Chapter 29

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Joe's POV:

We came home from the orphanage. We filled out the final addopting papers since I already been through the whole procedure for months. We were allowed to pick her up next week.

We sat on our couch with Andy laying beside me, his head on my chest.

'Babe, shall we invite Pete and Patrick to tell them the big news?'

Andy sat up and looked into my eyes. He didn't answer.

'Whats wrong Hun?'

'N-nothing' he lied, I knew he lied.

'Andy, what is it?'

'I'm just scared. I'm scared to see Trick. What if I say something wrong, what if I set him off. What if...' I paused him, putting my finger on his lips.

'Shh, Andy, you won't. Andy he's going to be fine!' I assured him and gave him a reassuring smile.

He nodded unsure and I grabbed my phone. I called Pete and he said they'll be here in an hour.


Andy's POV:

I dont know why I'm so scared to see Patrick. I want to see him but again I don't. I distant myself from him cause I dont ever want to feel like losing him again. Maybe if I'm not so emotionally attached to him anymore the pain will be less. I dont know. What if I say something and he gets upset. What if I do something and it triggers him.

I got disrupted from my thoughts when the doorbell rang.

Shit, they're here.

I'm not ready, I'm not ready. I already feel like a bad friend. Ever since the incident I hadn't seen them. I just couldn't make myself go. Joe has. Joe has gone to Pete and Patrick all the time. And everytime he returned I heard the same. Patrick always asked where I was and he looked dissapointed. It hurt but I just couldn't do it, I still can't.

I came back from the kitchen and sat down on the couch as Joe welcomed them in. Giving both of them a hug. I looked at my knees and didn't look up.

I was scared to see him.

I couldn't do it anymore and I stood up fast and ran out to the back yard. Avoiding eye contact.

I sat down at the back of our yard under a tree. My back against it and my knees up to my chest, my arms hugging them.

Why am I so pathetic. Why am I so scared.

'A-andy' I heard a small voice.

I knew who it was. I hadn't heard his voice in months. But I still didn't look up.

'A-andy p-please' he whispered as he crouched in front of me.

I slowly looked up and my eyes met him and I couldn't help but to burst out in tears. He leaned forward and hugged me, he hugged me tight and I heard him crying too.

'I'm s-so sorry A-andy!' He apologised.

'N-no I'm sorry, I should h-have been there for you, but I wasn't. I should have helped you but I didn't. I'm sorry I'm such a bad friend. W-well if w-we are still f-friends, it's just man you mean so f-freaking much to me, you're like my l-little brother and s-something in m-me broke when I s-saw you like that, I l-love you man, I'm j-just really s-sorry Tricky'

'W-what are you talking about, o-ofcourse we are still friends, and it's o-okay, it's my f-fault r-really, I'm s-sorry I did t-this to you, to t-the guys' he apologised while we parted.

'No, d-dont y-you apologize, it's not your fault Trick, it's not your fault'

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