chapter 18

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I went to work and I took a look at today's schedule and I sighed there were many photoshoots to be done and I just took my camera and he headed for the place.

The shoot was done and I was looking at the pictures are I received a text message.

"Hey care to grab coffee with me this afternoon, at Starbucks, my treat "it was from Neymar, he always knew how to cheer me up and I smiled.

"Sure how about 6 pm is it convenient? "I replied and I kept on looking at the pictures.

I went home and checked my phone for any new messages but there were none so I took a shower.

It was quite late when I got out of the shower and I checked my phone but still no answer, so I decided that he changed his mind and I put on my pajamas.

I was watching TV when the doorbell rang and I opened the door without looking who it was.

"And still I could be a serial killer "I heard him say and he gigled.

"Hello to you too "I turned around and smiled as Neymar gasped when he saw my hand.

"The fuck? "he asked shocked and I laughed.

"Almost broken I will have this for two weeks "I said and he nodded.

"Well what is this get dressed I'm taking you to Starbucks "he said and he grabbed me like I was a bag and went to my room.

"Here wear these "he said handing me some clothes and I smiled and went in the bathroom to change.

"Great let's go "he said and I frowned.

"Why the rush? "I asked and he winked and smiled.

"You'll see "he said and I sighed and got in his car.

We got to Starbucks quite fast and he opened the door for me and we walked over to Starbucks and ordered.

He sat next to me and I sipped from my chocolate and I almost screamed because it was hot

"honestly your luck sucks " Neymar exclaimed and I rolled my eyes.

"So why the rush? "I asked again crossing my legs and looked at him.

"You'll see "he said and he kissed my cheek and I shook my head and sighed.

We finished drinking our chocolate and he paid for them and we got in his car and he drove off.

When we were young (neymar jr fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now