chapter 6

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We got to Mark's house and he carried me inside as I was about the sleep.

"alarm clock "I mumbled before I fell asleep and Mark nodded then he hugged me and fell asleep.

The next morning we woke up and Mark was still sleeping so I decided not to wake him up instead I left him a text and headed for work, before I left though I couldn't resist the temptation I kissed his forehead before I left and he mumbled something in Spanish.

I got to work right on time and looked at the schedule and sighed because I had to review the pictures from yesterday, so I loaded them on the computer and stared at them before I finally decided to send two of them to the manager for approval.

A few minutes later someone got in my office and I looked up "hey Isabella, I got your email the pictures you chose are amazing and I am looking forward to more photo shoots"Steve said and left then I got a text from Mark and I smiled at the text.

I got home a little late and changed my clothes to my pajamas and made warm chocolate for me and turned on the TV. I was lost in the thoughts when I heard the doorbell so I just opened up.

"Hey, you know yesterday I realized I don't know your name "neymar said coming in and I turned around in disbelief "didn't expect me "he smirked and I shoot him a deadly look "my name is Isabella "I answered and sat down "good I'll call you Bella "he said we stayed there silent until my phone buzzed and he got a text.

"who's it from? "I asked getting back to the couch "it was Ashley, she is my girlfriend and you "neymar said and I felt even more jealous "its was Mark he wanted to know if I have any allergies "I answered "good to know, so he is your boyfriend now "he asked getting up "well I don't know just yet I guess I will find out tomorrow "I said smiling "great, I actually have to go, I want to take a shower I came here right after practice but I guess you knew that since Mark called you "he said and left. I texted Mark until it was really late and thank God tomorrow was Saturday because I fell asleep while he texted me.

When we were young (neymar jr fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now