Chapter 16

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'Brendons POV'

I screamed for him but I was too late. He let himself fall of the branch he was sitting on. I was shocked and petrified.

He can't be dead. He can't die.

I sprinted as fast as I could to his dangling lifeless body. I got out my pocket knife and cut the rope. I catched him and layed him down. I got the rope of his neck and checked for a pulse. He had one but it was weak. I checked if he was breathing but he wasn't.

Panic set in.

I placed one hand under his chin and opened his mouth and closed his nose. I breathed into his mouth making his chest rise and fall. I did this a dozen of times and the more I did it the more I panicked.

He wasn't going to survive.

I did it a couple of more times and he started coughing. His eyes darted open and he franatically looked around. His eyes locked on mine and tears came pouring out of him. I engulved him into a hug and he grabbed my shirt. His head in the crook of my neck.

'W-why, w-why' he kept repreating through his sobs. Which broke my heart.

I rocked back and forth still holding him tight. I wasn't gonna let him go.

He hit my chest a couple of times. He was so angry. He didnt want to live anymore. He wanted to die so badly. I never knew. It feels like I was getting stabbed a thousand times in my heart. What could have happened to him wich made him want to die so badly.

I dont know what I would have done if I lost him. He's so precious. So awesome. But so broken.

I noticed he started to shiver which wasn't odd cause he was abnormally thin. I didnt say anything though. I took ogf my jacket and put it on him.

After a while rocking back and forth with him still in my hold I could hear his breathing even out. I looked down and he had his eyes closed. I picked him up bridal style and took him to the hotel. There wasn't anyone at the reception at night so that was good. I didnt take him to the hospital cause I know Patrick. He hates them. Other than the bruise on his neck and malnutrition he was physically okay.

I finally reached my room and with my foot I knocked on the door. Sarah opened and she gasped. Her hands immidiatly covering her mouth. Obviously shocked from what I brought with me.

I layed Patrick on the bed and the bruise on his neck was clearly showing. He looked so bad. He looked so unhealthy.

Why Patrick. Why would you do this to yourself.

'We need to get him dressed in something more comfortable, he most deffinatly can fit in your clothes now' Sarah suggested.

I grabbed a pair of pyjamas out of my suitcase and when I turned around I saw that Sarah was busy undressing him. She stopped. Like she had seen something terrible.

'What is it babe'

'He, he omg, Patrick why' she brushed his hair of his forehead. Her hand softly brushing against his cheeck.

I didnt know what she meant so I walked towards her when I saw his arm. I got sick. How could a sweet little angel like him do that do himself. Who or what fucked him up so bad. I saw that a lot of the cuts were fresh and needed to be cleaned. So while Sarah undressed him I got the EHBO kit out of the bathroom. I hurried back and grabbed his thin arms and cleaned him up. Sarah put him into a shirt and she covered him up. We both looked back at Patrick who layed passed out on the bed. We went onto the balcony and thats when I called Pete.

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