Chapter 7

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-Emma's POV-

"The movies?" I ask confused.

The movies are all closed down and nobody works there anymore.Why would we go there I wondered.

"Yeah" Harry says smiling."I worked there in high school I could get things running again,Just for us. Anything is better than sitting around here all day."

I can feel my face go red as I smile.He would do all that for me?

"Okay I'll be done in a minute."

Harry runs upstairs to get his key and I take one last sip of my tea before heading towards the front door.

We both get in the car and drive about 10 minutes till we reach the movies.

I used to come here all the time with my friends.Its also where everyone would go on dates in middle school. I wondered how they were doing.I haven't talked to anyone in a long time.

Me and Harry drive into the parking lot and I look around in amazement.

Not a single car or person in sight.I've never seen the movie theatre empty before.

Me and Harry exit the car and start walking towards the big building.

The doors are already unlocked as if no one cared enough to lock them...or someone broke in..who knows.

"Right this way" Harry gestures me to walk as he holds the door open for me.

The big room is empty and dark.Nobody's been here in a long time.

Harry leaves me for a moment to turn on the lights

I'm almost blinded by it but my eyes slowly adjust.

He returns and together we walk towards the hallway where the screen rooms are.

"This is so cool" I say looking down the hallway in awe.

"Just wait till you see the movie."he says smiling

We enter one of the screening rooms and we sit down near the back of theatre.

"I'm gonna start the movie" Harry says getting up from his seat.

I'm left alone in the empty room for about 10 minutes till the lights dim and the movie begins.

A movie that came out about 5 years ago but I remember it well.The fault in our stars.

Harry returned moments later and sat down next to me.

"Hope you like this movie,it was the best one they had screening before everything happened."

"I love it."I say smiling at the screen.

- Harry's POV -
We sit in silence for a majority of the movie but I was barely paying attention.I was watching her the entire time.

The light from the screen shining on her face in the darkness.Pure beauty.Then her emotion changed drastically.I don't know what happened on the screen but her eyes started to tear up.

I don't know what made me do it but my hand traveled to hers and gripped it firmly to comfort her.

She turned her head to mine and she smiled through her sad emotions.

It was so nice to hold her hand.I wish I could do this all the time.We held hands for a few minutes till a scene on the screen changed the mood.They started kissing and nearing the bed.

Suddenly I felt Emma's thumb rub against my hand just like that time in the car.Slowly and gently.

I looked up at her face to see her already looking at me.

Her face could barely be seen through the darks but I could see a small smile form on her lips.Her perfect pink lips.

I couldn't help it anymore I started inching my face towards hers and she did the same.

Then our lips touched,giving me the best feeling in the world.

- Emma's POV -
I couldn't believe we were kissing.It felt so right to me.

His warm mouth against soft and light.Our lips fit perfectly together.

My body heated up quickly and I couldn't believe what we were doing.

His large hand grabbed my cheeks as the kiss became more sloppy.

His tongue slipped into my mouth with ease and found mine quickly.

I couldn't stop anything from happening now. Not that I wanted too.

I put my hands on his cheeks and began to travel down to his neck.

His hands covered my cheeks still and began to run through my hair.

A deep moan escaped his mouth and mine seconds later.

He then took one of his hands off my cheeks and it slowly trailed down to my hip. He grabbed my leg and pulled me over the arm rest and without realizing I was on his lap. He held my hips to keep me from falling off and our kiss continued.

I don't know how long we were making out for but when we stopped the movie had already ended and both of our lips were red and puffy.

We just looked at each other for a minute and smiled.Still sitting on his lap I leaned on his chest and he held me for a while.

Finally we decided it was time to go back home.We headed to the car and sat in our separate seats.The car ride was quiet but we would occasionally look at each other and smile.

When we finally reached the house we both went to our separate rooms and shut the doors.

I sat on my bed reimagining what we did at the movies.I liked it...a lot.but I don't know if he liked it. I also didn't know if this was a good idea.

I decided to write in my journal.

I wrote the date and then the only possible explanation for this in the middle of a blank page.

"I like him."

I wrote my name at the bottom the paper then shut the book. Me and Harry were going to have to talk about this.

Only seconds later I hear a light knocking on my door.

I quickly drop my notebook on the floor and kick it under my bed.

"You can come in." I say quietly

Harry slowly opens the door and steps inside my room.He doesn't walk far...just standing by the door.

"We should talk." He said

"I know"

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