chapter 25

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"Spencer you won't believe this" I almos yelled the next day when I called her.

" What is so important that has to interupts my slumber?" she asked in a sleepy voice and I chuckled when I heard her.

" Tomorrow I'm leaving and I'll go to Brazil for the copa America and all" I said and I knew she rolled her eyes.

" Yeah so?" she asked and I smiled.

" You remember I told you about that guy Neymar right?" I asked and I felt her nod when she said yes.

" Well he asked me out" I said and she shrieked.

" No way, ugh why can't I have a love life like you do?" she groaned and I smiled. After we were talking for about two hours I had to pack my suitcase and I never had to make such a tough decition in my life. What am I going to bring with me.

After I looked at my closet I decied to take everything with me, but the suitcase didn't fit all of my clothes so I decided to take the most important ones. I took a deep long breath when I was done and I decided to take another bag with me for my hair brush, make up and everything that had to do with my phone and laptop.

I checked my phone and realized that I have a missed call from Neymar so I had to call him back. I didn't though since I wanted to take a shower in order to relax my muscles and I had to eat something otherwise I would starve.

" Hey Isabella" he said in the most cheerful maner making me smile.\

" Hello Neymar Junior" I said and he laughed, making me roll my eyes.

" Guess who managed to convince your boss to let you come with me instead of taking a plane?" he said and he did sound like a little kid.

" You did?" I was sure that he did it but it somehow sounded like a question so I rolled my eyes at myself.

" Of course, it was me" he said and I felt him smile in the most idiotic way ever.

" Anyway I wanted to tell you that we will have to leave in two hours, but that was the first time I called you so now you have half an hour" he said and hung up before I could protest. I contemplaited on calling him back but I concluded that I would waist my time so I put on my gray sweatpants and a t-shirt.

I groaned when I looked at my hair in the mirror since I didn't have enough time for me to dry them and Neymar was constantly texting me how much time I have left. I groaned knowing I had five minutes so I just dried them as much as I could with a towel.

" You took a shower?" Neymar asked squinting in confution and I just rolled my eyes.

" Yes, I took one before I called you" I said and he smiled grabbing my suitcase and I was about to object when he put his index finger on his lips telling me to be quiet.

We reached the airport and they let us in immediately and Neymar grabbed my hand, thus making me walk faster. We got out and the cold wind hit me sending shivers through my body.

A few seconds later I saw and airplane and he took my hand again and we bega walking toward it. So much for relaxing my muscles, I thought to myself since every single muscle in my body ached.

" Ugh" was all I could magane when I sat down on one of the chairs and it was comfortable.

" Why did you take a shower again?" he asked looking me but I just closed my eyes.

" I wanted to relax my muscles but they're tense again" I said and I gathered all the stength left in me in order to catch my hair up in a ponytail.

At some point I felt Neymar come closer to me and he wrapped his hands around my body, he whispered something incomprehencesible and I drifted into a peaceful sleep  

When we were young (neymar jr fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now