chapter 16

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"Mark you need to tell them that you didn't have sex with me "I told him and he looked down like he expected to hear something else.

"Mark what do you want me to do, as long as everyone thinks I had sex with you I'm not forgiving you "I said and he finally looked at me.

"but Bella I swear I love you "he finally said and I struggled not to cry "that is a lie because if you had really loved me you wouldn't sleep around "I said emotionlessly and left.

When I got in I found the restroom, got in and cried. When I calmed down and my eyes looked human, I got out.

I found the locker rooms easily and when I got in Mark wasn't there.

"Bella where is Mark? "Dani asked looking at me and I avoided his gaze "we talked outside and I told him to go change and that I would be here in a second so I guess he is still outside "I said and I realized that my voice sounded broken so I tried to drown my tears but I couldn't do so.

"Hey what's going on with you guys? "Dani asked siting on the floor where I was.

"he is cheating on me, the Scratches you saw weren't mine, we never had sex "I said and everyone gasped and I cried even harder.

"And he admitted that the day my father died "I said and cried but I soon left and ran outside.

There I cried and noticed that it was raining but I didn't care a few minutes later neymar came and huged me from behind and kissed my neck to give me shivers he knew that was the only thing that could take my mind off things.

"on the bright side, the weather matches my mood "I said and looked up to the grey sky. "no it doesn't, your mood is being happy and smiling, not crying "neymar said hugging me tighter. "I guess you are right but I can't help it he actually admited it the day my father died like it was the most normal thing in the world "I said and took a few deep breaths.

"well if that is going to make you feel better, the guys are scolding Mark inside for what he did and he doesn't seem to regret it "he said and I got up.

"well then let's go attend it plus I think I have left my purse there "I said and walked next to him.

"On the contrary I believe she looks pretty when she cries "Mark yelled when he saw me get in on grabbed me firmly from the wrist "Mark think clearly, because you are hurting me "I told him but he didn't listen.

"did I have sex with you or not "he asked dryly grabbing my wrist even harder and I controled the pain until I couldn't do otherwise but scream a little from the pain. "you are hurting me let go "I told him trying not to collapse from the pain "and no we didn't have sex and if you keep acting like that we never will either "I said and he let go and I noticed it was bruised and it hurted like hell.

"I should better leave "I said and got out and waited for neymar near his car.

"Hey can I see your wrist please "Neymar asked causing me to lift my head I thought about it for a second and he took my hand softly and touched one of the bruises "ouch "I screamed in pain and he let my hand go quickly "I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you "he said looking hurt too "it's ok you didn't know it would hurt that much "I said and got in his car.

"can you take me to my house please I miss my bed "I smiled and he nodded looking at the road.

"and we have reached our destination madam "he said winking and I smiled and kissed him but I pulled off "sorry I forgot you had a girlfriend, good night "I said and left before I could blush.

When I got in my house and tied my wrist with a small bandage, then I got to sleep because today was a stressful day.

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