tanjiro winces and nods shamefully, "Yes, Waribihime-oiran-sama."
     "Sit, now."
     He drops into a seiza before the beautiful woman and flinches when she throws something in his face, he blinks down at the hard object as his nose aches.
     A sheathed carving knife sits in the cup of his lap.
     "Honor the house that brought you sanctuary.  Cut off those disgraceful calluses.
     "Y-yes, Waribihime-oiran-sama."
     His voice warbles as he raises the knife in shaky hands unsheathing it slowly as the woman's eyes bore into his skull, he swallows thickly and places the blade against the edge of the largest callus on his palm.  The edge is sharp, cutting into his skin as soon as he applies enough pressure.
     He winces as the first bead of blood appears.  Then, readies himself to make the swipe, to get it over with as quickly as possible.  He gasps as the door slides open suddenly.
     "Pardon the intrusion!  Tanjiro!  The Madam wants you!  Immediately!"
     He looks up at the girl, shaking horribly as he pulls the knife away from his palm, able to smell the oiran fuming.
     He places the knife down and bows deeply, "Pardon me, Waribihime-oiran-sama." He whispers to the floor before rushing from the room and following the girl as his rabbiting heart pounds in his ears.

     "Tanjiro!  There you are!  You have a customer!"
      "A- customer..?"
     "Yes, daft boy!  A customer.  He asked for you specifically!"
     "Are you sure?  By name?"
     "No, foolish boy!  He asked for our red haired girl!  I have not another worker with red hair!"
     "Did- well did you tell him I'm- you know..."
      "Of course I did!" She sighs and blows another puff of smoke.
      "He's still asking!  And he looks expensive so hurry up, you lazy boar!"
      "Yes, ma'am!"

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