Chapter 16

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Amada POV

I slowly opened my eyes, the lights blinding me. I knew I was in the hospital, I could already tell. My arm had an I.V. and different areas of my body were bandaged. I definitely had a cast on my right leg and there was a horrible pain in my chest. I had an awful pounding in my head as well as a weird ticking in my nose. 

I felt like I was dying. 

I squinted my eyes, trying to avoid the lights above my head. I glanced around the room subtly, noting I was in my own hospital room, and didn't have to share with anyone else. I didn't see anyone in my room currently either. 

Instead of being logical, which, in my defense was difficult with a pounding head, I crept my fingers to the I.V. in my arm. 

Maybe I was dying, but I wasn't going to die in this hell hole. 

Ignoring the pain that sprung to life in my right shoulder, I wrapped my fingers firmly around the I.V., and was about to pull it out when I heard, "Don't touch that." and froze. 

Well, the good news is I am still alive, right? 

I sat up slightly, trying not to cry as my body, specifically the right side, crumpled in pain. I saw dad in the chair next to my bed. How did I not see him before?

He reached over and moved my hand away from the I.V. but before he could pull his hand away, I grabbed it, holding it in my hand. 

His eyebrows rose, maybe in surprise or something else? I don't know, I can't analyze his emotions right now. I can hardly feel half my body and my brain feels like it a has a cloud of fog running through it, making it hard to think. 

And now I'm wondering why the hell it feels so damn hard to breathe. 

I squeeze his hand as a rippling pain shocks my body and I jerk slightly. 

Once I settled again, dad let go of my hand for a moment, adjusting his chair and pulling it closer to the bed, and then took hold of my hand again. "You scared the fuck out of us." he said, his voice nearly a whisper. 

I tried nodding but knew it wasn't very successful as my eyes started closing involuntarily again. 

"Amada, wait, don't go back to sleep yet." he told me, rubbing his thumb along the back of my hand. "I'm going to call the nurse in first, okay?" 

My eyes flickered open, and I tried focusing on him but they kept going blurry, like I was coming in and out of consciousness. 

"Hey, sweetheart, stay awake for me," dad encouraged as my eyes started closing again and I was trying. I really was. But despite my efforts I couldn't stop them from closing and then I was falling out of consciousness again. 

It didn't feel like long that I was out, but when I woke again, the sun was shining in through the window. Dad had positioned himself to block it from blaring down on my face though. 

My hand was still wrapped around his, to my surprise. 

He moved some of my hair out of my face, careful not to touch my wounds and it reminded me of mom. 

Wait, where is mom? 

I tried lifting my head again, maybe even sitting up, to see if I could find her but with the pain I could hardly move. Even just lifting my head slightly sent another jerk through my body. 

As if dad knew who I was looking for he said, "She'll be here soon hopefully. She had to go get checked out." 

A confused look settled on my face. Checked out for what? She's not an item in a shopping cart and she's not single so... I'm missing the connection I guess. 

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