Chapter 24 - epilogue

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A/N: Finally this story came to an end! For infos about my future plans on Wattpad read the A/N at the end of the chapter :)


Yeosang was closing the bakery for the day, even though it was only early in the afternoon. He looked around on the street, then returned to the shop smiling to himself.

It was a month after they defeated Rothbart and got rid of the dark magic in the enchanted forest.

The elves were back to their real selves. San and Wooyoung were inseperable again. Seonghwa got back his powers (although he needed a few days to recover fully) and was ruling the forest again with Hongjoong's help. Mingi was back to his cheerful, crazy, loud self.

Beomgyu finally left the tree he lived in. Yunho helped him cleaning and re-organizing the books and now the tree was opened up as a library. Beomgyu also had visitors, like his old friends Jeonghan and Jungkook. Even Jungwon visited the troll once in his free time.

In the village it seemed as if time had stopped when Yeosang left. He found his brother and father consoling each other next to the oven in the kitchen when he finally stepped in the bakery again. He told them the story from the beginning to the very end. To say it was unbelivable is the least, but after meeting the Fairy King and Prince Jongho, his family would believe anything. I think we would all be like that. They were really proud of him.

The villagers still lived their best lives. Jeongin and his friends BooSeokSoon still loved pranking people. Minho and Seungmin ended their relationship for real. Minho was now with Jisung while Seungmin - to everyone's surprise - started seeing the farmer's son, Hyunjin.

But I know what everyone's most curious about. So yes, Yeosang and Jongho got together after the adventures in the enchanted forest. Jongho came to a compromise with his mother, that he'll marry Yeosang and take over the kingdom soon. The queen obviously approved as she became fond of Yeosang, just like how Yeosang's father liked Jongho. Speaking of...


The doorbell rang signaling someone entered the shop. Yeosang turned around and faced his prince. He smiled widely as he ran into his arms. Jongho wasted no time kissing Yeosang passionately. Yeosang put his arms around his lover's neck as he kissed him back.

'Khm' someone cleared their throat. They pulled away from the kiss. 'The two of us are still painfully single here' motioned Chan to him and Kai.

'Sounds like your problem' Jongho was quick to respond. Chan rolled his eyes but smiled.

'Good to see you again Yeosang, by the way.'

'Hey, Yeo, did you borrow my shirt... again...?' Yeosang's brother, Taehyun entered the store but his eyes caught up on something... or someone. Kai looked back at Tae equally as stupidly.

'I didn't. It's in the laundry' answered Yeosang Tae's question who just nodded dumbfounded.

'Please, introduce us' asked Chan smirking. Yeosang chuckled as he looked at the two youngers still staring at each other.

'This is my little brother, Kang Taehyun. Tae, these are Jongho's friends, Bang Chan and Huening Kai' Yeosang motioned. Tae snapped out of his trance and stuttered something, then rushed to the back of the shop with a red face. Chan was the first one to burst out in laughter.

'Kai, we need to have a serious discussion about your opinion on love at first sight!' he slapped Kai's shoulder. 'We'll be back in the castle. Don't stay out for too long. Oh and use protection!' he shouted as he pulled Kai out of the shop.

'He'll never get bored of this, won't he?' sighed Yeosang.

'Think about it, him and Mingi would get along quite well.'

'I can't believe that I couldn't silence my brother all these years but one look from Kai managed to do it' Yeosang whined. Jongho chuckled.

'Are you ready to go?'

'Of course' Yeosang put his apron on the stool and was about to leave the bakery.

'Just a second, lovebirds!'

They turned around to see Mr Kang standing in the doorway.

'Try these' he shoved a plate of pastries in front of them. 'I need to find out what to bake for the wedding.'

'Dad, the wedding is still not scheduled' reminded him Yeosang as he took a cupcake and shared it with Jongho.

'Then tell me, young man' Yeosang's dad turned towards Jongho who gulped. 'What flavor should be the wedding cake?'

Yeosang groaned at that but Jongho just smiled at the baker.

'Make it however you'd like sir. I'm sure it will be delicious anyways.'





'Mingi I swear to god-'



When nothing happened, Yunho slightly opened one of his eyes. The unicorn stood in front of the tiny boy with a pout.

'You thought I was gonna shove you in the lake? You're my best friend! I know you are afraid of drowning!'

'Mingi I'm sorry I was just so scared' teared up Yunho and hugged the unicorn's neck tightly.

'They are here!! Yeosang, Jongho!! Guess what! Seonghwa and Hongjoong are dati-'


'Aw come on!'

'Ignore him' Seonghwa scratched his nape as he floated towards Jongho and Yeosang. 'It's good having you guys back.'

'Of course. I promised Beomgyu I'll teach him some cupcake recipes. That are actually edible' mumbled Yeosang the end.

'And I told Mingi I'll race him with my horse' chuckled Jongho. 'But what's with you and Hongjoong dating?' he smirked. Seonghwa blushed.

'We are kinda together since the incident. They just found out now and Wooyoung won't shut up about it.'

'I'm sure he is as happy for you guys as we are' Yeosang smiled, his eyes looking for Wooyoung. The elf was now sitting on Mingi's back together with San. 'He is just... special.'

'They are all special' agreed Seonghwa, looking at his elves with eyes full of love. 'And you guys are special too' he looked back at the couple. 'We can't thank you enough for saving us... Chosen One.'

'You can thank us by coming to our wedding' Yeosang smiled at Jongho. 'And by never ever calling me Chosen One again. I'm done with that shit for the rest of my life.' Seonghwa laughed at that.

The forest was back to its original condition. Rothbart's part of the forest started blossoming again and his dark castle was turned into a shelter where everybody could have fun and meet new faces. Rothbart became nothing more than a bad memory. They haven't heard about Omen since then, they were probably on their way on a boat towards the overseas kingdom, whether as a bear or as themselves, well, who knows?

Finally everything was back to normal. And they lived happily ever after.

'And when will I be a godfather?'



A/N 2.0: Well, the story is ending here. Thank you so much for reading!! We're at almost 300 reads when I'm writing this, which is still a mystery to me, I never thought anyone would actually read this!

As for my plans, well, originally I just wanted to write this story out of my system, but I actually really enjoyed writing it, and it looks like you liked it too, so guess what, I'll continue my journey as a Wattpad author! I have a few ideas in my drafts, I want to rewrite more fairy tales with ships (which we all know I'm going to hell for), so stay tuned, and I'll update you here about my next book! It will be a Seventeen fanfic as they are my favourite group ever. I have a few chapters already written, so I'll start as soon as I can and maybe try to continue with the daily updates?

Anyways, this is me signing out.

Bye guys, thank you for reading!


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