Chapter 20

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Pete's POV:

Brendon opened the door for us and I could see a tiny figure behind him move fast.


We got in and we sat down at the end of the bed. I wanted to speak up but I felt this lumb in my throat. I took a few breaths before I asked. Afraid of the answer.

'I-is he o-okay?' I managed and all Brendon did was shaking his head.

Joe asked where Trick was and Bren pointed towards the bathroom. After a few moments of silence noise could be heard from inside. And a lot of sniffling. My heart skipped a beat.

'Bren, you got something sharp in there?' He was thinking and a look of shock apeared on his face.

Enough for me.

I ran to the bathroom door and knocked a couple of times which turned into banging. I yelled for Patrick but there still was no other sound than him sniffeling.

Andy got something with which he could turn the lock of the door. The door opened and I saw a tiny distressed Patrick sitting on the ground his hands bleeding trying to get a razor apart. It was like he was in a trance. It was him and that razor. He didnt notice the door opened. He didn't notice I stood in front of him.

I crouched down and placed my hands on his shoulder.

'Patrick, patrick, Trick!' I yelled and he slowly looked up with his blue/green eyes into mine. A look of shock. A look of guilt went through him. I saw it in his eyes.

He dropped the razor and he looked down at his hands. Who were bleeding heavily.

I took a look at Patrick and my heart broke. He was nothing more than a set of bones. His hair dishelved. His arms covered in bandages and I could assume what was under it. This huge bruise around his neck. And his eyes were dull. Like Patrick wasn't really there anymore. Empty. His eyes were empty.

I let a few tears slide down my face. How haven't I noticed this. How did it come this far. I should have been there for him. What even happened.

I grabbed his hands not really caring that I got his blood on me. I started rubbing circles on the top of his hand. Letting him know I was here for him.

He looked back up to me. His eyes red and tears ready to spill. He opened his mouth, wanting to say something but he decided against it.

'Come on, lets get this cleaned' I said softly.
He looked back at his hands and realisation set in. Sobs started to rack his body and it broke my heart.

I placed his hands under the running water and I saw him cringe of pain. I got some bandaids and patched him up. Not a words was spoken between us. I was at a loss for words. I didn't know what to say to him or tell him.

I supported him out of the bathroom and I noticed it was just the two of us. I placed him on the bed and I sat in a chair facing him.

He avoided eyecontact. There were a couple of times where he was about to speak but decided not to.

I didnt know what to say. I didnt know what to ask. I wanted to ask why. What even happened but decided now was not a really good time. Maybe Elisa should come. Maybe she can help him. Why isn't she even here?

'T-trick, shall I call Elisa?' I asked.

His head darted upwarts. His eyes went big. Was it shock, was it terror, was it angst I saw? He started to shook his head violently.

'Trick what happened?' I finally found the courage. But he didnt answer. He let himself fall down on the bed and he turned his back towards me. His body shaking because of his cries.

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