chapter 21

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I went home and changed to my pajamas as I called Spencer.

"Hey want to come over I need someone to talk to "I said and she hung up, I immediately realized that she was on her way.

After I changed I looked for a movie to watch or a tv series but there was nothing.

"Hey Spence "I said and she smiled giving me a hug.

"I missed you and I need to tell you something "I said and she pulled off.

"I'm listening "she said and I sighed sitting next to her.

After I told her the whole story, from the first time I saw him until today I had already had 2 glasses of wine and Spencer looked at her feet.

"Well I don't know what to say, I mean from the way you described him he kind of sounds like a player "she finally said and I nodded.

"Well I guess that the football player is a player "I said and she gigled, probably because of the wine she had.

"Come on I'll help you get to bed" I said and she kept giggling.

"Bella you should know that guys like him will only break your heart and then you will come home crying your eyes out for someone who doesn't deserve it " Spencer said and she lied down, I went to brush my teeth and by the time I went back Spencer was already in the middle of my bed so I went to sleep on my couch.

I was about to fall asleep when my doorbell rang so I was forced to go and check who it was at 3 in the morning.

"What do you want? "I whispered opening the door, he just stood there not saying anything like a predator waiting for it's victim to come outside so that it can rip their throats.

"What do want? "I asked getting out and being careful not to slam the door.

"I just wanted to say that I'm planning on breaking up with Ashley so that we can be together" he said and I sighed.

"At 3 am? You have nothing better to do at 3 in the morning than getting your ass here and telling me that? " I asked and he shook his shoulders bitting his lip.

"How are you even sure that you feel about me that way huh? How are you so sure that this isn't just the hormones of seeing me again or because I couldn't remember you? "I questioned again and I could see that he was starting to doubt his feelings for me and I sighed.

"Look tomorrow I have to go to work and I need to get some sleep, go to sleep clear your head and then you can make such decisions ok? "I said and he nodded, I smiled a little and went back inside.

When we were young (neymar jr fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now