chapter 27

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I went to my room after I left Bellas room, I also took a shower since I was sweaty and I wanted to smell nicely. The shower took me longer than expected since I just stood there thinking about my life with Isabella, god her name was so beautiful, just like her.

I texted Rafa to come to my room and help me pick out an outfit for tonight. But she said she couldn't since she was helping Bella get ready but I couldn't know what it was, I sighed looking at my closet for something proper other than jeans. Jeans, that's the most formal thing Bella would wear when we were hanging out.

I smiled to myself as I remember her denial to wear a dress, still, though, I get the feeling she doesn't like them. As I put on some black pants and a white shirt I realized I haven't ever really wear a dress, at least willingly.

I picked up the car keys from the couch on the living room and I waited for Bella. Soon I got bored and I texted Rafa.

" Are you ready?" I asked and left my phone next to me, after a few seconds I felt it buzz so I checked it.

" Get ready to be stunned" that was all the text said and when I look up I saw her at the top of the stairs with her hair braided to her left side, wearing a crimson red dress which wasn't too short nor too long, but boy did she look like an angel in that dress. Her make up wasn't anything fancy other than her eyeliner that made her eyes even more beautiful, if possible, I was staring at her untill she cleared her throat and I snapped out of my thoughts.

" You...look amazing" that was all I could manage since I was at loss of words when it came to decribing all that fiery breeze around her that could set somebody on fire.

" Thanks" she said with the warmest smile ever and I think I was set on fire by that girl.

I opened the car door for her and she got in and sighed as she closed her eyes and relaxed, trying to sit in a ladylike position. Getting in the same car with her will be a terrible idea, I thought to myself as I got in and I saw her sitting there with her legs crossed, her eyes closed and her face was dimly lit by the lights outside.

I tried to keep my eyes on the road for both of our sakes but I wanted to hold her hand so badly, when I stopped at a red light I turned and looked at her, her eys were open but she didn't pay attention to me, she paid attention to the road looking at the scenery.

" If I could I would give you all the stars" I said taking her hand and she turned her attetion to me, she blushed a little and I think I just died again, I started driving again and I only had one question how can a human being look so gorgeous in both a dress and sweatpants?

We arrived at the restaurant and a waiter showed us our table , it was outside and I picked it on purpose since it would be a warm night and not many people decide to eat outside so there aren't so many lights and there isn't any noise that could possibly ruin that night for me and Bella.

" So what will you pick for dinner?" I asked eagerly since I had already decided what I wanted.

" No clue" she answered looking up from the catalog so I took it from her hands and she frowned.

" Have you ever had, risoto?" I asked with an idiotic smile as she shook her head no so I just smile and she sighs knowing that I would order risoto for her.

" So anything unimaginable that occured while I wasn't around" I asked paying close attention to her movements.

" No not really, besides the fact that I wanted to wear a dress" she laughed and I just smiled as I noticed her features.

The waiter brought our dishes and I just started eating without asking Bella if she liked it, but I couldn't resist it was so great.

" This risoto is so divine" I said and she giggled as she started eating too.

" I know, you should have seen you face when it arrived" she smiled taking a sip from her wine.

After we had the time of our lives with the risoto making fun of each other, there was this silence between us but I couldn't help it, i wanted o admire her as much as posible because I might never see her wear a dress again.

After I thought about it I decided that it was now or never, I would make her mine now or I would never do it, but what if she said no, that was my only fear that I would have to overcome, besides we are together.

" Isabella, you are the most beautiflu creature on earth that has ever existed" I satretd coming closer to her and she looked confused.

" I probably have had a crush on you since the day we met and yes we might be a lot different but I can't help it, oposites do attract each other after all" I said and pulled out a box from my hand and she looked very confused by now which scared me even more.

" Bella will you mary me?" I asked opening the box and she sighed with a hurt look in her eyes which scared me to the point where I was about to have a heart attack.

" Ney, I can't mary you" she said and you could hear it in her voice that she was hurt.

" Yes I can not disagree with you that we've known each other for ages, but let's now forget that I lost my memory and I didn't even know you were my friend, yes I might remember now but the memories don't feel like they're mine anymore you know it feels like I've lived them but when I think back it just feels like I was just observing. I'm sorry I can't do it" she said and it broke my heart into a million pieces, I almost cried but she had a pretty good point. I got up cleaned my pants from the minimal amount of dust they had on, I payed the bill and we left.

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