chapter 9

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I drove over to the shopping center and found Spencer waiting for me "hey sorry I am late "I said and she smiled at me "so tell me who is this guy you have a date with, I mean I know you and you only go shopping on special occasions and judging by the look on your face you are going on a date, Bae "I rolled my eyes at her "you actually know ne better than I know myself "I said as we walked in some store.

I ended up buying a black dress which revealed my back and some black heels.

Mark was to pick me up at 7 pm so I began my preparations. My doorbell rang and I let Mark in, then I remembered that Mark still had my keys so he wouldn't bother knocking so I turned around and saw Neymar sitting on my couch "what are you doing here? "I asked looking at him "you know you should check who knocks on your door I could have been "he started but I cut him off "don't tell that I already know it, what do you want? "I asked him as he followed me to my bedroom and sat on my bed "fuck "I mumbled as I tried to zip my dress "what happened to you? "neymar said helping me zip my dress "I had a feeling of deja vu "I admited to him who nodded I looked at my phone and saw that it was already 6:55"neymar I have to go what do you want? "I asked him as I was quite angry at him "Oh Mark didn't mention it? "he asked and left but I followed and grabbed him "didn't mention what? "I asked and you could see that I was angry "well, I convinced Mark to have a double date with me and my girlfriend "he said and grabbed my hand "we'll be late "he winked at me and I just sighed when I got in his audi "well you must have chemistry with her "I said looking at a pack of condoms "yeah those where here since the second day I had this car and no I don't really have chemistry with her, mind putting that inside there "he asked and I looked at him in disbelief "there is absolutely no way I'm touching this "I said emphasizing on every word "ok then "he said and opened a small cupboard and shoved it in, then he accidentally touch my thigh and I jumped a little and my muscles tensed "yeah still the same old you "neymar said smiling.

We reached the restaurant and found Mark and Ashley waiting for us "it's his fault, and I am so going to kill you for agreeing to that "I whispered the last part making sure only Mark heard it "don't like my company huh "neymar asked siting down next to me "so where is Ashley and Mark again? "I asked getting nervous "and shouldn't you be sitting next to your girlfriend? "I asked him "Mark and Ashley have gone to the restroom to wash their hands and have you ever been on a double date before "he chuckled making me look at him "no I haven't "I answered and removed his hand from my chin and he didn't object to that "Bella, I'm sorry for hurting you, once again and thought that if you wouldn't apologize I should that is why I convinced Mark to do this he sees it more of my chance to apologize to you than a date and by the way you sit opposite to your date "he said and I nodded "you know Mark is way more experienced than you are "he said and I looked at him not understanding what he meant "your skin on your thighs is way too soft and sensitive and that proves that you haven't had any kind of interaction just yet "he said and I blushed because he was right about it "yeah I only had one boyfriend in my life and we never really did anything "I admited and he looked shocked "nothing not even him touching your thigh like I did "he almost yelled and I gave him a look to keep his voice down "no not even that "I said looking at him "I need to rephrase my sentence, Mark is wayyyy much more experienced than you "he said emphasizing on way "really, well is that a good thing or not "I asked at him but he didn't answer because Ashley and Mark were back.

We finished dinner and I got up "where are you going "Mark asked when I got up "I want to wash my hands after dinner "I smiled at Mark "can I join you? "neymar asked I nodded but then I sighed.

When we got in the bathroom I looked at him "well the place where you can wash your hands is mutual except the bathroom "neymar explained as I started washing my hands "you know for any other girl who is inexperienced Mark is a good thing but I can't decide whether he is going to be good for you or not "neymar said when I dried my hands and he came closer and I took a few steps back until he grabbed me to prevent me from falling "water behind you would slip, let me teach you at least some basics "he whispered "like what? "I asked him and he kissed me and slid his tongue in my mouth and played with mine but generally he had dominated every part of my mouth since my mind slowly went blank and I closed my eyes and enjoyed it then he pulled off letting me breathe and I gasped for air "you are a good kisser "I admited looking down "that was just the beginning Bella "he whispered "call me tomorrow I still have a lot to teach you "he said and left me alone in the restroom as I tried to make my face and body temperature go back to normal.

"hey sorry I'm late "I said when I got out "it's ok now shall we go "Mark proposed and we all agreed then Mark took out his wallet and so did neymar "no man I organized this no one of you is going to pay "Mark said and neymar didn't object to that either, as he put his wallet back he touched my thigh and he reached near my panties and I tried to take his hand off but he objected to that so I gave up since I didn't want to fight him in front of his girlfriend.

We paid for dinner and we left I left with Mark and he drove me home. "thank you Mark for arranging this, it really means a lot to me "I said looking at his eyes "it was nothing, now I don't like scaring you so here are your keys "he said and kissed me and slid his hand under my dress, Neymar was right he was much more experienced than I am ever going to be "Mark I have to work and I am quite tired "I lied I could stay at least two more hours away but I needed to find an excuse to escape this.

When I got I heard him drive off so I fell into an unpeaceful sleep

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