Sci Fi Cowboy-Bebop/Trigun inspo

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The Pillars of the DSC come back down to earth to crack down on the organized crime that has been attacking tourists. They run into a group of children, a large group of children, the only adults are two men who squabble like toddlers and a red haired man who holds the entire group together with kind smiles and gentle hands
Crisis ensues!


Crime syndicates are relatively popular in an abandoned world.

'The law has long left this place.' Tanjiro tells himself to soothe his worries as he counts down the seconds until the armoured car is due to blow into smithereens.

It's only been 40 years since humanity discovered hyperspace. 34 since Terra or Earth 2.0 was discovered, formally known as Angeles-D10053. But it only took the world's well off months to leave this dying planet, the one they killed with their very own hands. And then goverments around the world leaned into it, and starting sending thousands and then millions of pilgrims to their New World. Eager to monopolize new land to destroy.

Then he runs out of numbers and there's a deafening crash.
Tanjiro along with several of the kids that he took in after the first few plant implosions take off towards the still burning remains.

"Onii-chan! How long till they know?!"
"It was due to arrive in 12 minutes, it will take them 7 to get here on bikes."
"So 19?" The grubby blonde boy named Kaito calls back.
"That's not a lot of time!!" Hennessy and yells back, brushing one of her faded green box braids out of her face.
"It's not." He agrees booting a smoking piece of car door out of the way.
"For all this anyway."

Kaito whispers a soft yes and aims straight for a crate labeled "Cur./Soup"
"They could write out soup but the couldn't write out curry?" Rita snorts ducking under Tanjiro's arms and helping the shorter boy drag the crate out of the smoking rubble.
"Hennessy, grab that crate of bread, it shouldn't be too heavy." He instructs hefting a box of dehydrated milk into one shoulder and ducking down again to grab a pack of vitamin water by it's rings.

Kaito and Hennessy work together to load larger crates one by one into the trailer hooked up to a beat up suburban that Zenitsu drove up behind them.
"Hey! Nii-chan! Whassis?" Rita yells as he grunts and shoves a box of dried fruits into the far back of the trailer where it will be safest.
"I don't know, what's it say?"
Tanjiro jogs over swiftly, brushing some shrapnel off it's lid and hooking his hands under it's sides, he grunts when it's far heavier than expected.
"Wait, here! It's not a word though..."
Tanjiro glances over to where she's looking at it's side. A scribbly doodle of a flower is all there is.
Tanjiro has a sneaking suspicion this might've a very lucky find.

"Rita, give me a hand. This is important."
"Huh? Why? Flowers?"
"I'll tell you later, keep an eye out for any more of this."
Rita looks at him suspiciously but helps him with the other side of the box.
"Crap! What is in here?!"
"Something dense." He grunts and starts walking back towards the trailer. Distantly he hears bike engines.
"Damnit! Kaito, Hennessy, in the car! Zenitsu start the engine!"

Rita yelps when he ducks her head towards the car the second they shove in the box and he takes off back for the remains.
"Huh?! Nii-chan! Hey!!!"

He grunts as the engines get louder and the suburban starts up behind him. He hefts a crate labeled "Dry Meat" under one arm and traps a second with "Beans" scrawled across it's lid between his hip and other elbow.
Both are tossed into the trailer, he slams the gate close and fumbles with the lock for a second too long, a bike comes roaring round the corner.

"DRIVE!!" He slams one hand into the side of the trailer with a resounding bang and tires start squealing.

"WAIT! Zenitsu-san stop!!! Aniki isn't inside!!!" Hennessy screams shoving her head out the long broken out window.
She gasps as Tanjiro waves at her from his perch ontop of the flower crate, loading a fresh magazine into his singular handgun. Everyone else has a few to their name, backups and such. But Tanjiro has never been fond of guns. So he lines up and takes care as he aims for axles, wheels and anything explosive.

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