Chapter 31

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Patricks POV:

Do they really like me, or do they just pretend. Do they enjoy spending time with me? Do they even want me to be here? Why would they, I'm only a burden. The only thing I can bring is sadness and worry. They can't like me, I dont even like me.

'Trick, Trick, why are you crying?' Pete asked as he layed his hand on his shoulder.

'I'm n-not' he really didnt notice he started crying untill Pete wiped away a tear that slipped his eye.

'Patrick whats wrong?'

'Nothing Pete! Nothing, just stop' I yelled.

'Patrick stop saying nothing is wrong. Why do you always do that. Something is wrong. I'm here for you. I worry about you. Please open up. I dont want to find you again when you almost died cause you wanted to. I dont want to find you dead when I could have maybe helped you feel a bit better. Gosh Patrick, stop being childish and open up' Pete yelled.

Patrick cringed. He cant take it when someone yells. He shrank into his shell and ran away from Pete, locking himself in his bathroom.

He is childish, he is pathetic.

He sunk to the floor and cried.

'Patrick, I'm sorry I just cant stand you being hurt and not being able to do something. Please Trick, I just don't wanna lose you, I love you Patrick, please open up. Please' he heard Pete crying.

Why does he always do this. Why does he always hurt everyone. Why do I do this. God damn. I should just keep it all to myself. Pretend everything is okay. I dont want to hurt others especially Pete.

I opened the door and Pete engulved me in his arms. Stroking my hair as I broke down against his chest.

'I'm sorry, I-i j-just dont g-get why y-you love me. W-why you put up w-with me? W-why w-would you. I j-just cause y-you pain' I cried as I grabbed his chest.


'No, no I'm j-just a b-burden. I only m-make y-you worry. I-i cant e-even do anything r-right'



'PATRICK STOP! Stop just stop okay, you are not, absolutely not a burden. You know how much it hurts us, me when you almost died. I wouldnt have known what to do without you. You are my rock my everything and you mean so so much to a lot of people. I mean you mean a lot to Joe and Andy.'


'No Patrick, no but, you are in a tough position, and we get that, we want to help you cause we want to help you. You are not a burden, not at all okay. We help you cause we love you. I love you goddamn Patrick, I love you so much why can't you see that' Pete cried.

I couldn't hold it back anymore. I caused him to hurt. I caused him to cry. Why am I like this. I just want to be happy again.

Pete held me tigther and I cried harder and so did he. I knew now that he genuinly cares about me.

'I really love you Patrick, alwayd have done, I just wish you could see that'

'I, I love you too Pete, I love you too'

Pete's POV:

Gosh I love him so much, it breaks my heart he doesn't think so. He doesnt think he's good enough or worth it to be loved.

We parted and he looked me in the eyes. I softly cupped his cheeks and our lips connected. His tongue slipped into my mouth and our tongues danced around. His hands roamed my body. His hands stopped at my belt and he franatacally tried to get it loose.

'Babe, calm down' he looked up at me with apologetically eyes but I kissed his worries away. He unbuckled my belt and he slid down my pants and underwear. He looked at me if I was okay with it so I nodded. He grabbed my member and he softly stroke it. Going up and down. My head fell backwards in pleasure and I closed my eyes. Suddenly I felt a warm and wet sensation around my member and a tongue swirling around the head. I fisted his hair and guided him. He stopped at looked up unsure.

'Am I doing okay?'

'Oh- gosh Trick, your doing perfect, gosh'

A small smile crept upon his face as he went back to what he was doing.

'Oh gosh Patrick, I'm i'm close' I panted.

He stopped and looked a bit scared.

'W-what is it?' I asked as I caressed his cheek.

'T-take me?!' He kind of asked and ordered.

I helped him undress and helped him up to his feet. We made out while stumbeling into a lot of things till we reached the bed. I layed him down and he layed down onto his stomach. I turned him around so he was facing me.

'I wanna look at you Tricky' I smiled and he returned it.

I grabbed a bottle of lube out of the nightstand and I grabbed a condom. I lubed my fingers and softly pressed it against his entrance and looked at hin for aprovement. When he granted I pushed in and he moaned. I pressed in a second and a third and I saw a tear escaping his eye.

'Am I hurting you?'

'It hurts, but ah, god go on, please, i-i need you' he panted.

I put on the condom and lined myself up as I pressed in. Him moaning in pain and pleasure. My thrust became a bit faster and I hit his prostate multiple times now earning moans from complete pleasure than pain. I grabbed his member and started pumping fast.

'Oh Pete, Pete, I' he came into my hand and because of him yelling me name in complete presure and the tightening around my member made me come as well. I fell beside him and just layed there panting. Patrick layed his head on my chest and mumbled an I love you before he passed out.

Pete smiled. Pete was content. His lover on his chest. This wasn't just sex. This was making a love.

(Sorry this took so damn long and sorry it sucks. I have a bit of writers block and I dont feel really good at the moment. My apologies if the smut makes you uncomfortable or something. I dont write it that often but i felt it was needed. Thank you for still sticking to this story!!)

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