The Third Winter

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『••✎••』Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

Gabriel D'Angelo's P.O.V.

"We are now tuning in to ANB- KSC, this is yours truly jobel halili reporting! well who would have seen it coming? The don of the alexander chain of companies now a family man and out of commission with...mind you, with his lovely wife and cute son had been seen around having a lovely date yesterday at the aqua park" my heart swell with joy as their pictures flash on the television screen.

There was still a tinge or a shadow of pain but it was almost numb by this time.

Im not mad nor was i jealous, im happy for him, for them, but there will always be that what ifs on the back of my head whispering to me.

My heart still flutters at the small smile that the camera captures as he look at his son that is in his arm.

He always looks good smiling like that.

"Is that your friend amore?" An slim arm wrap itself around my waist, i immediately wrap an arm around her shoulder pulling her closer to ease the emptiness inside my heart.

With a small smile i nodded, my eyes leaving the screen just as their photos disappear from it.

"Yeah thats him" i softly answered.

She smile widely "i remember him, i didn't know that he's that famous" she innocently wonder out loud.

I chuckle at her innocence "he is, you just dont watch enough television and read news" i said with a hint of amusement.

She giggle as she nods her head agreeing with me cause i just stated a fact "those things are not fun at all"she said exaggerately while rolling her eyes, making me laugh airily.

She just hate technology so much, its not bad just amusing cause not everyone do.

I dont, but i dont like it either. Its okay but im not that kind of person who spend hours on it, i just like being updated about work or any important stuff specifically.

"Are you ready?" I ask her changing the topic. Her face turns sour at the mention of what we need to do today.

Theraphy. her theraphy to be specific, i am his theraphist and inside those four walls of my office she is my patient.

No special treatment or any sort of things that will get her out of how i usually talk to my patient.

She hates it but she know for a fact that she wont be getting out of it no matter how much she ask of it.

"It will get better" i told her before pressing a soft kiss on her temple.

My heart feels heavy at the mere thought of hurting my bestfriend now lover but if i dont do anything now she wont get better.

I cant lose her, i promise her late mother that no matter what i'll help her. Im not gonna break that promise.

"Love you" she whisper na para bang naglalambing as she nuzzle her face on my neck.

I smile and nod as i put my chin on top of her head gently as i rub her back softly "i love you too"

I do i love her, as my sister, as someone i can rely on, as my partner and as a friend. It might not be like how i felt with chandler but i know for a fact that i love her enough to be with her, i love her because she deserved to be love.

Chandler Alexander : Alexander's Legacy (Possesive Series : Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now