The First Rule of being Izuku's Friend

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      "The first rule about being friends with Izuku, is that you don't tell Izuku or anyone else you're his friend!" When Ochako pointed her finger in his face and declared that like it was a way of life,

Hitoshi was immediately concerned and even more weirded out.

     Turns out Izuku reacts negatively to people just saying they're his friend.  Why?  Still being investigated.
     But when Tenya called Izuku 'my good friend' and was asked to clarify and the proceeded to do so Izuku managed to completely avoid him for a solid two and half weeks, this obviously devastated the off brand transformer.
     Ochako was hired to get Izuku to talk to Tenya, no one really expected her to come in with a flailing Izuku bobbing near the ceiling and a rope tied to his ankle like he was a glorified balloon but this is Ochako we're talking about.

     They talked it out and Izuku said he didn't like being titled as a friend, it made him feel uncomfortable.  Tenya was very apologetic and asked what Izuku would like him to call him.
     "Classmates??? That's what we are right?  I mean, you're super nice but we're not... friends..." he whispered the word like it was a filthy cursed thing, and everyone very suddenly realized that Izuku did not understand what it was like to have friends.

Basically just fluff of people being as nice to Izuku as possible and trying to get him to understand the ✨✨✨power of friendship✨✨✨and him being oblivious as shit.

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